Just got rejected from another job

How do you guys deal with job rejections, I just had one interview and I just got the rejection. all it did was un-motivate me. finance is looking like a meme for me

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It's so easy to apply for jobs now (LinkedIn, soical media adverts) that even getting through to the interview stage is an accomplishment. (A minor one though)

I know someone who's a junior lawyer, and their application process was murder.

You're more likely to get a job through personal contacts.

Use it as motivation toward self employment


>give up after one interview
Moms! Next time remember to swallow

Finance is Hell. The people are snakes. You work with pricks, faggots, and women. Each one a bigger gossiper than the next. If you don’t want to join in their shit talking people behind their back, they will ostracize you and become openly hostile towards you in a passive aggressive way. I am literally in hell and honestly can’t stand it much longer. I would beat the fuck out of half these pricks if they acted this way in high school. Now they have corporate HR cucks to protect them.


We just hold BZC

what is it that you do?

I work in corporate finance
Money is good but the atmosphere is toxic

how did you get employed in the first place, was it hard for you?

My mom should definitely have swallowed.

Yes very hard. Took over a year to get a job. This was seven years ago. Stayed here for so long because no one ever taught me shit so doubt I could be hired anywhere else. Just waiting to get fired desu. Probably going to start looking for a career change. Have a shitty accounting degree so don’t know what I’ll do.

I can tell you that sitting behind a desk all day is awful on its own without being despised by coworkers.

If you're going through hell...
Keep on going.

You make it in crypto and never apply for a job ever again.

>Finance is Hell. The people are snakes. You work with pricks, faggots, and women. Each one a bigger gossiper than the next. If you don’t want to join in their shit talking people behind their back, they will ostracize you and become openly hostile towards you in a passive aggressive way.

IT grunt for a bank. Can confirm.

i work in finance/accounting. i was recently laid off because of a reason that had nothing to do with my performance. i won't go into details there to avoid doxxing myself. anyways i was sending out resumes like it was my full time job. i probably sent my resume out 50-60 times to various jobs around my city and other large cities.

at the beginning of my search, i had 1 phone interview that led to an automatic rejection a few days later. i was really confused and put off by the whole process. especially because i destroyed the excel aptitude test in my opinion, and i knew that whoever was reviewing my excel work probably couldn't even understand my formulas.

anyways then i kept sending out resumes after that and getting phone interviews. i had no problem getting phone interviews i probably did 1 phone interview for every 7 or 8 resumes i sent out. but getting an actual fucking in person interview was so god damn difficult. maybe i just suck at phone conversations. i don't know.

anyways fast forward after weeks of painful rejections, i got an in person interview with a company that skipped the entire phone screening bullshit. i got the offer a few days after that and accepted it almost immediately because the comp was legit and i was approaching desperation.

then after i accepted the offer, lo and behold, companies started getting back to me and wanting more phone interviews and shit. companies that left me hanging for weeks were calling me back and i was just like fuck yall motherfuckers.

the moral of the story is that this shit is demoralizing, depressing, and miserable. focus on smaller companies that won't make you jump through 20 hoops just to get an offer. it only takes one company to see your brilliance even if the others don't user.

What did u think happened after a year, or you think you just got lucky in job placement?

>and i knew that whoever was reviewing my excel work probably couldn't even understand my formulas.
>I'm too le smart for everyone else XD
I wouldn't hire someone that is old enough to look for a job but not mature enough to capitalize their "I"s

thanks user, that helped me
i only 3xed my monopoly money, im not cut out for this

Well one thing is that I thought I had no chance of getting the job, since I had been rejected so much before, so I wasn’t quite as nervous. Also the first in person interview was with the department manager and not and HR person. This allowed for a better interview experience. My boss is one of the few nice people I work with so I sort of just got lucky.

Not bragging but I've declined 3 job offers in last 30 days. And I'm not even IT guy. I'm OD

that's convenient because i wouldn't work for anyone who corrects people's stylistic writing on Veeky Forums

a combination of getting naturally better at interviews, as well as being in the right place at the right time

KYS grammar fag.

> stylistic writing on Veeky Forums
Yur Rite itz awhl abowt the stile. Hay Bawss y u haytin mai stile?!

>I wouldn't hire someone that is old enough to look for a job but not mature enough to capitalize their "I"s

I don't know, I applied for one job and got the position.

would you guys have any job categories i would search for with a BS economics and BA actuarial science. so far i have been just applying to finance and data analysis. could use some variety but wouldn't know where to start

you can't be rejected if you stop trying.
pretty much my strategy. haven't had a rejection in years!

>How do you guys deal with job rejections
Same way you deal with other kind of rejection: keep trying until you don't get rejected

Is open mouth some kind of new Jewish hypnosis MK ultra triggering the numales instinct to self destruct?

Because each time I see this niggers open mouth I want to off ms

This. It's literally easier to start your own business.

Take your actuarial exams and be an actuary.

>being this autistic

i save time by not hitting the shift button you nancies. this is finance we are talking about and i care about efficiency not your faggot capital letters

I would have been doing that if i wanted to be in that field. BY senior year it was too late to change degrees. Thanks anyway

you're a narcissistic type who never admits a mistake and always makes some retarded justification for it no matter how absurd.

spoiler: everyone at work absolutely DETESTS people like you

tfw literally accepted a job offer today

wrong and your jealously is leaking. even if i was narcissistic, i would do much better in finance than you ever would

learn to be a manipulative sociopath.

You pathetic worm OP.

You'll get rejected a shit load before you actually land anything decent. Deal with it. Learn from it. Ask for feedback so you don't do the same next time.

Was this like your first job interview or something?

you literally just demonstrated my point idiot

narcissism is a disease where one affected is literally incapable of seeing it
seek help

Every time I've been rejected from a job it was a blessing in disguise. Fuck those companies user, you're smart and can be successful without them.

yeah and pretty much anyone in finance carries those traits. kill yourself NEET faggot

The trick is to have headhunters beg you to take some job

>and i knew that whoever was reviewing my excel work probably couldn't even understand my formulas.
>and i care about efficiency not your faggot capital letters
> i would do much better in finance than you ever would
This is textbook narcissism. If you're unable to capitalize your letters while having a high WPM you're a failure of a person. You grew up with keyboards your whole life and still can't bother to use it properly like some kind of toddler.

Not capitalizing your I's it the equivalent of going to work in your pajamas. Sure you can do the work just as fast or quicker, but you look like a fucking child.

i honestly don't care about my formatting on Veeky Forums LMAO you guys are painfully autist

i was just giving the OP some real life advice, and all you guys can focus on is my grammar. good luck in life with that approach to anything

another justification lmao

narcissists are so pathetic. so insecure they get ultra triggered whenever someone offends their shitty self-image

your posts are a beautiful example of this

jealous much? get off my dick bro

What kind of degreee should I work towards? It seems like everything is a meme these days and it's all about personal connections anyway.

At one point I just had enough and gave up the job search, now I make 50k/month daytrading crypto fulltime.

>oh no he did it again! not muh precious image!!

seriously, get help or die alone

For Job motivation

but you cant cash out


that enough capital letters for you autists?

>i honestly don't care about my formatting on Veeky Forums
Same way a turboautist doesn't care that they're playing their 3DS on the bus with the sound on.
>good luck in life with that approach to anything
>i was recently laid off because of a reason that had nothing to do with my performance.
>nothing to do with my performance
Based on your textbook narcissism I'd actually wager it had everything to do with your performance
>My numbers aren't bad your metrics are bullshit!
>I would capitalize my I's in my work emails if I didn't have to wake up so early!

>tfw no job
>no salary to invest into bitcoin now that it's low
>stuck in school

I already do

No, if you could add one more at the beginning of your fucking sentence you would look less like a retarded infant

only an autist would assume that my typing style on an anime forum is also my typing style at work. i am laughing so hard at your inability to let this go

Is it possible to learn this power?

When you're on a website where the only way to identify you is by the words you type and the way you type them I can extrapolate that to the rest of your personality. You don't feel like it's necessary to compose yourself properly here because 'it's just Veeky Forums' yet you expect people to take your 'real life advice' seriously. You're the fat guy giving fitness advice

What do you guys think is it bad for me if my next boss sees I quitted my job after ~1 year?

no i'm the recently employed guy in finance giving advice to someone who is in the position i was in a while ago.

you are the autist sitting in the corner yelling REEE and not contributing anything to the actual conversation

the trick is to have family connections, landing you a well paying job for free

Yes sure.
>always take profit
>follow TA wizards on twitter
>sit 24/7 in front of a PC
>have accounts on every major exchange
>start with like 20k to get the ball rolling

>only an autist would assume that my typing style on an anime forum is also my typing style at work
or a shrink. often both.

>i am laughing so hard at your inability to let this go

no you're not. you just wrote that to cover the obvious fact that your NPD got triggered and now you must yet again come up with more bullshit to defend your insecure weak-ass image

>stylistic writing
*writing style

I'm sorry I just can't it's like talking to a little baby

>responding with a helpful answer and not the Star Wars quote

What reason did they give? Is it legit? Are you a total faggot yet unaware of this fact? Seriously, take a minute, think about what you want, what they want, is it a match? Keep working up, you'll get there, persistence is the best medicine! If you keep banging your head against the wall, eventually you'll get through the wall!

few years ago i had a 3 person panel interview and wore a suit for a job where i would be literally picking up trash. i didnt get it.

you either go michael douglas in falling down or you laugh it off.

this 50k/year shrink is getting triggered over capitalization everyone. please clap

this is why your life is the way that it is. sorry user.

>TA wizards on twitter
One name who isn't a scammer or a guy who only talks out of his ass??

>tfw EE undegrad student
>have only had 5 interviews up till now
>first 2 interviews were just me and the interviewer having a conversation about random stuff.
>3rd interview was 1st actual interview with behavioral and technical questions
>mfw went into the interview looking for a summer 2018 internship
>mfw got offered a full time job upon graduation (decemeber 2018) during the interview
>mfw no past internships or “professional” work experience
Sometime it just takes a bit of luck

The funny thing is is that you have nothing to judge my life on, except the words I'm saying and the way I'm saying them. You have no idea what my job or living situation is, but you know that I know how to type properly. Meanwhile we can clearly tell you're a narcissistic accountant who types like an infant

My god you two are such major cunts. I'd hate to know either of you.

I've no qualms with you, boy

correcting people's grammar on Veeky Forums is probably on the list of top 10 virgin activities. i'm so sorry you are hyperfocused on my capital letters in spite of all the other posters here who don't capitalize every sentence. it must be really tough being this autistic. i applaud you for your efforts.

by the way user, you didn't use a period at the end of your sentence. it makes you look childish. please use periods to avoid looking immature. thanks.

Look at this narcissist ree'ing at his own inability to type right

look at this failure failing again to use periods. only a narcissistic asshole doesn't use periods.

>reee'ing intensifies

Jobs, women, it's the same shit. You'll get rejected, but you have to learn to deal with it. The only way to learn is to get rejected a lot, and eventually you'll stop giving a shit. Try again somewhere else until you make it, and don't expect it to last forever.

i can get this autist stuck in an infinite loop by replying to him. lmao i'm dead

What are you doing wrong?

Its easy. Dress like a numale. Talk about diversity, promoting wamen, general cuck antiwhite shit.

Guaranteed success.

Don't take it too seriously. Just keep knocking on doors.

Quantity and quality. You are in a competition, you need to be better than the others with regards to job specific, but also personal skills.

I sent 60 applications, got 11 invitation and 1 offer.

What kinds of things can I fake on a resume
>0 jobs
>volunteer slave
>no skills

did you write your cover letters from scratch?

fake jobs and skills

it would be very painful. for you.

60-70% remained the same, I tailored the rest specifically for the job description and company.

Where did you search LinkedIn and Indeed?

>Caring about grammar on an anonymous online shitposting forum


Applying for jobs is like plating seeds. You will not get responses back immediately.

Last mid-January I started the application process, in Feb. I started getting some calls, got a job in early March. Then throughout the year I got lots of job offerings via email and LinkedIn.

Interestingly, the company by which I wanted to be employed the most - declined me first (didn't even give me a chance to be interviewed); later same year they invited me 4 times for an interview.

If you started your application process in December, then don't be surprised that nobody calls you back. In December companies switch to "hiring freeze" mode which starts at Thanksgiving week and ends by mid-January.

Good luck, don't give up.

what fields were u looking in?

Soft. Eng.

How man looking for meche internships can't even get an interview.

>tfw headhunted and went in for an interview twice last week for my dream job and still waiting to hear back from them