Are your crypto gainz helping you get laid yet?
Are your crypto gainz helping you get laid yet?
>Are those crypto gains going to give me a grandchild, well user?
nope, still 23yo virgin
Yes, and I'd love to blow 5 eth on plowing your pic related. Sauce friend?
Crypto gains pay for my gym and boxing training, which in turn get me laid
Stay fit you cucks
rachel peru
>you will never suck on some GILF titties
why live brehs
Millionaire 27 year old here. No. It hasn't. Women are as dumb as rails especially my area. The white race is just gonna have to die.
Went on a date with a girl over the weekend. I didn't coinfess my crypto gains but I did say I made a lot of money with stocks.
Also any advice when I should text her again?
I won youre woo men sir
let her text you and she doesnt then cont clammer back like an autist. Know your worth user but if you just want a wet dick then who cares what she thinks, blow that phone up till its a hard no.
Yes I can afford hookers now
Thanks user. Her personality is pretty basic so I won't be upset at all if she turns me down. But seeing her breasts would be a huge win regardless
Girls don't care about money. They care about HEIGHT, FACE, and FRAME.
Yes. College girls see someone who's halfway attractive and has a business of any kind and they'll drop their panties on the spot.
ESPECIALLY here in florida.
You have to physically escalate on the first date otherwise you arent going to get anywhere
5 eth? are you kidding me, lmao. 300usd/hr, TOPS. jesus the state
So I go to Sunbiz to get laid?
Shit. We only hugged.
>gilf with that body and no nudes
how big of a fucking virgin are you LMAO you'd really blow over 5k on some dumb shit like this?
I mean I'm still in college and I have somewhat of a reputation, ie friends introduce me as "that's (user), he runs a business of some kind" or, more specifically, "that's user, he runs an ecommerce business" or something along those lines. Instant conversation starter.
Close the deal by walking out to the parking lot and getting in my car, a 20 year old 911 that I love and girls get their badgewhore satiation out of.
works every time
and the ones you actually want to keep wont even care, which is the best part, for example the girl I'm dating now I met through class, the girls I was fucking came from house parties and shit