Living off $1k of food and drinks for the year, ama.
Living off $1k of food and drinks for the year, ama
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That's not even remotely difficult.
what's it like being a pleb?
How bout you do it.
You're gin a die user
the ramen will have a good sodium content to replace what is lost after you're done crying
Nation of Origin?
>$19 a week
>not difficult
welcome to the club my man
what do you buy apart from potatoes, onions, and beans
United States
ramen is just flour and salt pls dont live on ramen OP
$83.33 a month, pretty low but doable. I would IF through life and achieve ottermode.
Rice, frozen burritos, chicken thighs, eggs. Also there's some places that if you download their app or sign up for their email service you get free food so that too.
Ramen and cheap vegetables as well as a victory garden.
pretty sure you're poor enough for food stamps in burgerland
Just eat oats, chicken, rice, eggs, and whatever cheap greens you can get retard. Milk preferably or water if not.
It's possible, but would be a real pain in the ass for a whole year
ramen is a lot more if you add cabbage, boiled egg, and lard
eggs me too, and ketchup sometimes, i had ketchup with a been and onion soup yesterday night because i was feeling good for some reason
rice is really expensive around where i live, cant for the life of me find the bigboy sacks of it for cheap and it sucks
Well I have plenty of money, I'm doing to to challenge myself, also cuz when I talked about it my friend bet me a buck I couldn't do it.
>Implying hes not just being cheap so he can throw more money in crypto
I feel like that would destroy your health
The Vitalik Diet will be huge.
Many grocery chains have deals of the week which give really great value. My local chain had eggs on say for one day at 99c a dozen.
If you avoid the flavor packets cheap noodles and vegetables is pretty decent for you.
>in crypto
>$1k a year for food
Why doesn’t this sound odd
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day. Congrats on your future malnourishment and constant hunger
Where do you live? And are you poor or just living off $1k for the year? Sidenote Amazon is where i bought my 25 lb. Bag of brown rice for like $35
Take notice newfags this is what demented fuckers are referring to when they say they miss the “old” Veeky Forums.
I’m glad most of you are calling OP out. Back during the dark ages the most grief he would have received would have come from people saying he was spending too much money and should be stealing handfuls of condiment sachets from fast food joints.
Go to your local chink market and buy rice or squash noodles instead of that flour Ramen shit. Eggs, canned tuna, rice and oats like one user said. Water and coffee only.
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im living off of a barely liveable neet wage in a scandifag country
i've got around $100k in crypto but i dont dare cash out at this point unless i have the means to leave the country for good
taxman be a hunting and the banks have been closing personal accounts of crypto traders here (allegedly)
amazon doesnt have free shipping where i live i dont think
I love how some still try to turn it into a crypto thread. I'm not doing this for crypto. Also not to compare myself to Elon musk, but he did something similar for a month
Don't be a bottom feeding degenerate, buy your own food, welfare Fuck.
Go to a foodbank, don't kill yourself.
>stealing handfuls of condiment sachets from fast food joints.
hey its a cheap way of getting black pepper, that shits way more expensive than it has to be, almost $100 a kilo
op you can't afford ramen noodles
don't look at the price to food ratio
look at the price to nutrition ratio
ramen has nothing but salt
almost might as well be eating haitian mud cookies
Makes sense, best of luck to you my fellow kike.
try not eating mcdonalds everyday ameriburger
This desu, ramen with just make you a malnutritioned lanklet with dark piss
Noted, that's why I bought rice beans and chicken thigh. Also eggs. I realized early that the best way to do this is to have different shit so I don't want to kill myself. Also I drink a pot of black coffee every day
also I take a once daily multivitamin guys, they're $9 for 250 days worth.
If pic related is a significant portion of that diet, you are in for some rough times healthwise.
I highly suggest you drop the ramen and invest in brown rice and dried beans. Its cheaper or the same per calorie as ramen, and you can add more varieties of flavor to it. Much, much healthier.
Make sure you buy iodized salt too.
That's not hard to do. I budget $20 a week for food, and I'm perfectly fine. (1,040/yr) I mostly eat beans, rice, fruit, and oatmeal.
you have to eat all the eggs
Thanks for the advice man, yea i have realized it, ramen is kinda just a "cheap food" meme
Most people can't do it, I'm honestly trying to keep it under $500 but $1k is the limit, I'm only eating once a day
i spend 20 a week just on diet dp alone
I legit fed myself for free thanks to church soup kitchens; you never have to pay for food.
Diet dp and steak are the things I miss the most.
processed food is a waste of money
I don't turn down free food if it's offered to me, but I don't ask for food. I have heard that church is the spot for free shit tho
>Tfw not eating of boogers production by your own body as a main dietary source
$50/mo is completely sustainable for food if u try a little bit.
Seriously, i pay for pussy via the dinners i pay. Its so fucking dumb. Cant wait for robots.
Buy rice and learn how to boil chicken. Try getting used to eat only once a day.
Also try r/cheapandhealthy
Why won't you stop being poor?
>spending a year being a protien deficient soyboy for "the experience" or a bet
you're setting a poor example for your wife's son and you should be ashamed
You just Killed me senpai thanks
>black pepper
>almost $100 a kilo
Where the fuck do you niggers shop?
So you're living off 36 cents a day? In the US. doot doot brother
Ive been living on $30/month total to accumulate more eth and now link. Unfortunately about to double because I want to get a job and to get a job I need phone service
>is willing to live off scraps to be successful
>stop being poor.
Thanks for the advice user
Why buy ramen when you could buy potatoes? Better carb source, not processed, has a ton more nutrients and is actually cheaper
Get a flip phone nigga.
Not difficult in your 3rd world shithole, rajput
The cheapest prepaid plan I could find is like $30/month for unlimited call/text. Might be able to get cheaper with a contract but I plan on only keeping service for a month or two
try prepaid r/NoContract/ has good options
Go to Veeky Forums if they manage to bulk on budget, you should maintain your weight with no problems.
It's more about dedication than anything else. Make a plan and stick to it. I repeat, make a plan. It's important to know for each day in a week what you'll eat and how much. And count your macros so you won't feel like shit, there are a loot od free apps for this kind of stuff.
>wanting malnutrition
are you documenting what you're eating during this experiment? if not you should put it online so i can use as a political tool to reduce welfare
id love to see Veeky Forums break down his 36 cents into "muh macro"
whats he gonna eat a pea sized steak?
Yeah I have an Instagram for it...but I'm not tryna shill people to follow it or anything, but if you want to it's cheap_foods I also have a running total of what I've spent that includes my 25 pound bag of rice and shit that I'll probably be able to live off of for a few weeks or months
Coupons for frozen food is really good because anytime I don't wanna cook I can throw a frozen burrito or pizza in the oven.
Learn how to cook from non procesed food. It's better, cheaper and more healthy. All it takes you is time.
Beans and potatoes, whey protein powder
Once I'm done eating all my frozen foods I'll probably start meal prepping some some stuff that I can freeze myself.
did you end up buying a car on the 15th?
you were eating chili at a car dealership
Oh haha, no I went with my friend and he bought a car.
Rice, oats, peanut butter, beans, eggs, bananas, apples, frozen broccoli. Buy in BULK.
rice- 50 pounds for 20 bucks
beans- 20 pounds for 15 bucks
frozen broccoli- 10 pounds for 40 bucks
peanut butter- 40 pounds for 40 bucks
oats- 50 pounds for 50 bucks
between the beans and rice, you can eat a pound of each per day and get 2,000 calories. that's about 2 dollars a day, which gives you 1 more dollar of pure enjoyment.
Use that 1$ for multivitamins. Fuck enjoyment.
>1$ for multivitamins
1 dollar a day for multivites is pretty excessive, might as well cycle some produce and better protein for that extra USD. can you imagine how happy a chicken thigh and an onion would make you when you're eating nothing but beans and rice?
also, use LARD. much cheaper than other fats and very nutritious if you're on a 3rd world diet
>tfw spend $19 on beer a day
Nice idea, do it for 1 year, ruin your health, and then complain 5 years later of the hospital bills for chronic illnesses you develop
enjoy scurvy
Rice, beans, lentils and cheap meat every now and then op. Ramen is shit.
>low protein diet
>low test femboy
can I fuck you in the ass?
1k is actually not very hard, try halving that for a real challenge
Read above posts, I'm trying to keep it under $500 but the bet was under $1k
Garlic or Scallion stalks
Potatoes if youre feeling rich
$10 day is an easier option
Libertarian poverty tourism
Go and stay go faggot Jesus Christ