Who else here comfy as fuck?
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Gonna hit 200$ easy
any chance this shit is going to dip soon?
I will only have fiat next week
yeah. whales will crush it back down
Gerting $350 passiv incum ber munth
probably not. this is easily a top 4 coin by the summer though
Wish I had more, only 250 NEO but still comfy
Guaranteed. This shit dumps like nothing else in the crypto space. Certified shit coin. Wait a few days.
Might dip after the conferences are over.
I'm about to kill myself
you clearly haven't met its buddy DBC
taking benefit of this thread:
does anybody actually buy GAS? I mean, its a guaranteed profit if NEO is doing fine but idk
comfy with 6 NEO
Easily 10k next year
Same here, lemme guess, 800NEO
Bought like 500 Gas a couple days ago
IT'S OKAY I SOLD 1000 neo AT 20$
Sitting really comfy but I only have 5 Neo wish I could get more for those awesome dividends but alas I'm priced out.
But what about Trinity? Is it really worth it going in on it, will it also pay some kind of GAS or dividends?
any time GAS is under .4 NEO, its an auto buy. A lot of informed people believe that itll settle at .6-.75 NEO once the dapps continue to roll out.
1500 NEO here. With some more money in GAS and TNC. I think I’m gonna hit that million this year. Comfy as fuck
it's taking all my strength to not fomo back in right now
once btc begin rising again
3421 NEO here. Can't wait to be a millionaire.
is it safe to buy now? looks pretty high, should i wait for a dip or buy some now and buy more if it dips
its only getting started
>shit dumps like nothing else in the crypto space
Except it was one the quickest to return to its stable price after the January crash. Been steadily rising for months.
hmm... wonder why all the neo icos so far have been complete shitshows?
Lucky man. I got 3.1k ICX I'll be poorfag EOY
out of curiosity, are you going to sell your NEO when they are super high? (1k ea) or just comfy hold sell Gas?
>obviously retarded
>mfw stepped in just before 25% ramp up
There is comfy and there is GAS. GAS will far outperform NEO this year. Very small supply for such a major token.
Does anybody know what time GAS gets distributed on Binance at the end of the month?
I’ve been debating the same thing. Makes sense to just collect the GAS as time goes on and use it for whatever (probably invest in real estate personally), but who knows how long all of this crypto stuff will last. Though I do think NEO is poised to do big things for years, maybe decades to come
just wait it will dip to a better price no matter what happens
Neo has been silently going up while everything goes sideways or down. Moved everything into Neo to hold long term a week ago and feels good already
The only times it dipped really hard is when bitcoin shits the bed completely or the china ICO ban. They can't just ban ICOs again so its pretty much going to grow until Bitcoin sharts
You can tell you are a fool and just got burned by that first initial pump after the Neo rebranding.
Name me a comfier man in crypto
I'm waiting.
Messed up daytrading this shit with ETH, decided to hold the 334 I got. Comfy as fuck right now, way past my daytrade target but i'll hold. It's the only green coin in my portfolio.
Boy I can't wait.
The reason it's rising so much now is because the VEN hype died down and all chinks are trading back to their NEO, once that stops the coin will reach it's peak and the whales will begin selling which will make it dip
200 IQ genius
I have 50 NEO and around 10 ETH. Will I make it?
If you do I'll be rich as fuck
you think any1 around then is still here fuding neo lmfao
We are ahead of XLM my neomarines !
Neo 5th tomorrow
I’m all in on neo and trinity.
You re going to make it
30%! V. happy of but no-one else looking at this now? 20% up vs NEO ftm.
Yeppers - now just a matter of time and patience
Anyone who bought NEO on ICO?
comfy af
Sitting on 2300 NEO, earning ~1 GAS per day
Retirement when?
How do you earn GAS?
Put your NEO in a wallet (or Binance/Kucoin) and it's generated automatically. Bittrex does not distribute GAS, so they are basically stealing from everyone who holds NEO
thanks for reminding me to claim my gas...+1 more
NEO ICO's always moon even if they were a shitshow.
I picked up 440k TKY during presale, 40-50k of that was free from referral and early investor bonuses.
Short term this is a $0.25 coin, long term easy $1, proven china gov support and a product that they actually NEED, not just some gimmick shit.
Fuck i am so wet.
Is TKY available on any exchanges yet? Also, can Americans get in on ICOs or is that still forbidden?
>tfw 250k TKY
Jelly user, but holy shit both of us are going to /makeit/
At least THEKEY didn;t get hacked like Apex did lol
900 neo comfy here.
It'll be available Feb 6th on Kucoin
It depends on the ico, certain ones don't do america, thekey did no america.
Will hit kucoin on feb 6th my friend
think people tried, it was ddos'd to shit but yes, at least it remained secure.
I had already filled my bags from presale so was just laughing from the sidelines at 40k people scrambling over that last 10k NEO.
I seriously consider to sell my 10k USD from Walton and put that into NEO and/or ICX. Why wouldn't I? Walton has more potential due to its low supply, am I right user?
Ungh my dick -
It will hit 1000$ EOY
Not me I market sold yesterday
stu is that you
300k keys. Will hold atleast a year
No, but every ICO on there makes my dick swell at the thought of $500 GAS by EOY
amen brother
Feels fuckin good anties
GAS 45% on Binance how is no-one talking about this.
>tfw only 290 neo
>Feel poor
In at 15$ comfy
so fucking comfy my friend
new to crypto. Should I just buy some btc and then trade for neo or what?
1k NEO and 950K TKY here. Feeling extra comfy because of your price predictions. Fuck me man, IM GONNA FUCKING MAKE IT
200 neo I paid about 3k for, which was all of my savings at the time
comfy as fuck lads
Buy ETH and trade for NEO
BTC is slow and shit
I haven't put much serious money into NEO, the main reasons being that it is a chinkcoin and all of the whales are its developers, both of which are sketchy. But I believe there are comfy gains to be made from it for the next while.
nobody cares what you think, retard
You and I are soul mates.
I sold my neo for omg because of the security and validators fud
Hitler's crypto