Walton is about to Boom to the Moon get in

Walton is about to Boom to the Moon get in.

It has partnered with China's biggest Telecoms people:

It's been having small pumps all week It's more likely whales are about to dump their shit

Which probably means ven pump inbound too

Riiiiiiight. Because investors won't SELL THE NEWS, faggot.

Yeah you're correct. I'm wrong

I'll rebuy after correction.

>WTC is about to boom

over 17 years too late

>Walton is about to Boom to the Moon
then why do you feel the need to shill it?

anytime i feel like buying a coin i check biz to make sure its not geting shilled first

Pretty much
be prepared to sell
Look at buying


>3rd largest in China which is also 25% the size of the largest.
>Zhangzhou branch, which is a shit-tier no-namer city.

It's like a company partnered with a local burgerking and you pajeets think the company partnered with McDonalds corporate.

> doesn't use the new logo

There was no rumour to buy you cast-iron retard. No-one sells the news if they hadn't already bought a rumour and surfed a run-up.

This is true, worked in China for 2 years, all China telecom branches are individually franchised.

One branch signing means only that.

Okay. I guess it doesn't signal that there is likely to be similar partnerships in future

This is true, worked in China for 2 years, all China telecom branches are individually franchised.

One branch signing means only that.

>affiliate partners with branch of...


How Likely?
When in the future?
Partnerships with more local BKs?
Who the fuck trades on a maybe there's likely a somewhat similar partnership sometime in the future?

Do you think that if the partnership is successful that it would be good sales material for promoting to other cities?

Oh, so now I gotta wait a year for their partnership's results? Can this be a more non-factor news?

already priced in faggot Veeky Forums is always late to everything

>Whales telling me to buy on green candles.

Hahaha, you think I'm stupid?