No amount of btc will make you look like this.
No amount of btc will make you look like this
can confirm, Look at this, have >1 bitcoin
A dude that skips leg day?
No amount of Eth will make you look like this user.
Wanting to look like other guys is so lgbt man you need to be alpha u weak cunt
Read the sticky, dedicate yourself for a couple years and it's possible.
You havn't made it until you're both rich and Veeky Forums
>convex knees
is he a flamingo?
personal trainer, leg surgery to gain height, cosmetic face surgery.
Technically, I think you could come close, if you had enough money..
this is \biz not \r9k faggot . get lost.
Most of you look like this
of course not, a gym membership is only like $7 a month
once you get a lot in crypto you don't need to like like that dipshit
thanks god
no human being wants to be mexican.
>he believes this
>inb4 hookers
>aka crippling depression after 3 months + herpes
The majority of you eth holders look like this
I unironically bought gear to look like that through 2013-2015.
lessons learned: looking like a chad doesn't make you a chad, and if you are still a creepy prick it just means you are a ripped creepy prick, and nobody likes that
That's why I also lift heavy things from the ground and put them back down besides cooking with premium ingredients and maintaing a healthy diet
It's also funny because you need to take steroids for a body like that and you can buy them with btc. One of the many things btc is good for
Thanks for reading and looking at the picture I posted
The majority of shitcoin holders look like this
>3 years for this and saying you need steroids for a guy who looks small compared to the real roiders
Women want a guy like that. Only men care about being roid-tier massive. Do you suck cocks, faggot?
nice progress if it's you mate, similar to mine
btw what's your stance on roids? I am too scared of limp dick and hairloss to go anywhere near them, can you make a low dose work w/o any side effects?
eh, not entirely true
how many shitcoins do i need to look like this?
I'm already as muscular as he is. I work out as I day trade.
>tfw chestlet
someone get this man a sandwich
Sure it will. With your BTC you purchase:
Trenbolone Acetate – 100 mg everyday
Testosterone Propionate – 100 mg everyday
Masteron Propionate – 100 mg everyday
Winstrolor Anavar – 50 mg/day for six weeks
Growth Hormone – 4 IU, first thing in the morning, 45 minutes before food
T3 – 20 mcg, gradually increased according to individual needs
Clenbuterol – 20 mcg, increased according to individual needs
Nolvade – 20 mg everyday
HCG – 250 IU, twice per week
Thanks, in my opinion the progress is actually shit, but I'm still satisfied.
>btw what's your stance on roids?
It fucks too much with the bodys natural hormones. I don't want to be much bigger than I am right now anyways. If I can't do it with food and my body it's not worth it anyways.
Once you stop taking steroids you will fall apart.
That's not the case if all you did was eat good food and put in the work of hurting your muscles over the course of years.
I also never used protein powder because I'm not a fan of buying products that say "200% PENIS GROWTH IN ONLY 2 DAYS BUY NOW AND GET 30000KG FOR FREE MUSCLES MUSCLES NOW 1000% GROWTH".
I am also in luck to not having any problems with eating half a kilogram of pure cottage cheese in five minutes
Good luck with your training, you're on a very good way
That's not true. For just 3BTC/yr you can pay a full-time trainer to slap the chicken wing out of your hand and get you back in the gym.
Only faggots and perma bulkers care about leg day. Its the only thing their fat asses care about since their stretch marks aren't as impressive as washboard and
> but muh cns activation
Ya no one fuckin cares
Don't waste your time doing legs. You're not a fucking girl.
why answer when u have no clue what the fuck's going on in thie world
Dude really isn't that impressive. Strong core and decently proportioned but looks too blocky me. Also he looks like a manlet. Shortest trunk I've seen lol.
OP do you lift at all? This guy's physqiue is good, but jesus a few years of simple lifting will get you here. See avi for reference
>deadlift 650
>squat 500
>bench 335
>6’1”, 200lb
>100k LINK
might as well kms
Looks try hard. I prefer otter mode which is an effortless look. Peak aestetics imo... Less really is more.
Thats a huge stack don’t actually do this for your first time
i mean you could but is it worth it after 25,26 years old?
>otter mode which is an effortless look
do you hate food?
its always worth improving yourself
if it will cost you 1% of your net worth, and mean you can go to a random bar and pick up a +7/10 for a one night stand.. I would say Yes, it would be worth it.
thanks for the detailed response mate.
Unfortunately dairy tends to break me out acne wise, and avoiding it means I'm acne free. It's probably the cow hormones or so my doc told me. I can eat cheese and stuff but I can't chug 1.5lt of milk a day anymore. Sucks cause it's a great source of protein.
Regarding powders, avoid the scammy or sketchy products. Personally I consume only egg white protein, it's the most pure form of protein along pea+rice combo protein if you are vegeterian. Don't let the retards that abuse those products scare you, egg white protein is absolutely safe if you don't down 1000 grams of it a day.
Imo the hardest part going from skinny to fit or even bulky, is eating. I hate it and I just bought a blender and make a 1000 calorie shake a day (peanut butter w/o salt or preservatives, oats, banana and some egg protein) which solely gave me 8KGs after years of trying and failing.
And yeah I agree with you, life-long commitment to roids is what scares me away, was just wondering with all the advances in medicine if there was some low dosage roid course that didn't impact any other part of your body except what you took it for. I don't even wanna try creatine cause I am afraid of going bald from it lol.
Lastly if I were you, I'd focus more on Traps, these two motherfuckers smoothen out the transition from body to head and most people find them attractive af. Cheers and good gains brother
well leg lenthening is painful and face surgery is painful...i mean going to the gym you can do it but not really worth it if your totally ugly....
t. almost manlet that used to consider leg surgery... had girls in the past i beleive life is from 16 to 22/23 then its all decline
Same. Natually skinny. WHen I was "bulking" It was the same as cutting, just didnt ocutn carbs, and had a glass of milk with olive oil in to help with bulking. I got so puffy it was disgusting, but I wasn't even aware because arms, chest, and elgs were so big and thick.
Don't bother with roids unless you have an endocrinologist with a subspeciliaty in sports med. Maybe if you're doing a simple beginner cycle, but any guys I knwo who cycled always started off with "Just one to gain like 5lbs", then they keep going.
Half the GPs think a low test range is acceptable.
I'm happy with my diet. 6'1 182 is perfect
but his face is fat. WTF?
>all your achievements should contribute toward scoring one night stands from passable sluts at the local bar
Are you from Africa?
I actually don't know my test range and I want to find out. It's a blood test right? Or semen?
Anyway, yeah smoothies saved me man, I just drink them before bed and take a huge dump in the morning cause of all the fiber, and ready to go
>Thats a huge stack
Ain't nothin' but a peanut, baby! Lightweight!
Manlet detected
I think my life would improve significantly if I could get laid more often, without investing so much time in each escapade.
It would also help you to attract a loyal/conservative/attractive wife.
If you are under 30, consider it, you loose a couple of years from your life, but it may be worth it..
Post your body with a timestamp please
Blood test. Looking for free test. Usually measured in ng/dl. A few days of bad sleep can make a significant impact. So rest up.
Dude just do SARMs
I'm doing MK-677 and MK-2866 6 weeks on 2 weeks off
they don't suppress your testosterone, don't cause acne, hairloss, prostate cancer like steroids can
you get similar muscular gains that aren't as impressive pound-wise because you don't gain excess water on them like you do with steroids
the one problem is they're pricey and kind of hard to source
I've been using provenpeptides to pretty good effect but there might be better sources
>Personally I consume only egg white protein
What do you do with the yolk?
I eat at least 4 eggs a day myself
>Imo the hardest part going from skinny to fit or even bulky, is eating. I hate it
Well that's shit, I don't know that feeling.
Canabis is a cure for lack of appetite but I guess that's not an option for you. You could take it orally, mixed with olive oil. No harm on your lung.
>was just wondering with all the advances in medicine if there was some low dosage roid course that didn't impact any other part of your body except what you took it for.
I have no idea but surely there has to be some sort of thing like the stuff hollywood celebrities take to get in shape for roles. Well they're also being monitored by doctors.
>Lastly if I were you, I'd focus more on Traps
Yes I have a genetical lack of those which is why I've been doing shrugs for almost two years now. I looked like pic related before I did them, besides also doing deadlifts since forever
Good gains to you too
Life is in stages, there is a time in your life when it is nice to fuck 16 yo girls. As you become older, 16 yo girls become dumber, and it becomes less nice to fuck em.
When you are in your 20s, there are certain things you can do, drink until you throw up, and be stupid in many aspects.
>I think my life would improve significantly if I could get laid more often
Jesus Christ man, they brainwashed you nicely
> a millionare cant pick up a 7/10
You lost me at MK-677
you are NEVER going to attract a loyal wife by fucking easy skanks at the bar, you retard. That's how you find a girl that plans, from day 1, how to get half of what you own within 3 years.
My gf doesn't like muscular guys. I like lifting and miss bulking and cutting. I stopped the diet cuz too much effort and I'm feeling my gains slipping out of my pockets. What do Veeky Forums?
>won't buy link
I watch porn, I jerk off to 5/10s with shitty lower back tattoos.. I have fucked girls that weight more than me.
This is a superficial world, I want superficial things, if you think your are beyond this superficial world, that you "are just you"..
No.. You are brainwashed, you are living in a delusion.
That's what she tells you.
>My gf doesn't like muscular guys.
I chuckled
Girls are all skanks, they get wet from watching attractive men - all girls do this. They want to get fucked.
If you are an attractive man, you are gonna attract women, most may be slutty, some may be decent and wife-material.
But you have to be willing to plow the field, to know what is what..
>It would also help you to attract a loyal/conservative/attractive wife.
hate to brake it to you man, but you're retarded
>I stopped the diet cuz too much effort and I'm feeling my gains slipping out of my pockets.
It might have something to do with your girlfriend being a lazy girl who wants to lie on the couch all day and doesn't want to feel bad for doing so so she convinces you to do the same.
A lot of people, especially girls do this. They look for men who are equally lazy as them so you're basically enabling each other.
I might be totally off here though.
>What do Veeky Forums?
Learn to cook, eat good shit and lift heavy at least twice a week. Your girlfriend will tell you to stop with lies so she will feel better about herself.
>every girl he's ever had a "relationship" with was some skanky one-night-stand bait from the bar
>goes on to tell everyone that ALL GIRLS R SKANKY ONE-NIGHT-STAND BAITS!!!
Gee... wonder why you think that way.
Fair enough
that's literally my beard and facial asymmetry, uncanny. would shave the thing but gf prefers me with it
there's having cuck genes and then there's acting and dressing like a cuck, tho
>if you don't have greek god genetics you should never try to pick up a dumbbell
stupid meme tb h
Hurts even more seeing 7'0 guys with great genetics/insertions slobbering their life away with fast food and couch surfing
Did you fuck a lot? How do you look now since you don't use gear anymore?
>Girls are all skank
>But you have to be willing to plow the field, to know what is what
I told you you were retarded, yes your conservative wife will want you to fuck her,yes if you're a betta faggot you will not attract that kind of woman, if she has any self respect or sense of self worth she'll want you to have the same, that doesn't make her a skank, or some cheap ass whore that goes to pick up guys at bars, seriously go rethink your definition of conservative woman, or should I say wife material
i mean it's obviously not the healthiest thing to do
but it's a high-tech, healthier alternative to steroids if you want to gain mass
also way better for your bone density and joints
>BTC body and no legs
Don't be a fag like this guy
The point is. You faggots will never be attractive, ever. No matter how much btc or eth you have. Stop turning this into a /fit thread.
I meant protein powder derived from egg whites. It's really the golden standard cause there's no unnecessary hormones or creatine in it unlike whey or beef protein.
I eat hard boiled eggs too whenever I'm bored of making something else.If you eat 4 eggs a day you should at least toss one of the yolks of not two, I've read it impacts your cholesterol levels.
This though, the Ultimate Warrior cocktail
how Much BTC to look like this?
use cannabis with coconut oil.
Decarb first. Olive oil is a fucking waste.
cannabis makes me paranoid, and I've tried lots of different strains
not for me