Get in faggots let's get rich.
This is the one and the original don't be scammed by shilljeets.
Get in faggots let's get rich.
This is the one and the original don't be scammed by shilljeets.
Other urls found in this thread:
look at those buys coming in on the contract addy, this shits about to blow up.
desperate bagholders. Anyone buying in any of these powh this late in this game is a brainlet and deserves to lose money. Shit is dying, like it happens to all ponzis eventually. I got out with a huge profit, anyone still holding this is retarded
>muh self sustainable pyramid scheme
up we go again
not even open yet
NUMB is the only one still small enough to x3 your money
This went a little down in the last 6 hours. I was expecting to wake up to profits.
Get in now faggots, it will moon.
It's because you faggots have an attentionspan of 2 hours, everyone wants faster and faster profits then just forgets about it and moves on to something else. The normies fucked up everything.
Also, not needed, and unhelpful...
it keeps falling get into NUMB before it booms to over 100ETH
No, it's still going down. And fast.
Listen here, niggas, this whole system is made to create bagholders that get dumped on by the first players (like me). The contract will reach 0 ETH before most of you are even able to cash out, and then you will be stuck in a endless cycle of trying to shill this to get the contract balance high enough to break even or sell at a loss. Except that it will be more difficult each time, with less people interested, and most importantly, a fuckton of bagholders waiting to sell at every opportunity. That's what a ponzi is, it's not possible to be self sustainable.
Also, with every dividend increase after a crash, that you all seem to love to much, the different between the value users supposedly have in tokens and the balance in the contract becomes bigger, than making it even harder to cash out if you wait too long.
Buy and hold for a couple of days
are you retarded? or just slow, you fucking buy when it dips
>buying dips in pozis
How to lose money 101.
it went up and down multiple times it will go up again
This is only just getting started.
Get on to reddit and normie book and shill it
Yes, and it time the top is lower than before. That's exactly the behaviour I described. More sellers, less buyers. Eventually the contract balance gets too low and everyone holding is fucked.
It wont work. Most people see it's an actual ponzi and wont play.
each* time. not it
I made about 150% profit from last night until now and then transferred that total amount back to my wallet. Not too bad. If I had been willing to risk a lot on it I would have made a lot more. I'll just have to get in early in the next dip/scam.
yeah but how can PoWh coin actually go bust when everyone is hodling????
Fugg I'm chickening out and selling when my profit goes back up +1 ETH more than I spent.
> 5 posts by this ID
wew you sure seem pretty invested for someone who pulled out all their money at the top
You should buy NUMB
This won't go up again. You people should really have done some basic math and thinking before FOMOing in such a high price. You should cut your losses.
Good for you. I was late and bought high.
To think it was 0.01ETH in the start is soulcrushing
Welp I cashed out and found something promising and no it's not another ponzi.
fuck off shill back to your panjeet scam thread
Yes, because I have a thread ready to open and make fun of you faggots as soon as this finishes crashing to near 0 ETH.
Made over 5x. Was a very good deal for those who got in early and didn't/aren't missing the opportunity to sell.
What exchange/website/chart so I can see it?
go FUDing somehere else, the original POW will moon again, guaranteed
This token actually CANNOT crash, as the price drops when people sell - so the smart contract can't deplete.
Makes no sense at all.
>so the smart contract can't deplete
That's blatantly false. Run the math by yourself and check it.
alright im back in with 2eth, lets see what happens
fudders who are trying to bring the price down to buy in again
shillers who are trying to bring the price up to get better returns
it really is an endless cycle and im just enjoying my dividends here
we need to keep this alive, also new fags:
way to go my man, see you on the moon
0.13 price range ! get on it
Cashing out at 100% profit. Thanks guys. Will buy back in when its full-on crash so you're not bagholders forever.
>100% profit
so you withdrew your initial investment? pretty fuckin sad lmao
I just bought for 0.5 eth let see what happens people :)
>B, 950
and back ;)
>buying this instead of the way newer and cheaper NUMB
>in a ponzi the next day
I woke up this morning and sold my share in the original POWH for a $4,000 profit. I then gambled in the next two pajeet-tier knockoffs and lost about $400. Still walked away with $3,600 profit in the end. Don't get greedy people. If you can't get in early just pass.
As if your shit dividends could ever make up for the tremendous loss of not selling at the peak. Those bags must be heavy.
I think youd be surprised how good dividends are if you get in low (like right now).
Ok, seriously...
Why the FUCK would you not sell your PoWH profits and buy into NUMB right now? Do you people really not know how ponzis work?
fuck off shill back to your panjeet scam thread
This is just brilliant from original pow site:
PLEASE SAVE THIS SOMEWHERE SAFE If for any reason this website goes down, you can open up a Transaction through Metamask, Send 0 Ether with a 150k Gas Limit to the Contract and send "0xb1e35242" under additional data for a personal exit scheme. This is the getMeOutOfHere() function on the contract and will cash you out of all tokens and dividends.
cause its an actual scam pumped by a discord, this one is 100% organic
Why would people do this? Once NUMB has another crash the money will go back into PoWH and then we will get more juicy dividends.
Went back in. How long will this last and will the clones die eventually?
stop shilling NUMB you retard, fuck these Patels are persistent
here we go bros, the ride is never-ending
its going up again
>this one is 100% organic
Holy shit that's stop top level retardation. How deep in the red are you all on this day old ponzi??
1 shilling was deposited to your scam coin account
Are you that much of a brainlet? the dividend feature disregards the entry point if you have strong hodl hands you can get to profit regardless, people sell it crashes and people buy in again to get in low for more dividends which the price goes up and there ya go it's na revolving door pyramid
this so much
this is the only fucking shitcoin that cant absolutely crash and it will still give me dividends a year from now and theres always enough people who want to gain some easy cash
it's going up again boiz