Basic 3-step process for becoming wealthy

This information is pretty basic and intuitive, but maybe it'll help someone.

1. Earn
>Selling services
-Selling labor to an employer
-Selling services directly to people (Personal teacher, personal taxi driver, mowing someone's lawn, birthday clown, babysitter, etc.)
>Selling Goods
-Invent a new product
-Make and sell products (Ex: ice cream, jewelry, cookies, etc.)

2. Save
>Reducing cost of living
>Investing in cheaper alternatives

3. Invest
>Stocks, bonds, trust funds
>Assets (Houses, cars, gold, etc.)
>Real estate (Buying & renting, house flipping, etc.)

If you earn, save, and make profitable investments, you're guaranteed to become wealthier. The more that you can earn, save, and invest, the faster the process is to become rich.

do you make more money selling ice cream jewelry or cookies
i want to be ritch

>doesn't know that money's broken
sorry to break it to ya

Explain for a brainlet

I'm a cookie ice cream jewelry tycoon.

Chase a check
Never chase a bitch

You don't have to invest in stocks. It's just an example of some of the things you could invest in. Seems like most of the people here invest in bitcoin.

>invest into cars


Awesome pics. Great wealth. Looks like you earn. Save. Invest. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ much you can Earn, save, and invest. Thanks for the motivation.

Veeky Forums memes and Veeky Forums were made for each other.

Im 24 and deliver pizza for $16 an hour and have about $300 spare a month with like $3000 in savings will I make it

Retirement at 50 yeah

% > $

I just like to call everything "value placeholders"

Is there anything wrong with it? I'm not trying to be a phony self-help motivational person btw.

Buy low sell high also works.

is software, it good for making money with little to no capital?

Yeah, you just have to be wise with what you spend your money on. I'm saving up for a small piece of property so I can build a tiny house to live in. I'll save 12,000ish/yr since there's no rent I'd have to pay. Still, have to pay land tax, but that's like 140 a year, much less than 12k. Maybe you can do something like that.

Are you in on any of this crypto stuff? I have a couple grand of various different coins, been on a sideways moving market for like over a month now though wanting to see some things pop off soon

>he doesn't know

That's a shitload for delivering pizza, does that include tips

Hes probably giving blowies for the tips

No, but I'm sure it's going to be profitable in the long run when prices increase.

Some cars appreciate. You're welcome.