Cardano Redpill

Someone redpill me on Cardano. It looks overvalued as fuck and it's marketcap is huge. But people keep telling me it's the only actual ETH killer that has the best team and the best technology.

Should I invest or stay away? I can't really see this coin's price going any higher.

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The founder of Cardano is co-founder of ETH and hes a really smart guy. Their team is full with academics and best expert in their fields. They are the only coin that send their studies and inventions to science journals to peer review them. Its the 3rd generation flagship coin. if you dont invest in it now, you will kill yourself in 2 years for missed opportunity when Cardano hits 1k per coin.

Honestly, just stay away from it. Go buy some bazingacoin or whatever is currently being mass shilled.

its a great coin and a fantastic project, although we fud it because we don't want it shilled or PnD.

coin is shitty as fuck and the owner is a pajeet named Charlie Horkeypan who is a big dumb dumb

if you trust this board, you won't buy this coin.
you won't see any returns like 2017 if you do

$1000 for a coin with 45 billion total? Lmao you are an idiot.

Predictions 6 months from now? It's at $0.6 at $16 B market cap.

Now let's say blockchain doesn't change the whole world like the dotcom bubble. How high can this still go? Don't see it going over $2 in 6 months. Why is this a good investment?

its not.

It won't hit 1k per coin. The highest it could ever go is $100 a coin realistically.

My real question is whether ADA is overvalued or undervalued? The supply is fucking gigantic so I can't see how it's supposed to go higher. Does anyone have any facts of why this will ever go up from here and not down?


EOS is better than this scam coin desu senpai

Its investment for 2 years not 6 month. In 6 months of course the price will at least 10x, but the big gains will start in 2 years. Its the revolution that this coin will bring. #3rdGenerationBestGeneration!

But of course there are a lot of FUDers who actually love the coin, but dont want to see it pump n dumped.

because current crypto's have limited capabilities. just like eth solved a lot of problems that arose after bitcoin and enable many other coins and applications so too will cardano.

its the next eth. don't buy it if you expect x10 within the next 6 months

Haha yeah sure. You remind me of those haters who said crypto market cap will never go as high as 1 billion, while now we stand at more than half a trillion. Or those who said bitcoin will never hit 100$ cause it not real money... xxxxxD

caradano aren't that expensive at the moment. would make you a millionaire if it hit's your target.

Yeah and Monero has a 50 dollar hard cap because of some asshat.

cordono is shit
there is a reason y ou never hear about this on Veeky Forums
just ignore all cordono threads

cardano chain is wanna be eos coin

I'd say it's going to be pretty comfy in about 6 months but I'd see at Max of $10 a coin.

My more conservative would be around $6.

The reason is Veeky Forums only talk about shit coin pump n dump schemes xD

No you fucking idiot, It is based on math. If Cardano were to hit 1k, it's total market cap would have to be 25.9 TRILLION dollars. That is literally all money and assets in existence. Cardano would have to take over every sector, public and private, of every country, and be the only currency every used to get that kind of value. That is not possible. I am a huge bull on the project but I something like a 2.5 Trillion dollar market cap is reasonable in 5 years when this turns out to be the only useful crypto out there.

Literally the bitcoin killer.

9 PHDs on project full time.
3 Research Campuses
Most active github I've ever seen
High Assurance Coding
One of the most well respected computer scientists (Wadler) on the project.
World renowned cryptography/game theory researcher (Kout) on the project.

Cardano will kill bitcoin. It's not how/if/why, its WHEN.

Pretty much what this user said.

You have to be an absolute brainlet to fall for the vaporware/eos clone FUD to not see the genius this project has going for it.

that chris hoskinson guy is not too legit desu.

He seems like hes going from project to project after getting kicked out of ethereum for being so autistic. I know he was working with Zencash or something, then I saw he came out w Cardano.

He's just trying to stay relevant. Cardano is like shitty eurocoin. Not ever as good as ETH or NEO imo. No reason to hold it when those two will give better gains.

rightly said.

>all money and assets in existence

wow, you'd be surprise how wrong you are

USA GDP is around 20 Trillion its far far far far far far far away from all money and assets in existence you dum dum. Its really hard to calculate the all money and asset in insistence. But funds invested in derivatives alone total at minimum $544 trillion, and the conservative estimate is $1.2 quadrillion. Youre WAAAAAAY off, lil dum dum.


Bitcoin/ShitcoinX/EOS/RaiBlocks/Ethereum method:
"Lets just program it and see what happens"
"AAAAH buffer overflows (in my bitcoin happened, one transaction created > 21 million coins), security vulnerabilities (accidental chain splits happened, ETH is a security vulnerability) ..."
"AAAAAAH much transactions dont scale" why you never even attempted at analyzing your system before programming it!

Ada: we first formally prove our statements as we do with mathematics,
then we formally verify those statements and write the implementation in a logical safe language

Which method will win?

market cap isnt a real thing in cryptos, cryptos projects havent real assets, so a "26 tri" market cap just means 260-380bi real money

anyway $1k for ada seems too much

Marketcaps don't have the same meaning for crypto that it does for other assets. You are taking what a small portion of the whole is trading at and applying that value to the whole stack. This just isn't accurate. Add to that that, Ada is a staking coin. Much of the supply will be locked away. I think is a bit overvalued for what it is, but the market doesn't seem to think so and is betting on it being a giant in the future.

You're talking about the ourobouros project for staking right?


>Which method will win?
Doesn't matter right?

You're implying quality of the codebase/tech will increase the price but I am not sure if that's the case in a somewhat irrational market.

Yes it does. After bubble burst there will be only those coins that have quality of the codebase/tech.

Most coins out there are forks of bitcoin or Ethereum tokens. Cardano was built from scratch to be the best proof of stake coin to run smart contacts out there. They have a huge team of scientists and researchers. Their ICO lasted from 2015 to 2017 and they raised over 1 billion dollars to spend on developing this. It's one of the few coins that we can say for sure had a bright future.

>After bubble burst
I get your point but you're making assumptions.

Short term the market is irrational. Long term the money will follow the projects that deliver and which are most efficient. Swarm intelligence.

how long is long term for you? 5 years or more?

lmfao u guys are going to get absolutely slaughtered

I have my but order at 0.00000009 sats

Whales in the mix are holding more could than the entire buy side

Lots of holders from 300 sat

Your "institutional" investors are just comes names on a PDF

Your special technology is a rip off of a previous scheme outlined in another paper, they just took it to market with 6 billion coins first

I shilled this piece of shit a couple of days ago, apologizing now. I was legit excited but then I read the white paper and did some research. Absolute vaporware. I get the feeling that this dev team is pretty uncomfortable with the realization that tons of people are going to get dumped on. They are earnest devs with a rip off product with slight modification, like other shit coins.

The investors and whales who control the coin could dump this coin into single digits literally at any time. The people who bought this shit on huobi in the front couple of days can dump for 2x profit even at this price.

The first clue is sloppy whale 1 as the price was going down yesterday. He flashed his 2 million buy wall. That's the size of average whales here. Imagine his pain as this shit coin declines in value. At some point the cashout, which is what these dead cat bounces are, is going to take the price under 300 at which point there is nothing stopping it from going all the way to sub zero and taking up residence with the rest of the shit coins on page 4 of CMC

Assumptions ? 95% of market is made by inflated shitcoins that have no other purpose than pump n dump scheme. It WILL burst, its just matter of time. And strong coins with legit tech will be the ones who will stay.

Oh wow, you read the Ouroboros whitepaper?

Please, do tell! What part of it did you find to be concerning? Please, be specific, because frankly you sound like a total lying sack of shit who has no clue what Ouroboros is or what Cardano is actually doing.

Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

Hes a troll, hes post literally sounds like screeching of 10 y/o sissy boi destroyed by BBC for the first time.

Yeah, might take a while to see what truly works and what doesn't. The 2020s will be interesting as fuck. Even if my portfolio is trash I'm still excited.

the man himself visits Veeky Forums!

Charlie is red pilled on Rothschild and central banking.

27 trillion total. and he meant 10$ a coin

He's /ourguy/

fuck thats funny

yea he is. Im afraid for his life. If those fucks kill him will Cardano still become a tool for liberation from financial slavery and waste?

what wallet do I use for this shit? no way I'm keeping money on an exchange for 2 years waiting for a moon

Hes as anti PC as it gets so i bet hes probably /pol/ n Veeky Forums faggot.

He's being protected.

If you spent 5 minutes on their website you would know.

In the time it takes Cardano to be successful, will it even matter? Hashgraph already works. When they release a public ledger blockchain is fucking done.

Game over, man.

Ledger nano usb stick wallet. Cost 100$ and its the most safest in the world.


no cold storage for cardano yet


Ok, let's just say I think this project IS the ethereum killer. There are still SO MUCH ADA that we're already at a MASSIVE marketcap.

Now, people have explained to me a few times that the marketcaps of coins are all lies because there's no fiat pairs for most coins so you're just copying marketcap from btc to other coins, meaning the price hasn't actually been determined for real in fiat, so the market cap displayed in fiat makes no sense whatsoever.

If that's true, then how do we actually know what the REAL marketcap of ADA is right now? If the marketcap of ADA is actually 10x lower than CMC says because all those numbers are false, then how do we determine what the real marketcap is?

Do faggots realize that currencies can co exist???

>Hashgraph already works.

Hashgraph is still in the proof of concept phase. It will be YEARS before they have a viable technology that's been tested extensively enough to take over blockchain.

so is ADA? how long till something?

>One phone call away from the most powerful man on the planet
>He is safe

months user... just months. staking in about 3 months main net this year in my estimation. 4-5 dollars before EOY

this will liquefy every other coin. scalable, provably secure (within parameters that the best scientific minds in the world can devise... this is the purpose of the peer review anons), proof of stake (coming soon 3-4 months), ledger support (coming very soon 4-8 weeks), ICOs... will obliterate ETH and this has fuckers shitting themselves and thus FUDding, will obliterate bitcoin... watch it grow and sweat bullets if you don't buy on one of these dips

>can't even spell it right

ADA is a platform being built from scratch using a tested and proven technology: blockchain.

Hashgraph is a new technology that's never been tested or proven.

They are apples to oranges right now.

Months to what? Their alpha? I don't think you understand the process of software development. They've never had to pass a security audit. They've never had to prove they can in fact scale under load. All they have is a great idea and no stable implementation yet.

Just like it took many years before bitcoin proved that blockchain was secure, it took more years on top of that to implement smart contracts on blockchain, and even more and more years yet to even make smart contract secure and viable at scale, which is what Cardano is doing.

Hashgraph is at least a year away from a viable product that can compete with blockchain seriously.

is IOTA in a similar situation as Hashgraph?

IOTA is a shitcoin created by insecure devs

Quite different I would say

>really smart guy. Their team is full with academics and best expert

>muh science blah blah blah very smart people

When do you little faggots will finally understand that science doesn't makes any money?


Every new platform is going to be the best new tech that will kill ETH...

-NEO: chinese eth killer
-XBY: user eth killer
-ICX: Korean eth killer
-EOS: scaling eth killer

Etc etc et-fucking-c

Better go and invest in wassa wasssa wssaaaaaa bitconnnect. They pay 1% every single day!

hashgraph is a shit DAG. it is centralised and permissions.


I have 58k ADA so im good, but thanks.

14k little fish here, still accumulating

How much return are you expecting?

Cordono rocks!

At least 100x in 2 year period

We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time''.

discord dot gg/TEADGGw

uhhh, have you heard about thisindustty called biotechnology, how about the fundamentals in materials science, encryption etc employed by the military industrial complex. and before you say academics cant bring shit to market you should know that professors form biotechs all the time take promising candidates to market... Cardano has several firms with dedicated teams working on things like network improvements, daedalus improvements, and tangentially on Cardano's smart-contracts workflow

Get in before the 2nd quarter

But keep your mouth shut about it, let's ride this one up. It will be a long term hodl and lots of newfags and nigger pajeets on here will ignore it because it's not a meme coin

They'll do a burn at some point, also check the history of other coins that have gone up that high...

>also check the history of other coins that have gone up that high...
what do you mean

You sound like you're from some South American shithole and can no longer tell scams from legit projects


Cardano is at buy oportunity now.