Live in a EU country in Eastern Europe
Want to move with my crypto gains somewhere warmer when I make it
Thinking southern France, but I am worried about too many negros
Should I do it /biz? Or should I go somewhere else?
Live in a EU country in Eastern Europe
France will be islamic state in 10-max20 years
think about it
Portugal is not as great as France right now. But I am thinking about the islamisation seriously. Isn't any great, white and prosperous place left in all of France?
I've been thinking about buying a property in Spain but I'm really worried about the EU abolishing private property.
Western Europe is full with niggers. Its dead! Stay at your eastern European country!
Keep your racist ways in Eastern Europe, you not welcome in the first world.
i think you can find one but not for long unfortunatly
>Isn't any great, white and prosperous place left in all of France?
there isnt any great white and prosperous place left in all of the entire world OP
thats why we have to use our shitcoin gains to gas the kikes or we'll all have to live in a jewish -controlled dystopia and what fun is that? right its no fun at all, no matter how rich you are.
Move to the finer slav countries, like Czech rep or Croatia
Where will you pay your taxes OP?
In France it's 85% tax on cryptos consisting of 67% on highest income bracket (€150k+), 3% of some extra tax and 15% of social contributions, iirc.
Fuck this country.
France is a shit country with shitty people. go to poland or czech instead
Lmao at France. What would you like a truck of peace or grenade attack?
this world will be 3rd world in 10-20 years, because of cultural, racial and ideological decadance
you have been warned, nigger
screencap this shit.
I heard Iceland is pretty good
I am not a racist, just thinking about my safety and the city culture that I will be living. Paris and Lyon are dead already
Eastern European, EU, and crypto savvy...
Esti Roman OP?
>Sorry user your home is too big for just you to Be living in so we are going to give you a week to ready your home to accommodate 12 Somalian teen refugees until new legislation passes
relax OP, racism is a natural instinct. Staying away from niggers makes you smart and may save your life
western countries are in a bubble right now, they'll dump in the next 10 years.
Whats Estonia or Finland or Iceland or Greenland ?
Luxembourg, duh.
my dad owns a company
i make more money in 1 min than you do in your life lol
i walk into the hq and people stop typing and clap
fuck you for being to selfish to help me
and i was going to pay you lol
2 bad now
i guess you dont get any of ur precous money
iceland is ultra-feminist and their women are feral whores
the only thing iceland got going for itself is that its so far out of the way that shitskins dont bother to go there yet.
Best cities are Bordeaux, Toulouse, Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier imho
aide from niggers france is full of the French who are repugnant pieces of shit
finland is full with somalia-tier niggers
estonia has like 5 hours of sunlight a day, good luck not getting depressed and offing yourself
You got gains AND you live in Eastern Europe? Stay put dumbass, you're all set! I live in Southern Finland and we got packs of niggers in Helsinki already. France is beyond fucked!
its not about buble, its about shitty scam devs
Unironically: Costa Rica.
You are welcome user
frenchfag here
south of france is beautiful but there are arabs and gipsies literraly everywhere
also crypto gains are taxed 55%
its a cuck country in every aspects and any french guy who isn't a brainlet wants to gtfo this country
good advice ty
You are crazy if you come here.
Taxes on crypto gains are insane (+60% if more than 100k €) and the south of France is full of immigrants. If I was you I would go to Portugal.
the worst part about France is the French
second is the muslim hordes
>also crypto gains are taxed 55%
You're sure? See
most warmer places are filled with negroes, so choose wisely
honestly OP if I was some slavfag and making bank on cryptos I would never even think about leaving my homecountry. it doesnt get much better than this IMO.
everyr western nation is overrun with niggers and arabs at this point and the few that arent yet, are not really worth even visiting, let alone living there. you slavfags got hot bitches, based countrymen and if you can escape poverty with cryptos I really see no reason to leave.
There's not much negros in france, just islamists, and they're a lot. Ps: you really need to speak french to live there, we are bad at english.
Yes, Portugal sounds great. I can a buy a property with the view at the Atlantic Ocean, near Lisbon with less 300k it seems. You fucking fags you just destroyed my wet dream about southern France.
>There's not much negros in france
>not much negros
are you kidding? nowadays even in the country theres niggers everywhere, shit i live in a 30k inhabitants town near lyon but when i go to work i see burkas and big black mammas everywhere
No. Stay in Eastern Europe. Western Europe is fucked.
Frog here. Don't count on it. They're pushing rapefugees pretty hard even into remote areas. I've got a house in the deep countryside, town of 90. The bigger town next to us (1k pop) got a dozen refugees housed in a hotel since last year. Also starting to see black people around.
This is the BEST case scenario. I'm usually in the Paris suburban area, and population changed from majority white to majority shitskin virtually overnight. I'm not even kidding, stats show 3 out of 4 births in the Paris area are of ethnic background.
If you want warm and white, aim for Croatia. Or if you really make it, burgerland. As much as mutts like to whine, they have so much space to isolate themselves from the diversity, and they still have actual white communities.
we can thank to fucking joos for that
Well not warm, but free from moslems and niggers. Estonia, Tallinn to be specific. Actually a beautiful City and real estate prices are still quite low.
hate to ruin it for you, but burgerland is a complete shithole
I know cause I live in it, for now at least
I'm maybe wrong, I juste don't see it as a problem, portugal would be better so
Yes user, I want to move to the west burgeland, but how the fuck can I live there for more than 6 months a year if I dont want to work and just fuck around with the internet money
Estonia with occasional sunny vacations seems to be the best combination. Problem is the Russians who support the leftist party.
burgerland is awful, completely overrun with nogs everywhere
and the formerly white states are gettingn colonized by spics
its a shame as burgers are some of the nicest people I ever met and they got a beautiful country
the sad truth is there is no place to run. the kikes control everything and they are working 24/7 to destroy eveyr white nation on the planet. so unless we GTKRWN we will never be able to live in peace anywhere.
Can you shill me on Costa Rica?
I've been eying it for a while, at least portugal is european, has ocean access, nice weather and fairly cheap
El nu, dar eu is
Good healthcare, good weather, decent government, low cost of living.
What more do you honestly need?
>completely overrun with nogs everywhere
12% of the population
it's pretty nice to get your worldview from anime imageboards, right?
sod france, go to Austria or somewhere in scandinavia, the latter obviously has a higher cost of living though
Only place to run here is the midwest or rural towns. Nothing but cornfed krauts and scandanavians really. Pic related. Nogs stay in the south and travel to gibmedat cities like chicago at most.
The mexicans stay in the southwest for the most part.
The downside being, ofc, then you are stuck in the fucking midwest.
30% mexicans though
80% of California is now latino
oop forgot pic
All I need now is for my INT, ICX, VEN and TRACE to start fucking mooning.
Portugal/Spain are still alright. I think Spain is getting worse, but you might find some good places. Just avoid huge cities and especially Catalonia.
Ive been to the US and its like walking through a fucking zoo.
cant walk down the street without some negro trying to sell you drugs or some shitty mixtape. no thx Jeff
also I always thought the walmart scooter thing was a meme but turns out its real life.
California is not part of the US. Please do not mention that former territory and the shame it brought this great nation.
You should stay in Eastern Europe or leave Europe all together.
It seems like no other choise than relocate to a poor but white coutry like Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania etc.
Shame? We subsidize your taxes, you flyover. Go shoot up another school so Trump can send his thoughts and prayers.
2/10 low quality bait
Go you moortugal.
t. french goy
Hi user,
I'm french and i left this future shithole country few months ago.
i live in Porto for now. It's full of white people here. You see sometimes niggers (as these sub-humans have be seen everywhere in this world,)
But it's much better than lisboa. I'll check azores soon to see if a nigger free zone still exist.
Don't come to France, i repeat don't come to france. Nothing to see here anymore but ancient monuments and beautiful landscapes. Too bad.
Suntem multi.
only time I've been robbed in my life was by some niggers when I was visiting paris. I wanted to stay away from that shithole but my fiance insisted we go.
I'm living in Corsica ( "french" island )
No niggers, some arabs, but they stay veeerry calm here...
Amazing landscapes, great chicks.
But there's Nothing to do ( just Hunting/Fishing/go to shooting range/go to beach/Hiking)
French master race here
The city of Nice has awesome weather and not many blacks. It's also racist just like you and there are lots of slavs (mostly russians). You'll fit right in with your mong bros. Come and pay taxes for my unemployment thank you
funny thing is the nignog never actually went away from the south
Go for Croatia, your only choice. It's warm, cheap, white people, good food, nice women, catholic stronghold and racist people. Infrastructure is shit and economy is in the gutters. But if you already have the money, you'll be living like a king. Avoid tourism infested places if you don't want to look at fat germans all day.
Southern France is more about sand niggers than niggers
Go to the west countryside
Fuck you
>about the EU abolishing private property.
I honestly think that is why the south is so racist. Imagine being saturated in one of the 50-85.68% zones for a year or two.
5 hour night time in the summer for balance.
constantly seeing them first hand does do more than dry facts on the internet, but when you think about it how many gang shootings has the bible belt had compared to like the WC and the rust belt