DENT to be listed shortly on one of the largest exchanges in the world

DENT to be listed shortly on one of the largest exchanges in the world.

Buy DENT faggots. BUY DENT.

fuck you pajeet! i wont buy your bags!

It's already up 30% today

Except it is. Stay poor!

LoL it’ll be %300 once it hits exchange tomorrow

I wont listen to your pajeet lies!


lol DENT has fully working product
>dude this is real deal, get on it
>not kidding right now
>youll thank me in February


You can lead a horse to water...

But it’s filled with Pajeet shit.

you spelled lambos wrong.

I'm interested in buying, but what are you selling exactly? Like if I buy some "dent" with my real money, what do acquire, "dent money" ? And then what? Why do I need this? Pitch me your product man

do your own independent research you fuck


sitting comfy on 7k dentlet

Obviously you interested in DENT hence you here
>you that user who sold everything few days ago for a huge loss and going to miss rocket now
>we feel sorry for you user

but that's a happy and fat brainlet

he got what he wanted
>and you failed to even keep a shitcoin that would make you rich

I'll bite.
>Actual (growing) company
>Product in DENT that allows selling/trading of unused data allowances
>iOS app already active
>Android app coming Feb
>Gonna be huge in developing countries
>Developing other revenue streams like allowing advertisers to send you mobile data after having watched their ads
>focused on core product not useless hype
>listing on OKEX tomorrow

Master Race coin


Still waiting for deposit!

sell me your 600 sat bags then