Assblaster here, amazing. I've got 1 hour.
Assblaster here, amazing. I've got 1 hour
LINK is a shitcoin, sergey is a fucking fraud. You're just a pajeet larper
What's gonna happen with tether?
Fack off you mong
It will implode, probably from US gov investigation.
How do you prove you're actually assblaster
Larp post proof.
Is VEN gonna be ok?
it’s the wrong trip you groids
can you please explain whether you think vechain is a good long term hold? whats in your portfolio? why am i poor, pls assblaster notice me
Is the link hedge fund legit???
>not posting Dennis
Nice try dumb dumb
What's up with the documents from 14' you promised to share that laid out SWIFT's 5 year plan?
got any more receipts to post?
anyone have the previous post screen-cap with the trip? This seems familiar but wondering if it's the second larper or the first one.
When will the bleed stop?
thats how you know its not him, he even said that himself
Do you see the market improving soon or will we continue a bearish trend?
Thoughts on ICX and VEN?
What suggestions do you have for passive income (running nodes for which coin/good cheap masternodes one can pick up)?
You're just going to have to take my word for it.
It has potential, but there are better things to invest in.
I haven't looked into it, but if they have to register with a government agency that's about as legit as it gets.
why the fuck is your name Assblaster when its usually AssBlaster god damn u pajeets ruin everything
Some announcements inc. ?
How do we kill the bear? Throw out fairest twinks into the fire? Form a hunting party?
Other than that, got any hot takes on the next few weeks? Your last thread was riveting. We close to a recovery? Or will Q1 remain dead?
>implying this is assblaster
what'd you think of upfiring (UFR)? do you think the discord shills have ruined it?
how fucked am I for buying TEL as a long hold
We're in the beginning of a new paradigm in finance. Just be patient.
ok 'assblaster' said in his last update that VEN is a blue chip crypto. you're a lying faggot and i hope you die
whats better than VEN?
This is just sad
Just stop thinking about crypto all the time and it will be over before you know it.
Ufr has a lot of potential but could run into legal issues. I'd stay away.
There's a tonne better than ven like doge or mobius.
Are we gonna make it if we buy chainlink or not
>first time the trip gets used
hey guys real assblaster here, AMA
Opinions on Theta, Coss and Airswap?
Wrong trip. Sop falling for this shit.
at least try to be subtle
Wrong trip, you fake faggot
What's the low on BTC?
What's the high on XLM?
VEN was one of the real assblasters blue chips and he’s all in LINK
go back to r3ddit
is tel just another shitcoin ?
Bunch of larpers, real assblaster here, AMA.
I don't think you fully understand that mobius is the shadow fork of link that Jason Parser tried to warn you about.
fake fake fake fake fake
What do u think about BAT and OMG for long term hold?
actually these threads need to happen
look at the r3dditors asking for non-link advice sssuming AB is some whale or crypto insider
This. I didn't tell you autists but I market sold all my LINK at $1.40 which caused the crash to $.50. Thanks for pumping it for me morons.
I'm all in on MOBIUS now. Mobius is the future.
Wow really takes a genius to figure that one out
I am actually the shadow forked assblaster and the other one is shadow fork Dimond.
Ass blaster here. Other Ass blasters just imitatin. AMA
Don't listen to these pajeets shilling their shit FakeNews bullshit on you. Just fucking buy and hodl link if you want to be rich. If not, then just fuck off and make it easier for the other people that want to get rich? Got it faggots? Good.
>Assblaster !v/pQBrNzv
Do you guys not get how tripcodes work? ANYONE can use the NAME. Its the letters that come after that have to match.
What makes you think link is going to do anything significant
The real assblaster still has 120k link in the adress he promised not to sell for a year.
Fuck off larper
>The real assblaster still has 120k link in the adress he promised not to sell for a year.
>Fuck off larper
Post address pls sir
>ab has ascended beyond normal tripcodes
what do you think about AMB and INT?
is #paywithcrypto a legit movement or will it fail at what it's trying to do?