Is IOTA prepping for huge bull run to $10 ?
Is IOTA prepping for huge bull run to $10 ?
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Prolly not
more like a bear fall to .000001 zimbabwe dollars
iota is a scam ran by stuttering potheads
No, but its users are prepping a huge bull
nice try stupid bagholder
Not with that insane retard at the helm it's not
So sell all IOTA and dont buy right now ?! Got it user, thank you !
You asked if it's gonna x4, and it's just not gonna, not today lmao.
>all these anons who didnt buy when it was cheap
stay poor faggots
I hope you buy more, please go all in on IOTA
I’m actually all in on IOTA and so far made 10BTC but greedy for 100BTC so not selling a single one lol
why hold IOTA when IoT exists
im gonna be rich way before that with my holdings
but thanks
I'm pretty sure you're using terms that you don't have full comprehension of
No but iota bagholders are prepping the Bull for their wife/GF/mum
IOTA Insider here. IOTA will be $2 in less than 12 hours. Expect communication from team in next 6 hours with new info. I know roadmap and will update you all once I am confirmed insider. Maybe even have an AMAA.
bags are full, if I see it on the news, i'll sell
if prl works, iota's gonna rise like crazy
he means INT,still dumb
fuck off david sonstebo
>MIT says its shit, because it is.
They have no idea, user. I was around for them saying Populus was a shitcoin. Veritaseum was a shitcoin. On and on and on. Populus is up to 90 bucks from under a dollar. Veritaseum is over 300 from under a dollar. Get off of this site. Read the partnerships and use cases and actual hardware announcements from the companies themselves, not the crypto teams, if you need verification/don't trust a coin teams word.
Iota will be at least 300/Miota this year. You don't have to believe me, but DYOR (checking exuberant articles against FUD, checking FUD articles against rebuttals) and make a call. Don't live with regret because you trusted the hive mind and didn't dig deeply enough.
More like $1
101% correct
>I'm still here for funny memes and for that one and a half user who needs our help to make it.
>give and you should get, right ?
$10 in zimbabwean dollars maybe
Any advice in how to get my IOTA back from the devs? Makes me sad I can't hold them.
I'll start the AMAA now. How did you get into LARPing?
> Ive done the research a year ago
> read the whitepaper
> had discussions with CfB
> David was calling me names and FUDster for asking some questions
> talked with the other Sergei professor
> looked at the code, Curl function, told CfB it was shit and he should be ashamed, this was 1 year ago, before security vulns discovered in it by MIT
> conclusion, its a shit scam coin, propelled only by the very hot air spewn by CfB, David and a nice toy of the other Sergey
> the scam is very similar to previous scam of CfB, the Nxt coin, which he claims was "the first full proof of stake", but it isnt, it was Peercoin. Nxt is just a shitty Java application
> both scams share the "The Nxt blockchain" monicker - promise more and when not delivering or being called out, promise even more - spew even more hot air.
> conclude state of crypto in 2017... actually hands billions of USD to totally worthless scam tokens, the market is full of retards, hence I buy RaiBlocks and Ripple, since both werw sub $1 back in June/July.
Now I just feel sad for you IDIOTAs while I sit on my gains and increase my XRB, XRP and XLM stack.
Screencap this
I have some of this Radix as well
and the DataDAO token
also in DisLedger since a few months ago.
So comfy here.
Just wait :)
IOTA is already obsolete. Smart money is moving into ITC which is a much superior DAG
youre the same faggot from the IOTA shill thread.
> all in on IOTA and so far made 10BTC
> 10BTC
seriously, kill yourself you are embarrasing Veeky Forums
Iota = scam. Bugged shit coin.
We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time./,/,
discord dot gg/TEADGGw
Read this thread on Hacker News
IOTA is getting shit on by real developers
lol fuck off fagit posting fud shit from some single parent shit lier lol
This it the intelligence level of the average IOTA fanboy
you fucking dumbshit this is your "real developer" who's top commented on le reddit
>go back to eating your feces you snailbrain
Jesus. IOTA fanbois getting REKT by real men
Hilarious to watch
Yet hackernews had to close the thread for new accounts
CfB and his friends are known sockpuppet users, they have "sockpuppet management software". The sockpuppets show up everywhere trying to scam more people into buying his shit.
Seems like you want to emulate Assblaster but I have to tell you that your game is quite poor.
reminder IOTA, its fanbois and its developers are turds
Seriously, look at the ones who are defending IOTA, all of them accounts less than an a day old lol can those retards be anymore blatant
in less than 11 hours you will be asking for the more info i know about :)
Really fucking hate IOTA, from the wallet, to the retarded CEO or whichever one was sperging on reddit