
Saw this coin on here a few days ago. Is this still a good investment? Convince me to buy/stay away from this coin.

Other urls found in this thread:


90% of the total supply is owned by 6 people that are planning to dump. The devs are deep into TOR and likely hid shit in the wallet. One of the biggest whales schizophrenic and keeps causing the price to drop like a rock.
Stay away.

Any cryptonote coin under 50 satoshis is a good buy, I regret not buying more at 1 satoshi. It's already hit 39 satoshis, so it's an easy 3x if you don't wanna hold


Current supply is

Yes, but it's already extremely difficult to mine, even someone with a mining rig has no hope of catching up to the dev's friends that got in before they advertised the coin.


This could easily be some meme shitcoin, you will probably not get any real answers from people here on biz, half will tell you its a pajeet keylogger, the other half will tell you to sell your house and but turtle. I would just look at what the miners are doing, which in this case is fairly unique.

Turtle'lers are going nuts because Nicehashers are buying insane amount of hashing power to mine it and basically and made it super hard to mine.

What is interesting is that they are currently mining at a huge loss. Turtles network hashrate is insanely high right now. They would only do that if they expect the price to not only rise, but to have enough volume that when they sell it does not instantly crash the market.

Do some quick math and look at what hashing power is selling for on nicehash and the value of turtle as well as how much is being bought.

How do people just spread lies like this?

Current supply is 4.2B

bullshit, show me where in the block chain it is concentrated into such a few number of wallets, pro-tip, you cant.

Either way, their share will be diluted the fuck out. Its only been around a month and 2.5 billion turtle are added every 30 days. Even if your bullshit 90% number is true, it wont even matter soon

its only hard becuase nicehashers are literally spending millions mining it. Turtles network speed is larger then a lot of the other cryptonote based coins

Does difficulty ever go down? Fuck.

Don't forget to give Kevin Rose's "Block Zero" podcast five stars on iTunes, you lazy niggers.

Any news about tradesatoshi?

1.) Fast
2.) Private
3.) Good name/memeable
4.) Active devs working on the project
5.) Will be listed on TradeSatoshi

TradeSatoshi is far less sketchy and the price will hit 50 satoshis once being listed.

i bought in at 4 sats, it mooned to 38 and corrected down to 14. if that's not healthy i don't know what is

so in the unlikely case you aren't pajeeting
it's a pump and dump


Currently under code review, ETA 7-14 days

it's hard to mine because the difficulty evolve in an unfair way.
very easy to mine at the beginning, hard after 12 mins.
It's a subtler ponzi

It's hard to mine because nicehasher's 50xd the network in two weeks

pic related is the only shell you deserve

i dont think you understand how it works

the difficulty is literally determined by how much hashing power being thrown at it

the exact same amount of coins are being made per block since the beginning.

Even if the devs were mining ALL of the supply for a week, they would only have like 100 million turtle before the nicehashers got in. There are probably nicehashers with more turtle then the devs

A little bit

This fud is absolutely stupid
Feel free to check the git


There are and this was confirmed in the discord. But Veeky Forums is going to be a junior high girl about it and spread rumors

Meaning that the devs do not have anywhere near the stacks that the nicehashers have


Turtle network speed is insanely fast. I've been using it to play around and the transfers are almost instant

We'll see how long it's going to stay this way.

Tjis . Pfffff

pic related has been the only good pic posted in a TRTL thread so far

100 sats when?

Yeah but that one was spammed by the off-his-meds pedo. so stay away from it...

We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time,

discord dot gg/TEADGGw


Don't post this picture, it got spammed by a homeless pedo all this week

$DASH is a much better investment right now.

99% of the banks are owned by a single family.

This shit isn't exclusive to TRTL

That's what you get when you shill your project on this site. Thanks warning me, though.

99% of banks won't dump the value of the dollar or can't, the problem is these people plan on dumping turtle into the ground. One of them is legitimately schizo.

Name a name user, someone on the discord?


His faucet page isn't properly working, too.

Ive been wondering that about TRTL and FBF on that same sight, any opinions?

Why you think he's crazy?

I mean, he is crazy optimistic thinking it's going to 1000 SATs, but he doesn't come off as phyco trying g to keep it down.

which family, prove it

I think he meant billion. it's pretty obvious it's not 6 million when even I have more than that in my wallet.

So you want to reproduce the stupidity of the banking system in crypto because it'll make you rich? last I checked this is what we are absolutely trying to avoid.

Funny you're seeling your soul like a jew whilst I could have saw you and your shitposting fellow shitposting about jews on /pol/ before TRTL came to exist.

I have a million TRTL and I've already made my investment back by buying nicehash power and flipping the proceeds on tradeogre. You just gotta wait for the network hashrate to go below 20mh/s for it to be profitable. Shit's like printing money.

How do you buy coins?

Buy BTC for fiat at an exchange like Coinbase. Transact your Bitcoins to your account on tradeogre.com. There you can trade your BTC for TRTL.

Don't forget to tip me:


You can buy here


It was at 20-30 sats for a while, so now it's on discount. Easily make x3-x5 gains when it gets on a new exchange this week.

Will be 50-80 sats by the end of feb

What is trtl?

My initial guess was EOY for 100 sats, but seeing the growth I wouldn't be surprised if it only took a few months to get there (once on better exchanges).

It's the abbreviation for the Turtle Coin currency.

TRTL = Turtle Coin

Isnt bitcoin worth more than turtle

yes 1 bitcoin right now would get you ~ 8 million TRTL

>Transact your Bitcoins to your account on tradeogre.com

This week? got a source?

In since 2 sats here. comfy turtle hermit

It went up to 42 SATs and crashed bc miners cashed out.

>This week? got a source?
He doesn't.

Exchange has to approve the code base first which hasn't happened yet, if approved it's 7-14 days after that, so the clock is not even tickinh just yet.

And they're still mining. My pos laptop won't even get me 200 TRTL overnight now.

I was talking about the "new exchange", so is there a source?

Allright, thanks. Still holding 'n accumulating so that's ok

So why is everyone buying this shit? Sounds risky


>99% of banks won't dump the value of the dollar
>laughs in hebrew


There's a confirmed keylogger in the miner. Stay the fuck away.

Mfw I mined like 10 million of this shit coin when it came out and just seen this thread that it’s actually tradeable now

high volume = will get on new exchanges = moon

>likely hid shit in the wallet
>source: my ass
What does paranoid delusions feel like, Reddit? Is it kind of like voting for Hillary then shrieking in agony knowing you lost?


Likely big payoff by getting in early (that's my reason at least). Dev team seems cool too. Heard the interview of the guy that founded it on some podcast

So i bought 700 dollars worth of bit coin. How do i use that to buy some turtle on tradeogre

Just throw in 100 bucks if you're comfortable with it and you're fine.

On Tradeogre click the icon on the top right, click balances. Next to Bitcoin click Deposit. There is a code that's a bunch of letters and numbers, this is a public code you can give to anyone, it's only for deposits, no one can withdraw using it. You will then go on coinbase, go to your account, go to bitcoin, click withdraw. Copy/paste the code from tradeogre in there and move the whole amount over. There will probably be some withdraw verification, like an e-mail or using 2FA on your phone.

Because potential for who knows how many x payoff...it cheap as fuck, put .5 btc and it has a real chance at going 10x very easily.

hey normie. welcome to Veeky Forums

trtl has a difficulty algorithm designed to last until past our own lives. This is a multigenerational coin. Stop complaining you didn't get in when the network was under 10 mh/s, that's like bitching over not being born with a big cock

Just bought 50k, will I make it brahs?

how much do the bulls here think this can reasonably be worth by 2018 EOY? $1? $0.50?



Mfw, i was mining when it was 50kh.

Is it too much?

No there isn't you actual fucking retard, this shit has been beaten to death already. The code is on github, fuck off and kill yourself.

Nothing is never enough.

>how much do the bulls here think this can reasonably be worth by 2018 EOY? $1? $0.50?

Lol no user.

More like 1 cent would be total insanity.

Sorry, man, but whenever I see FUD like this I have to laugh.

I see buy and sell on coinbase. No withdrawl


Sorry just checked coinbase to remind myself of the layout. Click Account and then use Send and Receive

Ha! Nice one!

you send/transfer. On the phone app, it looks like a paper airplane.

Anyone bought a large amount of the turtle yet?

>yfw coinbase adds TRTL and it becomes $100 a coin

Get the maymay magic going boys