I'm retarded

I'm retarded..
I can't swim tie my shoes
I'm 26 no college degree about one year..I have about 1700 saved up..

Jobless and nearly homeless..

How do I get myself out of this mess and make decent money.. Was working on CompTIA a+ but I'm dumb.. I'm fit so I was thinking about prostitution but my penis is small..

whats the best method of suicide?

Hey long time no see how's it going buddy

u keep posting this thread

watch youtube videos on how swimming works and then practice in the shallow end at your local community center or ymca

i tie my shoes like a retard because my fingers are like mittens i'm so uncoordinated. there are a couple different methods for tying shoes, find one that works with your clumsy fingers.

as for work i guess you'll have to wagecuck, which sucks. but even then it can be hard to find a wagecuck job. i once applied to over a hundred shit low as low jobs that were all hiring. not one interview. applying a resume online is useless. i only had 2 years wagecuck experience at the time and i guess thats not enough to clean a toilet in this world. maybe i would have had better luck literally handing a paper resume in by hand like the boomers told me to. maybe try that.

longterm i have no idea. wherever you got the money to try and fail at compTIA i dont know. but maybe try that again but with something you know your dumb brain can handle. i'm in a similar boat i can sympathize, i dont know what i'mgoing to do with my life either.

where's the pleasure?

yeah true. find something you enjoy doing. if it makes you happier then it will make you more successful in life. depressed people don't go anywhere they don't have the energy.

neet hobbies are retarded though, collecting anime figurines isn't going to help you. are there any sports you enjoy? i don't. but apparantly research shows if you can do something competitive and win it will boost your confidence and dopamine levels and all that. winning makes people better unless they win too much then they risk overconfidence, which doesnt seem to be something you'll have to worry about.

i have no constuctive examples because i'm pretty lame and can't come up with any hobby or interest ideas that will boost my mood either

He means why is he posting this constantly

>can’t tie his shoes
>still gets 1700 saved

desperation i would presume


You need a job. It might help to know where you live though. Entry level jobs are easy to get in the US right now since the economy is booming. You can also sell plasma for $300 a month to get a little cash flow going. That's what I did when I found myself basically destitute 3 years ago. I started with the plasma, then wage cucked some and now I'm balling with crypto. At least until the bottom falls out. Then I'll just find something else.

it sucks rn..and I don't want my GF knowing I'm posting this..



yeah I should man up..I may be dumb but I want to have at least 10k by end of year or college..idk..

fuck, this retard has a gf but he can't tie his shoes lol i'm out

What's ur wallet addr I'll send u eth

lol i know right

he's in college, has a gf, thinks 10k in savings is possible by the end of the year. he's basically super accomplished already by millenial standards

i mean, i don't think i'll have 10k ever. i'll never have a gf and haven't been laid in years. no future prospects whatsoever and i also can't tie my shoes properly.

i'm taking over this thread. please send all pity, scorn, advice, and insults my way instead of op

i prefer to delay death, soaking up the pain and anger. Letting the potential go to waste. Start collecting debt, especially from the state and Feds, just like me

just be funny...I'm a stand up comic .__.

I'm not in college and I don't have 10k..I'm a loset

clean your room

Assuming not larp, start by getting a fucking job. Any job goddammit. I'm 26 also and have worked for 9 companies in a shitton of positions. Almost all were shit, but when combined with some shitty community college, it was enough to get me a job in IT. Be willing to wade through a river of shit or just take some asprin and slit your wrists.

I don't understand what's wrong with you young cats these days. I'm 40 and yes, I do hang out with you guys, I don't play vidya, I don't watch anime, I don't sit around being """depressed""". I have a home, a car, a wife, money, and plenty of shit. My hobbies are running my affiliate sites, trading my fucking coins, and getting money. That's all you have to do. Put down the bullshit and pick up things that get you paid. Do that enough and you'll get out of whatever broke dick funk you're in. And I didn't have none of this shit 3 years ago. I had just gotten out of federal prison with basically nothing. At least you guys are starting somewhere and you don't have any felonies so opportunities for you are endless. I just don't get how you kids can just wallow in self-pity and do nothing to better yourself when it's so easy. Fuck man. Take a damn shower. Clean your clothes. Start filling out applications. Cut your hair. Sell some damn plasma. Learn how to trade. Whatever.

>be a wage cuck and put a portion of your earnings into crypto
is basically your advice
it's what everyone here is already doing

and if the crypto market falls there goes the last hope of millenial men

gotta spend money to make money. which means if your money is going into rent and bills and you're living paycheque to paycheque its basically hopeless

Then you completely missed my point which was to get off your ass, put the vidya down and do something. Anything. Also, did you miss the part where I mentioned "affiliate sites"? I know it was quick. All of the money I have in crypto came from that and at first I didn't make shit in coins but now I make considerably more. The facts of your circumstances are unique and you can use those "facts" to argue ad infinitum which is how many people just end up spinning their wheels. If you do that, my advice is to turn off that inner voice and just start doing. Usually the way out of a rut is obvious and the only reason you don't take that way out is you talk yourself out of it. You're probably pretty smart so you can come up with an argument why anything won't work. Pro tip: stop doing that.

i don't even play video games. and i thought affiliate programs were basically a scam. how do you make money in affiliate programs?

>I can't swim

This is a meme. Swimming requires zero skill.

I know de wey
Buy INT Now! Sell end of feb then buy shipchain with everything u have
Should have at least 100-200k by end of 2019 if not much much more.

because it's easier and more fun to shitpost here than do anything productive to change your problems

Get a job as a fisherman, you are trapped there on the ocean, you have nothing else to do than work. You work, once you get home, you get one large paycheck which you can invest in crypto.

Video games is just an example for time wasting behavior, but it could be anything else. For me it was reading philosophy books. Seriously. I used to read the fuck out of Nietzsche and Locke but wouldn't do anything. Then I stopped.
And affiliate sites are not a scam by any means unless you are an affiliate for a scam company. Don't do that. How it works is you make websites and put ads on them. At least that's how I do it. Join up as an affiliate with somebody like Amazon or eBay or whoever, make some blogs and put your links on there. People click your link, buy stuff and you get paid. Even if they don't buy what you are shilling but buy something else the next day. You can get a domain name for about a dollar and shared hosting costs about 3 or 4 dollars a month. You can put 50 wordpress blogs on a single shared host so the economics are pretty easy.

At any rate, good luck. Look into the affiliate thing. I gotta go to Costco and get some new glasses so I'm out.

The absolute state of Veeky Forums

Neck yourself for even posting in this thread

would really appreciate it man