50% NEO

>50% NEO
>50% ETH

Is there any reason to buy anything else?

>10 billion cap
>115 billion cap

unless you have 200k on both youre a fuckin pussy.

ETH and ETH clones were the 2017 gimmick. You're going to get left behind.



it's ven or icx now

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

They are literally the only two coins consistently going up and staying up.
If you want to swing trade sure use your shitcoin of choice but in terms of long term hodls I don't see anything beating them.

pic makes me laugh every time



I'm with you friend.

I traded in my shitcoins (DRGN, DBC, XRB, TEL) and now I'm all in on ETH. It has a high market cap, reasonable transaction fees, is generally pretty fast, and has an awesome smart contract ecosystem.

It may not moon like smaller coins but it's also remarkably stable. I sleep better at night with my money in ETH.



Problem with shitcoins is that they never stay up, they always dump by more and the fact that ETH usually moons at the same time as them anyway so you can't really use it as a reliable way to increase your stack of ETH.

Sure they can quickly double or triple your money with trash like DBC but unless you get lucky with the pumps you'll get fucked because they have no reason to stay up. It's just a question of when they dump and when you sell. With good coins you don't have to deal with that stress.

eth in 2018? try etc. callisto fork mar 5. nobody promoting because all the deep pockets are repositioning into etc. Callisto is a direct response to ETH's failures. Similar to EOS in that the smart contracts will be easier and more secure by having prebuilt, audited tools that developers can use for free to build out their product.

Srsly DELET this NOW. I still have open buy orders on etc, you faggot


the last time NEO pumped this hard it was bleeding for months



top kek

have an upboat

Replace NEO with XLM and you're ready to hodl

ETH is climbing a wall of worry desu.

>pumps from 0.09 to 0.13 then corrects to 0.11
>bleeding for months

you'd might have to sell it at some point to buy a 3rd gen tech
or just add some as things progress more slowly in the real world

XLM is a shitcoin

more network congestion you mean?

not sure if youre retarded or dumb
peak was 0.012
bottom was 0.002

that was a six month bleed btw
>muh chinese eth
>gets killed by a 5000 people whitelisted sale
great stuff
also 35% of the NEO supply are god knows where

locked in a contract that will slowly be released?

that crash was because bitcoin mooned you dumbass

the dollar value literally went up at the bottom

You should probably factor in that bitcoin was $4k when neo was 0.012 and $17k when neo was 0.002

fuck you mean, xlm is dying

nice oc my friend, take this (you)

Might as well buy ICO's with the ether and NEO

6x in a week off the last one (measured in ether) for me

switch NEO for OMG. if/when they release plasma there will be literally no reason for NEO to exist anymore.