It's just a total coincidence Linkies. Not the same ChainLink at all. This is a totally different ChainLink. The biggest coincidence of all time, I assure you. Nothing to see here.
Other urls found in this thread:
There are no coincidences; only fate. Even if the fund were unrelated to *our* ChainLink, its mere *existence* would still serve to prove the strength of memes which are interwoven with ChainLink and the universe.
This is a higher level of understanding than Veeky Forums is ready for
>this post
fucking hell, almost too much
Holy fuckin' shit...
Armbruster/Assblaster, Chainlink fund. This is exactly the sort of stuff that happened with pol and the Trump campaign e.g. Shadilay song:
We are memeing this into reality. $1000 EOY.
It really is
>stinky Linkies are dumb shit rthedonald refugees
No wonder you're all so insufferable
Maybe if you faggots hadn't exposed him, he'd come back and share more info.
>this is why we can't have nice things
Delete this now. I need to buy more.
>Missing the essence of the post
t. retarded Pajeet
>muh meme magic
You have to be 18 to post here dick weed
I just called the guys from mobius. After discussing how they went to stanford and harvard law school they mentioned Murat Armbraster put the 2.5 mil in mobius. They called it chainlink crypto fund to fuck with the autists at Veeky Forums for calling them pajeets.
$1000 EOY check em
We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time,
discord dot gg/TEADGGw
We need to do some more digging on Murat guys....
AB is 26 and from london
why is the jew in the bottom left dressed up as a neonazi?
Jews are obsessed with nazis.
Guys, can anyone link me to everything Assblaster has posted here? I'm almost sure I've founded him on Facebook. He lives in London right?
Assblaster let another innocent man get doxxed when he could have stopped it. Assblaster is no angel just tell us. Go to biz archive warosu and search username assblaster.
>I'm upset I was too dumb to buy LINK and now all my funds are tied up in other underwater investments.
>REEEEE it's fucking Trump voters that did this to me.
I don't want to get another innocent man getting doxxed. I need to be sure.
The meme magic I feel it again
Nice digits.
Link threads are blessed by Lord Kek
meme magic is real folks
I've got him. It's not Murat btw.
follow my directions and go look.
here i'll help you
so you've got a match? What makes you think it is? and how did you do narrow it down to this guy?
Not bad
Armbruster and assblaster can’t be a coin idence. This is the best timeline, memes and dreams are becoming real.
Riddle user here. These people have insider information and are positive about Facebook implementation. SWIFT is confirmed. Huge insurance providers involved. Now it just comes down to successfully launching the main net.
nigga someone called Mark Wagner and he categorically denied it was sergey's chainlink. You're getting sloppy.
I'm 99,99% sure. Residence, interests, the languages he speaks, his writing skills in English and this picture gives a pretty close match with the guy I've found on Facebook (Same hair color, facial hair, chest hair). His name is Assblaster because he's gay. A few more things but then I'd give away too much.
how do you know this guy actually called mark wagner and inquired about this?
Forgot to add.
The memes are becoming interlinked.
Because This Is the number on their disclosure form. Check yourself.
I'm the guy who called
Also found this. (Facebook is in Dutch, didn't want to go the hassle of changing stuff on a disposable account)
It's too late.
Ive found the facebook.
Here is the profile picture
Look for Facebook API developers. This is how they got to know CL and started the fund. It is indeed CL related. Probably they were just cautious when someone called in and started asking about their investments. One thing that's online for all of you to see, also one of my first riddles: ACCOUNTING AI, this is still not being discussed over here. And it's not only accounting. Programming AI in smartcontracts. Machine learning with AI deciding which APIs to read. But about accounting the truth is out there. Do you want to believe?
Seriously. The ChainLink lore is just too hilarious for me. I can't believe this is all happening.
LINK is the gift that keeps on giving.
>River Phoenix
who is armbrusters son?
Christ man
daily reminder that AB is 26yo. he can't be Armbruster. maybe his son or a coworker or whatever the fuck, but definitely not him.
so is river phoenix AB?
>all this copy pasting
>nothing even vaguely remotely related to chainlink
What are we meant to take from this? I'll go out on the longest thinnest limb in the world for chainlink but i don't get this compillation, other than you've confirmed mark wagner lives there.
Show me the secret link
since I bought my first few thousand link, I've grown my total holdings 4x. Should I keep trying to grow or just go all in on Link now to lower the price point I'd need to be free
shit I just made some connections. Sorry to make fun of you bud. Read the riddle anons post. Did you come across anyone from facebook in researching mark wagner?
care to share with the class?
he's saying someone related to chainlink crypto fund had something to do with facebook, which is where they found out about chainlink. Idk I looked into all the names on the SEC forms but don't remember anyone having to do with facebook, I'm wondering if the dutch user does though.
This is reaching QAnon levels of autism.
>best levels
Yeah, I'm very sorry I can't extract a confirmation from public resources. I'm just trying to connect dots and find out how Armbruster and Assblaster are related.
wew lad.
Link is going to be bigger than we imagine.
I love sergey.
nah the effort's great, I just think the assblaster/armbruster angle is an obvious meme
This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal,.,
discord dot gg/pbN4G73
>believing that bullshit
Why are you assuming they're related? Assblaster probably just works with one of them or something, like he said.
Which fork is that?
What's going on in this thread? Why do you wanna doxx AB after he brought Chainlink to your attention?
Why try to uncover his identity? He literally gave you guys a gift (at least with his calls on 18th december) why are you trying to ruin this guys life?
which explains why it would be funny for him to have someone complain to his boss about "assblaster".
oh shit
trex fork
HYDE fork
Because we're trying to discover if he was just a larping faggot.
Why are we tanking right now? Still holding tho
Just accumulated more.
that would be a wonderful reality
sadly I doubt our timeline is one of complete memes
This world is under the control of a chaotic trickster god. Chainlink will make hundreds of socially retarded autists rich just to please him. There is more to this world than what you can see.
>after he brought Chainlink to your attention?
Veeky Forums had it's eye on LINK for months before AB showed up.
Anymore progress dude?
Also, were you the user who started the thread two days ago?
There are a is a video with Andrew Hopkins giving a presentation about utilizing blockchain for humanitarian affairs and the government use cases (I think). Going to watch the whole thing tomorrow. Type and then /CIHCandIIHA/videos/10159423038125615/
Veeky Forums won't let me paste the entire link.
02:01 Is Andrew talking.
I'm pretty tired now, maybe some other anons can dig a little further. Maybe check out the other speakers in the video.
>multiple mysterious and accurate postings regarding link timeline start surfacing
>silent yet well known team to add to spookiness
>dots beginning to connect, image slowly becoming less blurry
>strange filings, veiled partnerships coming out of the woodwork
>based Brussels prophet with beautiful hair predicts all of this
t. when dankest timeline of all time and you were fortunate enough to get in
*Andrew Hoppin
> Me in this thread.
Feels Euphoric doesn't it Marine?
it feels too good to be true
go to around 18:10. confirmed scam coin
Remain iron handed, your faith shall be rewarded.