What is the optimal amount of coins to hodl (long term) at X amounts of capital?
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you're retarded.
I'd say you want atleast 50 each
>you're retarded.
Let's not point out the obvious.
I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.
ZCL ONLY. Who's the jizzfizz
Every college professor that hasn't made a cent trading will tell you to be diversified. Pick some good projects. Do your own research. Don't spread yourself too thin just to be "diversified".
>i'm gonna shit in the street as pajeets crease up, laughing their tits off.
All in or stay poor
> have 1000k in 6 coins
> of the 6 coins, even if 1 makes x10, on average you will be less than x10.
option of high IQ investor
> 1. put all in on 1 hand-picked coin
> 2. put a stop loss -4%
> 3. go to step 1.
now when you find a coin going x10, you have the x10.
do this 10 times and you have enough to BUY REAL MILKERS wtf is that PANCake woman doing on my Veeky Forums
all of them; as much as you can
personally I would never hold less than 5 coins and more than 10. I usually stay around 5. That's just me.
Elaborate further son
could you un-spastic your post into non-mong please?
We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time,,
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hell yeah!!!! thats what i'm talking about!!!
lets go faggots!!!
Dude definitely formulates sentences like a weirdo
Shit threw me off
Better to catch x10 than to be spread on 5 coins, each of which on average is giving you x6 or less.
The best way to get stuck on say 100k and never advance, is to be in 5 or 10 coins, to be diversified. You will make losses on some of them, outweighting the gains you make on some of them. Stuck.
Your mindset has to be, to go all in, not every time, but most of the time, your mindset has to seek and want to put all you have on that coin which will give you x10. Rather than adjusting your portfolio like a poorfag.
Avoid losses and bad choices, by utilizing stop-loss.
the old me would get angry too, but you would no it.
like people would ask,
"bro, you angry?" and I would be all "no man, you would KNOW if I was angry"
and you might think any one would know when some one was angry, you would see them getting red and angry looking... but not me..
i would be all "you would know if I was angry"
and you would say, "exactly! I can see you. shit you're obviously angry"
"uh uh...not with me tho. you would know when I was angry."
but then, you would sa...
you get the picture
Whats up with the blatantly edited photo?
Buy 1 TRX, you'll be set for life
i know right?
jesus... get a load of Dharmer over here
Ok so what's the best way to consolidate? I have some icx but it's a small part of my portfolio & it would make sense selling that and increasing my other coins. Depending on when it moons compared to other coins it might still be better to hold it & be diversified than sell it & consolidate.
You get one coin for 10k you have, until you hit 100k. Under 10k you get 1, 20k you get 2, 30k 3, etc..
Step 1
Decide if you are a day trader or a long-term investor
If you dont want to look at charts every day, if you dont want to follow prices many times per day, then keep your coins as they are and forget about them for 6 months at least.
If you want to be a daytrader, cut your losses. remember that 5% loss needs 10% win to break even. 10% loss needs 50% win. 20% loss needs 100% gain just to break even.
Be allergic to losses. Dont accept -5% on a coin. Shut that shit down.
thats a good strategy, with modification
less than 10k, put it all in one as described.
100k, put it in 2 coins at most.
1m put it in OPs mom.
No thanks
Your life is a joke and you shit on Veeky Forums street. Close enough?
yo bra whats her number? I want to do stuff to her butt anally.
Yesh! Hard pass on this trap.
I'll hold them then
>no thanks to freckles
>but hell yeah to shitty and trashy tattoos
> being too retarded to understand portfolio theory and diversification
Ah ok that makes sense
Lmao random as fuck but I lol'd