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thanks just put in another 100k
It was at .13 a few hours ago, now it's up to .16. Enjoy missing the second explosion. Remember, normies still barely know about this.
We're all gonna make it, friend.
It's already too late.
A sucker is born every minute. We just have to band together and convince the normies to buy in.
Far less complicated than the referral links you see everywhere.
I know what you're thinking, don't do it.
Its pump time last time i made 3x and 600 dollars from Dividends Lets GO
Asian whale second wave pump is coming as word spreads in Asia as they wake up around now.
Network congestion is slowing deposit confirmations.
Buy high, panic, sell low, repeat.
If you’re too scared to buy powh at ATH you can go for its cheaper cousin that’s still at the bottom.
More like buy, sit on my ass, make free money.
Screw off, scam man. The contract is NOT the same, don't send money to the clones - only is real
Yeah sure throw your ether into one of thousands shitcopies of the original. They bring nothing new and can be scams. Remember guys, there is only one PoWH!
POWHCOIN is the only one our only GOD
This. No point in fucking around with the other ones at a greater risk. Already got burned on Numbers
Get in, crash market, pump tomorrow. Repeat. Don't' need to buy/sell the Pump/FUD just hold the whole time.
Exactly, feel sorry for anyone that bought into a copy. This is called proof of weak hands for a reason lol. If you just buy it up and sit on it you will reap money for a long time as it pumps for different reasons over the next few months.
This is legit one of the most beautiful things I've seen in crypto for a long time. As long as high iq individuals shill this to everyone and Twitter picks it up and spreads to normies there's no loosers really.
Imagine how much dividends the last man standing will accumulate?
induce fomo. how do you do that? show off your dividends. show a transaction record on etherscan so they can see it's not a scam. be active anons, we can establish a new bottom and pump this global
Anyone has plans to shill this to retards like trevon, crypto nick, etc???
Those guys look like they would promote the shit out of this
Same. Between POWH3 and Numbers I lost about 0.1 ETH today. Both were blown up by Pajeet exit scams. Meanwhile, I made 0.3 ETH from the original original.
POWH origina is of such size now that it's difficult for any one investor to crash it. Furthermore, even in the case of the crash it has a much greater chance of getting interest since it's the original.
Lastly, you can tell it's a labor of love, so it's less likely that the siteowner is gonna switch contracts like Numbers did.
I do hope if we see more copycats they at least try to make tweaks to the formula though rather than copypasting it. You know, something to keep it interesting.
I think the way to go about this is convincing everyone to try just a small amount. Even 0.01 eth would give a cent in a matter of minutes.
After this little initiation there won't be any need to convince anyone anymore.
how the fuck can you even change a deployed contract?
10 million marketcap tomorrow screencap this
This thing is going to run forever, it is fucking worldwide, it is still only in english. This is the ground floor you dumb fucks lol. Bout to dividends city the next few months as long as you got strong hands.
About to hit 1 ETH in dividends, I'm gonna show it off then.
If anyone REALLY wants this to take off, translate it into Chinese or Korean or something.
How much you put in?
How long did that take you and with how much Eth?
Im starting to bite.
About $7800.
he didnt, he just changed the address of the contract on the website
I've made 3.5ETH dividends on initial 2.5ETH buyin. Coin value has gone up and down, but dividends are in ETH and rock solid, I'm sure coins will be a 10x minimum too but not even worried about them right now.
Guys if you spread this to those crypto youtubers that were promoting bitconnect we are golden
I put in 6.79 ETH at 3am EST.
just hit 0.1eth in divs over a 12 hour period. this doesnt feel real, and i cant stop watching the fuckin smart contract moving.
Even if it dips I'm not concerned since I'm making so much off dividends. Seriously, this shit prints money. This is the best meme crypto has ever created imo.
Imagine the total dividends after 5 years. I have $45 in dividends from $600 "investment" in one day. This thing will turn your hands to iron
Dips is where the money is, you don't even need to be awake. I got in early and made 1ETH dividends on first moon, that didn't pale in comparison to the 2.5ETH I got from the panic sell/rebuy ll day today.