Can UK Citizen purchase a property in US and visit for like 3 to 5 months a year?
fuck off, we're full
are you brown thats the real question
Just come here illegally and you can stay as long as you like. The gvt will even pay you rent and welfare.
White Britbong and honestly have considered doing this, the UK welfare system is pretty cucked, how bad is yours? Most NEETs seem American.
You can buy property here if you aren't a citizen. Your credit score is more important than your nationality.
Is there a reason you are looking to leave the UK?
You can buy property, yes. As for staying for months at a time you would likely need a visa each time.
If you're just a normal white British dude, you'll be fucking nailed to the cross - only non-white illegal immigrants get special treatment.
Don't worry, our pres is working on kicking them all out.
Everything in the UK is overpriced and shitty, I can name third world countries less depressing than this place.
Shame that, I've found US women love British men similar to how British women love US men.
Shame for you though because 9/10 of our women are fucking ugly and just as bitchy as yours.
Been researching, states like Montana and Alaska provide freedom you don't get in the UK.
At least there are some people in your government working towards that goal. The British government has been completely working against the interests of the people for (I was going to say decades then remembered) centuries.
Why the fuck did we go into such decline after WW2? The start of the 20th century looked so promising for us.
Yes you just need to pay property tax. I'm a Canadian and own property in Florida. As long as you are in the US for 1/2 the year less a day or less they don't care.
If you're honestly asking, you need to go and lurk /pol/ for a few months.
Dude as long as you stay out of California and the North East, you'll be happy. Easy to buy a gun, and thus defend yourself against the nig nogs and dune coons.
Both those states you mentioned are gonna be cold as FUCK btw. You can get tons of freedom and space in Texas (or Virginia, where I'm from), and you wont freeze your nuts off. Comes down to personal choice I guess.
I don't buy into the whole Jew conspiracy besides the Waterloo Rothchild messenger, but then again our government has always loved a good scandal to make money out of people.
I always thought north east states looked quite /comfy/, isn't the hot climate overbearing in the south? What's the countryside of Virginia like?
Our gubbment always tries to fuck us over too, but its a lot harder when half of the civilian population is armed to the teeth and looking for an excuse to shoot feds.
Come to the US man, it sounds like you'd fit in here. Unless you're in the big northern cities, it's still ok to be racist. The job market is good. Our girls are slightly above average, if you can find one that isn't fat.
Cheers for the advice
Looking for -
low pop density
good gun laws
large amount of land for low price
>I don't buy into the whole Jew conspiracy
read this
Desu it all depends on how you define /comfy/.
A lot of those northern states don't let you have any good guns, so you're just left hoping a roving pack of niggers doesn't decide to rape you. Examples include Philly, New York, Boston. Pretty much everywhere up there.
I'm personally in Northern Virginia, tech sector. It's extremely built up, and not that country.
Virginia is nice man, but if you're looking for proper amazing country (true wilderness, streams, lakes, mountains, etc), West Virginia is where its at. The problem is, theres no jobs there, and everyone is on OxyContin and Meth. I have a cabin out there that is super beautiful, but I always watch out for tweakers.
Well, if those are your three most important, you kinda already nailed it with Montana (or Alaska). Cheap as fuck, let you buy pretty much any gun you can afford. Fuck, I'm not sure if this is still the case, but a while ago Alaska was so desperate for people, they would pay you a yearly stipend to live there. In certain areas you'll go months without seeing any other humans.
I am assuming you're coming over here was a decent amount of crypto money. Finding a job is Montana is gonna be next to impossible unless you work a HIGHLY specialized blue collar job.
I'm also a britbong with this question
Although if I had made It I wouldn't permanently live in the US and definitely not in the UK
kek the worst we get is gypsies and chavs, even our gangsters and druggies are pathetic.
No crypto
Only be in US part of year
earn cash in UK
researching Poland and Estonia but not ideal for obvious reasons
New England states like Maine and New Hampshire might be enjoyable for you.
This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal-
discord dot gg/pbN4G73
fuck off cunt thats our line
Lived and worked in New York for 3 months. Trust me when I say this you'll be fucking sick to death of listening to those cunts every day after about a month. When I moved all my friends were telling me shit like 'Americans are so stupid' 'They are loud as fuck' 'They are obnoxious'. I told them to stop stereotyping and that they were just people.
Holy fucking shit I was wrong. The 'stupid' thing is so true it's actually fucking scary. Stood in line at Sears with 4 people in front of me for over 20 minutes. Takes them ages to count change because they're literally retarded and have a terrible education system. In KFC, cashier counts my change 4 times to check its right.
Go for a night out and listen to these cunts drinking for 30 mins. Holy fuck couldn't wait to get back to London.
Im from boston, ny sucks. you might like mass better, vt is the nicest folks in new england
Idaho seems like a comfy state
would like to have a house in the US
It's always good to own land
Why would we repurchase something we already own?
Sorry, you must have been distracted by letting in half a million rapefugees. Feel free to come collect anytime.
Yea admittedly I didn't visit anywhere else in the US. Know people in Boston atm and would like to visit Portland as well.
why not cannukland BC
why even bather?
you don't get to own anything but debt and taxes
you may want to visit them before buying property there, Montana and Alaska are not the most hospitable places
do you mean rent
yes. the US is glad to cuck itself for the rest of the world. we let foreigners own our land and price out natives. they didn't even have to invade and they took over parts of the west coast.
you can't carry a gun over there