Net Worth in 2012
>$600 Million
Net Worth in 2018
>$20 Billion
Twitter Followers in 2012
Twitter Followers in 2018
>18.5 Million
How did he do it? can it be replicated
Net Worth in 2012
>$600 Million
Net Worth in 2018
>$20 Billion
Twitter Followers in 2012
Twitter Followers in 2018
>18.5 Million
How did he do it? can it be replicated
Other urls found in this thread:
He did it by going all in Veeky Forums shitcoin picks. It really is that easy
>work 16 hours/day
>have genius intellect
That's all it takes. Good luck OP.
have wealthy parents and follow your dreams
Literally Russia tier government (((subsidies)))
90% of all twitter followers are fake
inventing a luxury electric car will make you rich as fuck, yes
bruh, shitcoins
just have 100 million in shitcoins today, and when the market grows to a few trillion, you'll be a billionaire
>>have genius intellect
>still shack up with roasties
When will he learn?
>believing photovoltaics and metallic/chemical batteries are the future
you're a god damn moron
Use government subsidies for clean energy to build a multi billion dollar empire and reap the rewards
Genius intellect and autism go hand in hand. And to be fair, he's pretty alpha. Read the biography, when he realized his marriage is over, he assured his wife that everything will be okay and immediately went to his lawyer. She found divorce papers on her table the next day.
>reddit spacing
no, u
you goyim probably think zuckerberg and the google boys are all self made too right?
>comparing kikeberg to Musk
Yeah bro you just have to fuck babies, drink their blood, and get possessed by a demon. It's not that hard.
I don't know the details of the story. Did she take him to the cleaners or was he able to protect his wealth?
They tried, but he never lost a significant sum. He settled for some peanuts relative to his overall wealth.
he didnt do it by shitposting all day long that's for damn sure
Good for him. Glad he made it out in one piece.
It would be tragic if humans went extinct because of some greedy cunt, wouldn't it?
basically exactly what happened. If it wasn't for the government subsidising he never would of gotten Tesla off the ground. Its haemorrhaging revenue anyway, He was meant to be mass producing his cheap electric car by now but production is basically at a standstill. And hes only got max 18 months before the Japanese car brands bring out their cheap electric cars to capitalise on the market. Theres no way tesla can compete with Toyota or Mazda production levels.
He brought electric cars into the mainstream but in a few years Telsa is going to be completely overtaken.
Elon is nothing like those puppets. the fucks wrong with you
>He was meant to be mass producing his cheap electric car by now
>And hes only got max 18 months before the Japanese car brands bring out their cheap electric cars to capitalise on the market.
>How did he do it?
he did a merger during the original dot com boom to monopolize online payments
>can it be replicated
everything that follows is bullshit. there are thousands of people as smart and "hardworking" as musk in silicon valley
maybe they just have slicker packaging now?
Not like I know, but i dont trust him
>can it be replicated
Certainly not by me
If you dont like that source then:
>Looks like we can reach 20,000 Model 3 cars per month in Dec
>In October, a few days before Tesla’s earnings and the announcement of the Model 3 production ramp-up delay, Taiwanese auto component maker Hota Industrial Mfg. Co announced that Tesla slashed its orders for Model 3 parts by 40% (5,000 per week to 3,000).
Their latest earnings report is due out early Feb so i guess we will know for sure then. Altho i firmly believe that this boring company flamethrower PR shit is just a smokescreen to cover up production issues with Telsa
>inb4 hurr durr they're 2 completly different companies
>Took a loan from Soros
Yeah sure thing retard
>Dick doesn't suck itself.
It's not even about the production levels. Japanese QA/QC are eons ahead of Tesla.
Obama handouts.
Take monetary advice from stinky pajeet a living on 50 cents a day
He focused on first principles. Understood the basics and then was able to form solutions to problems. Like how smart contracts cannot securely use external data
The full scale ramp up was not meant to be reached until Q2 2018. The 20k was Elon's overly optimistic goal, which, after they entered the 'production hell', was quickly revised to 3k per week EOY. They are behind the schedule 3-6 months, with most of the bottleneck issues being solved. That's literally nothing. But of course, the media like to put out clickbait-worthy articles for brainlets to masturbate on.
>He brought electric cars into the mainstream but in a few years Telsa is going to be completely overtaken.
You realize that was literally his plan? Bringing e-mobility to the mainstream was his top priority, not building a company.
They won't be overtaken. Name a single company that produces or plans to produce good and affordable electric cars that don't look like shit.
Protip: you can't.
No one wants to own a shitty Toyota or a Volkswagen.
I'd love to work under someone like Musk, but the amount of cocksucking people give him lmao
n-no homo
>cheap cars
That's why the Nissan leaf has flopped because it's nothing that Americans want in a car. It's slow as shit. Tesla wasn't designed in mind to be cheap or even to make money. Company exists for two reasons, to innovate electric vehicles and create vehicles that rival it's gas powered competitors.
This. Elon doesnt give a fuck if he is a 1 or 20 billona worth, implying he uses that money, dude is a visionary, spends most of his time autisticly projecting shit.
Guys like him are not in it for the money. I think Tesla was just his plan to get a audience, his biggest shit is SpaceX and I think he will do his damn hardest to get on Mars in his life time
Thats why we're damned to earth in the first place so its only right
I disagree but that wasn't my point. My point was:
>“Electric vehicles were always going to be the long-term transportation mechanism, but to make that day come sooner, you have to bridge the gap with innovation,” he said.
>“That was the goal with Tesla — is to try to serve as a catalyst to accelerate the day, the day of electric vehicles.”
He's supposedly very demanding of his subordinates and doesn't tolerate a lot of mistakes.
Probably only enjoyable to work under him if you're just as hardcore.
Though that is only sustainable in start ups and will probably change as the company matures.
Think of it this way retards, Tesla is the iphone of smartcars and Toyota will be the android
i cant be bothered to look up more sources but Elon states that his goals for Tesla were:
1. being electric cars into the mainstream. which he has undoubtedly done im not doubting that
2. bring out a cheap mass produced electric car to contend with the cheap petrol cars coming out of Japan
Im 90% sure he said it in his autobiography so you can do a ctrl+f search on one of the pdfs of it that exist online
Tesla already fulfilled it's initial purpose. Everything past this point is a bonus.
Correct. And what's the most valuable company in the world, currently nearing $1 trillion?
Is sergey nazarov the next elon musk or is elon musk a future wannabe sergey nazarov?
>burden of proof
Sergey Nazarov is current Satoshi Nakamoto (literally).
Why aren't you selling flamethrowers Veeky Forums?
Not to mention the germans like BMW, Volkswagen Group.
the jews
chop yr dick off
Meet the 'Tesla Killer' from mighty Deutschland. How will Elon recover?
They don't have the right products yet but I think you massively underestimate the resources it takes to set up high manufacturing capacities.
Tesla is completely unable to cover the demand for EVs. The big automakers will catch up sooner or later.
Besides Teslas are still lacking in several departments. For now they're still only bought by enthusiasts.
The thing is more people can afford to overspend 500$ on a phone than they can $20000 with a car. So we'll see how they can translate it in 30 years. Maybe the boring companies networks will only be for teslas, apple has built many infrastructures like itunes and the app store in order to secure their position in the market and tesla needs to do the same or flat out compete in which it will be eaten alive
im not going to bother to provide sources for every single post on an anonymous Byzantium kneepad importing forum. Nothing i say will convince you anyway, and i dont want to waste more energy to it. Hes done some good but at the end of the day Tesla will end up being overtaken by the Jap market
If they committed 100%, sure. But they didn't. So far it has been only a PR. The standard automakers are corporate morons without vision. Sure Tesla cannot cover the whole EV market in the near future. Big automakers can. But will they?
Which electric car is $20k cheaper than Tesla? Volkwswagen hopes to undercut Model 3 by $8,000 (really curious about their expected profit margin) with their gay I.D. Prototype 2019, by which a new, cheaper Tesla will likely be in the works.
2012 bald eagle - 2018 Chad
That's because the technology isn't there yet.
EVs have to be on par with ICE cars not only in price, performance and range but also things like interior design and quality.
Then there's the infrastructur that still has to be built which poses massive challenges.
And last but not least the traditional auto makers will want to slow down the introduction of EVs as much as possible because they're still making a lot of money with ICE cars.
They definitely are late, though, even for their taste. They probably underestimated how well Tesla would do.
i'd suck his dick just to sniff his fart daily
He is subsidised by the government to create technology that can reduce dependence on the middle east and facilitate the transport of workers when we're all to poor to even afford a car
Meanwhile electric cars and lithium batteries are incredibly inefficient and worse for the environment than fossil fuels
You're on fucking dope. European quality control is sub-America tier. Volkswagen is literally at the bottom of the JD Power list in initial quality. German engineering is a marketing-induced hallucinatory joke.
CIA created and controlled asset obviously
Thanks just sold 100k
They can undercut Tesla by so much because electric Golf is a cheap small city car that they sell at 31k because it is electric and normal golf is 20k.
While model3 is competing against bigger higher class cars like bwm3 and not against 20k cars like Golf or Corolla.
user, I believe that you're better than this
2012 - Bald
2018 - Full Head of Hair
How did he do it?
Lmao just imagine.
welfare queen first ballot hall of famer. only made money by burning the governments. pure cancer
Did you just compared assburg to google and Tesla?