Price is tanking

FairX will kill this coin before it was even born.

I just bought more at .016, enjoy being poor forever.

Seen too many pajeets fudding this 100 times, gotta buy 1k now. Something is going to happen big. This is what happened with trac before it went parabolic

You know OP is sour.

Probably bought at peak

Comfy AF right now

20k checkin in

Pajeets can literally trade their poo on payfair. Can’t say the same about fairX

PayFair is the poo.

Once people realize this is another Minereum this is gong straight to $0.08

You know the same sort of thing happened during the minereum scam if I remember correctly.

Comfy as fk with bzc

holy shit this man is a genius

Very different than Minereum

Let me guess; you’re fudding to load your bags?

10k trust node gon have us payfair holders sitting pretty.

If payfair reaches Bittrex volume at any point, dividends from a single trust node will be around $400 a day. Right now a trust node is under $2k. You do the math *shrug*

>fudding to load your bags
Paranoia was also very common during the Minereum dump.

im just trying to warn the newfags.
Ive been scammed before and i hate to see others get scammed by PFR

No you’re not you’re a typical pajeet, even the newfags see it

>panic sell right now, i want your bags to accumulate for more nods
nice try lol

You'll break, they all do.

It’s an organized pajeet fud

>implying pajeets can organize anything

this isnt fud. it's just a warning for the ones who arent in the pfr discord dump

Haha okay

Best part
>discord dump
>implying you can pnd on etherdelta
Lol you pajeets kill me

You mean during the ico?

Can you use FairX to sell physical goods for any crypto currency you want? Fucking retard.

Thanks just bought 100k shit is gonna explode

No, but let's be real the biggest use case of PayFair was going to be fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat for very low fees(lower than coinbase). FairX is going to conquer that market before PayFair has the chance to unfortunately.

You’re the op pajeet, your id hasn’t changed you know that, right? FairX can’t trade items you tard

$0.08 by eoy

Have you even read the post you're replying to?

Without the shady shit and garunteed crypto lol

This. You change your crypto for fiat on FairX and then you go shopping happily on ebay, amazon, craigslist, aliexpress or whatever you feel like. On PayFair you're limited to the items offered.

>limited to endless items of the world instead of just buying on to begin with
You realize you’re saying people are going to take real money, turn it into fake money, just to use FairX instead of going on amazon lol

nice samefag, fag

FairX reminds me of Minereum. Scam alert.

No, I'm saying that if you have a plethora of shitcoins or shitcoin dust you can transfer them into fiat directly without converting them into BTC first and paying a hefty fee, you pajeet.

u dont even know what FairX is

>pajeet says people will put money in to shitcoins to use FairX to make it money again
Are you even trying anymore?

you're retarded if you cant understand that hes telling you that you can change from any coin and use it on any website or any store by using FairX. Instead of just having BTC and everyone bending over for BTC. Now anyone can transfer fiat/crypto without going through BITCOIN

is that hard?

Oh, Craigslist has an option for escrow now?

thanks just bought 100k

You’re fucking retarded for not getting that no one is going to buy fucking coins to use a website they can use a fucking credit card for like amazon.

Clearly this is very hard for you. People buy coins to sell them not to use them as fucking currency you dope

>people will never cash out and aren't in crypto to make money in the first place

Are you even trying?

Does FairX allow you to dodge taxable events?

Ok ill see you in 5 years when those credit cards are transferring crypto

Stop falling, you piece of shit