MODS, rangeban india or give us flags. feel free to choose both.
MODS, rangeban india or give us flags. feel free to choose both
please give us flags so i can just filter shitskin countries
I'm sure 90% of the so called "pjeets" are in fact BURGERS!
...the most dumbed down and stupid cancerous degenerated retards are muricans.
t. rahul
shitskin alert
On Biz, Anglo sphere sticks togetherr. So fuck off Ramjet
I get the feeling at least one of the mods is a pajeet himself or in the pocket of somebody and won't allow it
I don't like Amerifats either but you're not fooling anyone Dhalsim
>t. rajesh the street shitter
Did you post that from your phone while squatting in the street?
i wanna see rageban instead. Pajeet shill slaughter.
trade you two cows for shitting/bathing rights in your property's river
>...the most dumbed down and stupid cancerous degenerated retards are muricans.
burger here confirming this.
hah fucken idiots. I'm from western europe you little murican shitlords.
Burgers are the worst delusonal idiots I've ever seen.
I BET 0.5 BTC that most of the "pajeets" here are in fact murican faggots.
Just look @ Youtube crypto "experts" - now guess who are the most retarded and idiotic "traders" ?
...right, muricans.
CryptoNick, Trevon James ... god damn the worst fuckers in cryptoscene are muricans.
It's a fucking fact that everything degenerated muricans touch getting fucked up.
>western europe
muhammad confirmed
>I'm from western europe
Yea, it's just a buzzword.
Rarely they're right and then they'll feel validated.
who is this semen demon?
dude in my country only 4% are strangers.
look at your murica full of niggas and mexicans.
HAHA murica is the worst shithole I've ever seen. also I haven't seen so much stupidity ever.
...and I was in China, Singapore, Marocco before.
MURICANCER. ...the whole world is laughing about your degenerated youth and non existing education. yor country is just a shithole.
greetings from europe, where people are healthy, wealthy and have a good life compared to muricans.
what's with the retarded reddit row spacing?
kill yourself sandnigger
>western europe
ahmed confirmed
blue eyes, blonde hair. familytree and history goes way back to german celts.
If somebody can call anyone pajeet, then it's me.
muricans are mixed race from europe/africa/asia/native muricans
europeans and asians are way cleaner.
get over it murifags, your country is a shithole.
o...ok eurpoor. Nice education you've got there.
Burgers please leave.
t. Australia
>reddit spacing
shitskin confirmed
The epitome of projection
>tfw anyone having a burgerland passport will be put in quarantines during their stays in other countries so that their stupidity doesn't infect others
> murican degenerate thinks because of spacing = shitskin
murican confirmed
so is this a /bant/ thread
bow down to your true overlords you cucks, actually I don't want us to be your overlord just fuck off and leave us alone NATOfags ok? just because you like your culture degenerate doesn't mean we have to as well
>t. samir
you write like this and call others stupid? top lmao
>reddit video and spacing
Until the mods give us the option of hiding based of flag any other filters i should be using? Im considering adding trtl as well
butthurt murican degenerate confirmed
go n watch CryptoNick and Trevon James murifag
he's probably french, the worst kind of middle europeans kek
he wrote "strangers" when he meant to say foreigner, now if you know that in french it's "etranger" suddenly it makes sense
Mods get kickback from pajeets you'll be getting no flags sirs
>"whales are accumulating"
>"last chance"
Just the Trump cocksuckers. That’s less than half.
Shut up commie cuck
>t. Retard who doesn't know that reddit spacing is a meme to identify newfags
>disable flags on Veeky Forums
thanks based user, if i leave the board field blank does it just filter site wide? Also is there an option to have it automatically hide from all the fields? or do i have to keep manually double entering each term
The fact that this is the absolute best you can come up with makes my point more eloquently than anything I could have pointed out myself.
I BET 90% of "PAJEETS" are muricans.
>lives in Russia
dude of course they're pajeet bots what the fuck man, BZC for example is a confirmed pajeet scam I know you're le edgy trolling but come on
what are you even doing shitposting like this 3am in europe
russia or any slav country besides bosnia or ukraine(mainly due to political reasons) is a great place to live in if you've got money and like being out in the sticks, sure you don't get money up the ass like in middle europe, but that's what I got my memecoins for
Honestly I am a bit relieved indians are spending their time shilling shitcoins rather than raping women
ausfag here, we all agree that Americans are stupid dumb fat cunts.
mods, flags please.
Shouldnt you be prepping your girlfriends bf for her?
>flags turn on
>it's a fucking leaf every time
Haven't you kniggers realized that biz doesn't have mods?
I got banned for a day last week for calling someone a nigger
yeah, flags might help.
Yeah keep telling yourself that Hans.
please comply to the flag request.
if you filter whales are accumulating you can miss some funny ass pepe plush biz meta threads
How about only pass channers get to filter out the pooloos? I'll gladly pay $20. I swear I can smell their stench from the screen
we need flags. this place becomes literally a shit hole.
>the pajeet interviewer asking indian questions
Why is this in here
has literally become
is literally becoming
Pic related. I smell like fish curry right now, Shitting on the cured rice your about to eat for dinner in America priced in 100x poo rice you degenerate acid eating faggts. IF any of you burgers are actually tapped into the 3rd eye, You might want to visit. Namaste
Very nice. I can already smell less curry shit.
For fucks sake please it can't be that hard
>swimming in water full of pajeet shit
When are we nuking india
>not eating fish curry made with fish raised in water full of pajeet shit and washing it down with cow urine
>10 posts by this ID
Goddamn this thread is comedy.
t.former customer care agent who had to deal with dumbass pajeets
> Indian Vegetable Scam
Calm down Aditya. Your toilet will be fixed any day now
How do you fix a street?
nice try ranjeet
Made a post about it on /VIP/ if any of you who arent peasants want to post there to get some attention