Lets all laugh at the idiots who believed the """Swiss Hedge"""" user
Lets all laugh at the idiots who believed the """Swiss Hedge"""" user
Other urls found in this thread:
If you bought it when he first shilled at 80 cents or 7k sats you'd still be good. You probably FOMO'd at $1 like a faggot
do shills really think people are so retarded they dont realize the whole market is down?
but im still up user, you didnt buy at 10k sat did you?
say it quietly but I think he did....
*giggles like a school girl*
babbys first dip
>goes down 5%
>cries while cumming to traps in moms basement
You guys are fucking retarded if you didn't sell at $1.00
NGL I slept through it and I wish I had sold, Im still up but have a feeling Ill be bag holding soon.
Im not worried as the coin has a good future I just could have used the money elsewhere.
Still up 50% here. Why so upset?
I did some research on this swiss guy. I know which hedge fund he works at.
He works at versetti.co, so the reason he's shilling Ambrosus is not because it's a good project but because the founder of the swiss crypto fund is Angel Versetti.
Angel Versetti is also the CEO of Ambrosus.
we've been bamboozled. FUCK
please sell now so i can buy for cheaper
I doubt its him, but I could understand if Swissbro knows more about the project than we do, being close to them and all.
To be fair, Ambrosus could be a good project eventually and their team is stacked, but it looks like they're still in a R&D phase and at least a year away from release and more than that for adoption. They do have some real backing from the Swiss institutions and government but even so it kind of feels like they are currently a solution in search of a problem.
Don't think that the amber token that they are selling is actually needed, they hired someone recently to figure out how to apply the token.
this is the kind of subtle fud we need to accumulate more
thanks bud
Even if this is true, AMB still looks like a very solid project. If Swissbro wanted to shill something he works for AND is actually legit, then by all means
honestly they will probably end up implementing master nodes of some sort
>it looks like they're still in a R&D phase and at least a year away from release and more than that for adoption
the fucking state of his tie...
thats it im dumping this shitty coin.
I have about 8000 AMB right now.
Discussion about a coin can't be all positive, if you want an echo chamber go to reddit. I'm expressing some doubt about Ambrosus because it's possible that swissbro wanted to cash out some of their crypto to secure returns for their clients and was shilling some of their holdings in case there is some kind of downturn (Tether implosion). Why else would they go on biz of all places to shill a coin in it's assumed smart money accumuluation phase, out of the goodness in their heart?
I'm holding for now since it's just play money for me but I'd like to see if Swissbro is active or if someone knows anything else that would present the project in a good light. I've done a lot of research on the project and I think it's fairly valued since it's in such a early R&D phase.
>it kind of feels like they are currently a solution in search of a problem
he didnt just shill AMB, the list of coins he said were good was pretty long
he simply said that eventually AMB would dethrone ven and wtc, and that was just his opinion
Public beta coming out in March. I don’t think they’re necessarily that far out for a working product if they do this right.
It might have a very niche use in stuff that absolutely needs to be 100% safe like baby formula but for the vast majority of products, implementing this process will make costs go up for companies since they sure as hell aren't able to hit every checkmark right now.
Between two commodities, one that has Ambrosus implemented but is 30% more expensive and another untracked product, I would assume most consumers would go for the latter.
That doesnt mean anything, thats a stupid fucking website thats buggy as fuck
i'm still in the green xD.
t. siwssanon
I don't understand what the rush is to adopt something that will increase costs and slim your already thin profit margin at the dubious prospect that some smart consumers (most consumers are stupid) will notice and choose your product over your competitor.
Someone explain to me what this whole food safety on the blockchain is about. I think most people would rather stay ignorant on where the patty in their burger comes from, which slaughterhouse, preservatives used etc.
Yea well, I'm pretty sure you kind of need to know these kinds of details of meat and pharmaceutical products if you want to produce goods for the western middle and upper classes and not to the local pajeets in rural India. I know that around the loo it is hard to imagine how a quality restaurant operates, but trust me, they care about it much more than you think they do.
Regulations require certain standards for the meat industry in Europe.
If they can do it cheaper then they win out.
If that's their goal then they need to market really heavily towards higher end consumers. It doesn't say that right now on any of their presentations so I am assuming they were hoping that Ambrosus would be more suited to the mass market.
Also selling stuff to higher end consumers is 100% about marketing so you don't really need a lot of technical people. I've seen people buy organic water ffs.
I think its more of a selling point for a company. Company 1 who sells burgers and uses ambrosus can say that their patty's are 100% safe and organic or whatever, while Company 2 doesnt have ambrosus and cant say with certainty their meat is 100% safe.
Ultimately I dont really think your average normalfaggot at walmart really cares. Which ever one is cheaper the masses will buy. Its a very niche thing.
You have legitimate concerns. You should try asking the CEO on Reddit or Twitter for any further info on this.
The larp was strong, was probably unloading bags from the looks of it. Unbelieveable people were acting like everything he said was words from god lol
Do you live in a country where the "mass market" consists of people who buy literally the cheapest products and eat cat food? Around here "mass market" means Nestlé and such. You think they couldn't get cheaper products? You think they don't care about quality?
LOL PPL actually believed this shit!! HAHAHAHAH he’s jerking off to this thread right now.
One of the ways they want AMB to serve as a business application is real time pricing. For example, if the system detects bad produce it could automatically adjust the price recommendation based on what information the sensors provide. This saves time for the analysts that have to determine the likelihood of bad produce, the managers that have to figure when and how many to put on sale, and the employees themselves that have to manually put up the prices for everything.
solid coin still
You've got a point, but 30% is just an arbitrary number and if it takes off it should be significantly less imo. To sell meat in the EU you need to follow certain protocols, use certain software etc... it can be prohibitive for small producers but any serious, full time producer has no problems paying up. If they set something similar up I can see it taking off. If it's implemented in one market and works I can see it being used in others.
Nobody should have bought based on some random shilling here. I bought in early and am happy to sit on my stack. They're trying to create something with real-life use, are well connected to private/public sector heavyweights and have several NDAs.
I'm holding on to my small stack too and might accumulate further but I want to see more promising fundamental signs.
The coin will not spike in price on could of/should of/maybes, it needs confirmation that it has a solid use case and companies are willing to adopt it because it saves them money by obsoleting an existing process or makes them more money or because regulation is forcing them all companies within their sector to do it. I don't see this right now.
Your second phrase is key, they have the framework, partnerships, and assets to do this. They're not interested in 'teasers' and twitter hype really. They have NDAs with companies that specifically state they can't even mention they have a NDA with them. For this current price, it's a fine hodl
I bought the big dip at around. 65 cents
>Dr Gavin Wood
I remember when walton was first shilled here on /biz months ago. I was one of the FUDders saying it is just an ERC-20 token and it has such a long roadmap with nothing going on in the short term. It doesn't have it's own blockchain, wallet or product etc etc. And then it continued to explode and I missed the train. AMB may not take off like Walton did so fast but its definitely undervalued and I don't plan on missing this train.
Also does anyone know if the parity hack got resolved? Since Ambrosus is partnered with parity, Gavin wood is the CTO of Parity and the one who created the Solidity programming language. I assume that Ambrosus could have some close ties with Parity and might even have some of their ETH locked up with them.
Gavin Wood isn't on the AMB team. Who the fuck is this guy?
the wtc train is still in its infancy
you can get in on wtc AND amb
>Parity Technologies serves as Core Technology Partner for Ambrosus. Parity is the creator of the most advanced Ethereum client & Wallet Application led by Ethereum Cofounder Dr Gavin Wood and Former Ethereum Security and Audit Manager Dr Jutta Steiner.
How the hell did you guys fall for AMB with that website?
Why the fuck didn't you go onto MOD instead?
It's not too late anyway
I swear to god if you took just 5 fucking minutes to dig around a little you'd see how much of an idiot you are right now
So the Swiss guy is an obvious Larp right?
However the coin does still look solid at least. Is it still worth buying? Or is it still overpriced right now?
From the looks of everything in this thread, it's fucked.
Who the fuck knows, he was simply recommending coins he thought were good and hinted at a coin with much bigger assets behind it that the public knew - that in itself appears correct
However, who the fuck knows if he works for a hedgefund. From what it sounds like it's just 10 or so guys that he works with and they do a bunch of statical analysis on purchasing patterns via swarm analysis. That doesn't mean he's a big dick goldman guy but it also didn't sound like he was an idiot too
argentinian steak? nice i like my asado. Now i like more AMB
It's not fucked, they do have a really good team but I want people who are heavily invested in Ambrosus to give me the information that they have so that I can that it's ensure that it's not mindless speculation.
If swissbro ever shows up again, ask him if he works at versetti.co, I'm still not sure if he's dumping bags or maybe to a requirement to work versetti.co is to be super hyped about the founder's other crypto project. If he does work there that would mean that he could very well be biased.
It my current AMB stack goes to zero, I really don't give a shit since I've made plenty already last year.
>AMB fluctuates between 0.00085 ETH and 0.00095 ETH all the time
>larper calls it at 0.0009 ETH
>it goes up to 0.00095 ETH
>it goes back to 0.00085 ETH
Absolute state of biz
I say wait for February when more news comes out. Once BTC bounces back, it will be like nothing happened today. All I give a shit about is the NDAs.
From the looks of your posts you're fucked in the head.
You've told people to ask the ceo questions. He answers all the time on Reddit and a lot of this stuff has been addressed in depth
You have no fucking clue who Gavin Wood is let alone have you even looked into his relation to the project or the fact that AMB has full on backing of ETH for an efficient integration of smart contracts for their native platform
But fuck man you've already got me going should I continue? What other dumbass shit are you going to spew
completely wrong numbers but okay
versetti is from lausanne u faggots
It was pumped by a pajeet discord group last Wed/Thursday - I bought into the pump and made decent profit dumping on them.
Then I fomo'd back in at 8400 on Saturday.
I wish I had exercised more patience but once I decide to make a buy it's like I can't think about anything else until I execute it.
Wouldn't be surprised if it kept dipping due to the earlier pump and the market tanking
this shitcoin again.. when will new plebs learn to stop feeding the oldfags
Likewise, all I give a shit about is node economics. I hope they're building their own blockchain. Masternodes is an easy 3x. Masternodes + NDAs revealed is a ticket to 10x imo.
What do you mean by this? Versetti.co is located at this address:
EPFL Innovation Park,
Building C, 1015,
Lausanne, Switzerland
I hope there will be more AMB shilling threads later on, maybe someone will be able to come up with a good argument on why it will succeed.
Lausanne sucks and he said he is from Zug which is a little crypto city in Switzerland.
>Concerned about fundamentals and adoption
How are you even connecting this to hedge fund guy lol? I doubt the dude was even that legit he literally says hedge fund and all you fucks nut yourself over it.
AMB's fundamentals better be good, they are definitely not going down the marketing route since they are the third mover into the logistic blockchain space and their following is anemic.
They are committing a large percentage of the ico funding + outside funding towards their tech and program development. I'd rather throw our coal into the engine than to people with unnecessary shilling
Sell now fools. 80 cents tommorrow. Take your profits and rebuy later.
Suck my 2 inch dick faggot
Food safety, i.e. the chipotle ecoli outbreak. Medical, pharma, and food have ridiculous chains of custody. This automates that process. Go study up on eu and us food and drug manufacturing requirements. I also think its odd you guys fudding always leave out pharma and med tech.
Sold at like 1.03. Sitting with 250 XLM and just ETH. Waiting for a chance to stock up on something.
You guys are retarded. How are the applications in food and medical safett not self evident. Every prepackaged good will eventually adopt this tech. Thats without even broaching their uocoming sensor tech to assist the logistical side. There is an updated roadmap coming out this week or next because the are ahead of schedule. They are narrow focused to the target markets where this technology is actually a viable solution. Not just another currency, or glorified combination of buzz word. And they are presenting a turnkey solution, top to bottom for supply chain management