Is the summit priced in or is it still time to buy the rumor and sell the news?
ICX (ICON) - Priced in?
Lets put it this way. If it is priced in at 9.00, crypto as a whole is fucked.
This has literally been one of the most hyped coins of the past couple months, along with VeChain.
If a huge announcement party at the tallest tower in Korea can't make the price go atleast 2.5-3x, then we are all pretty fucked, and you can expect people to start saying 「wow, my coin really mooned this year, I gained 15%」.
It is still 3 dollars less than its ATH from just 3 weeks ago. If we can't atleast double the ATH, I would literally sell everything and just put it into ICOs, as those seem to be the only thing that can actually go 3-5x any more.
i just bought a lot tonight. its no buying the rumour anymore, way to late for that. now buying the fundamentals of a good project backed by koreans
Why do so many people think Koreans in particular will go wild for this coin? I don’t get it
i'd be very surprised if it goes 3x now, everyone is expecting it to and that's usually when it doesn't
You cant price in things you dont know.If they reveal partnerships we dont know, services we dont know, exchanges we dont know, dapps we dont know etc etc.Learn what priced in actually means.
if youre asking that question its priced in
I don't even look at the dollar price for now. As long as ICX outperforms my next swing trade pick, I'll be fairly satisfied. But I too was expecting more from it. Bitcorn cucked us, I suppose.
you have to realize how retarded thinking like this is...
>they are having a huge announcement
>i should buy before the announcement and then it will magically go 3x after
god you niggers are annoying
why overthink this? Set a target price for the coin. My target price for this year is $75-150. I am confident in this, therefore do not give af if I buy at $7 or $13, it's all gravy.
Yea it's priced in. Whales are just sitting now waiting to sell at $9 but they wont sell any until the biggest ICX update to date. KRX pairings will have no significant impact on the price, this shit will probably just slowly bleed after the update before stabilising at around $6. The fact ICX has solid fundamentals has no bearing on peoples decisions and this project will eventually become worthless after the 31st.
>being this new
It's literally how it works in crypto, brainlet.
nice fud, 7/10
Ive never seen 4 sentences or more written here by such a low iq autist.Usually the intelligent folk will write multiple sentences and add something to the discussion.This is just shit.Go read about icon, it could very well be bigger than eth.3rd gen blockchain, more partnerships already pretty much every other coin, already the enterprise version is being used by multiple companies, customised to their needs.Icon spent 2 years BEFORE ico building this up, and have maintained radio silence for the passed 4 weeks.Dont be a brainlet and think about why that would be.
Meh, you would be surprised on how many people leaves it to the last day or hours. The summit is like 7 hours long and who knows what will be announced during that time. My advice is to set a trailing stop loss during the summit in preparation for the "sell the news". We all know there will be a summit but what will be shown is almost unknown
>responding to such obvious bait
The guy you're quoting has at least 2k ICX. I guarantee it.
Then again we are in a bearish market because of bitcuck :'(
Listen idiots, i know my shit
Half or so is priced in already from that pump earlier. Too bad it got blocked off by a whale
Now there will be another pump during the actual event, followed by a dump
No one can predict how big or small the pump will be, all depends on whale walls.
Anyways i'm thinking it won't pass 10-11 dollars
So sell during the event, not before?
>i read about an announcement on 4chin
>im so much smerter than every1 else
>i deserve 5x when the announcement is made hurrrrrrrrRRRRRRR
Yeah, if they announce something big like a partnership the coin could skyrocket. But if nothing big gets announced it could tank within minutes. Have your sell order typed in and be ready to drop your bags at a moments notice.
I have never understood this reasoning. If you buy at $7.00 you will have twice as much than if you had bought at $14.00. So at the end of the day you will have half the profits no matter how high it goes. Buy in price always matters.
I never said I was entitled to anything nor did I say it will increase at such a ridiculous rate. I even said set a stop loss because it may dip you brainlet
Plan to watch it closely. Thanks for the tip.
Thank you!
Fuck off retard. user is giving good advice.
You will not survive
Warning friends
Sell now mainnet is flaw and exit scam
Tam never update ever bad way
Buy cen for tobacco on blockchain and good twitter fun. So much free if you hold. Had to build shed for myvtobacco so good friends listen and buy
This definitely won't go 2x ATH, honestly I would be surprised if it even hits $15.
Warning friends
Sell now mainnet is flaw and exit scam
Tam never update ever bad way
Buy cen for tobacco on blockchain and good twitter fun. So much free if you hold. Had to build shed for myvtobacco so good friends listen and buy
This is Veeky Forums, ive seen so many posts i assumed were sarcasm and they turned out not to be, i take no chances anymore
Except Veeky Forums stopped being Veeky Forums months ago.
this market is pathetic now. might as well trade stocks like a boomer. the summit starts at 10pm est tomorrow, correct?
uh, no bro. it hit $9 yesterday. i'd say $15 max. that's my exit.
>now buying the fundamentals of a good project
how high do you see it going then and in what timeframe? lth, correct?
kekd and checked
>If you buy at $7.00 you will have twice as much than if you had bought at $14.00
you're assuming an all-in scenario
poorfag logic
There will be a pump during summit and depending on what they announce it might dip a little bit or it might dip a lot.
If fiat pairing it moons hard then dips a bit if no fiat pairing expect it to bleed after summit.
Will hit 12 in 3 weeks regardless, Koreans will be able to buy ICX and be new framework will be in place.
From the. In its noon time
ICX is a settlement token that serve no purpose
everyone that have bought ICX should immediately sell it for real project like VEN
VEN is currently at it lowest and probably it last chance!
Buy VEN now and leave this P&D shitcoin that serve no purpose not even a working settlement token
VEN will be 150USD+ EOY
what time is the summit?
walton beats ven at everything, youre a dreamer
10am EST
Venchain? Are you kidding? Ven rfid chips are ass, they even need an api to interact with a blockchain. WTC chips are miniscule, less than 5 cents and interact directly with the blockchain. Ven is so shit you can't even compare the two.
after the partnerships they can develop new chips CIO has over 150 patents they will figure it out
-Also Vechian is much more than RFID they are just shit at marketing
>CIO has over 150 patents they will figure it out
anyone can file a patent about anything you brainlet
11pm est
why are we mooning again
the thing at the place in like 20 hours
Have you considered how many projects are holding conferences and plan on releasing news tomorrow? Loopring, Singularity AGI, NEO, ??? There's a reason they're all holding out until tomorrow to spill their beans.
We broke the ATH. There will be a dip back to 8200. Buy then.
Chances are it is already priced in, it was dumped post main net release couple days ago and slowly climbed back up aka priced in. I hodl bout 20k of these but I'm not expecting it to moon on 31st, not sure why everyone thinks the Korean who wants in aren't already in.. It'll probably go to 12$ Max and dump if there isn't any super positive news like massive partnership or whatever
Tldr it'll likely end up like main net moon hype but dumps instead
and that reason is ??!!
>that eth wall again
oh fuck me he's back
$12 while Bitcoin is down is impressive af
>tallest building
>blue moon
>kr exchange reopen
Will they be streaming the event by the way?
They will, I'm sure they will tweet out a link
Alright, I'll be ready to sell, sell target $15
Trailing stop loss mixed with layered sell orders brah
It's been priced in ever since this coin was $6.00
Can I set stop losses on binance?
Yes, "stop limit".
Think we'll test that 89k sats wall?
Maybe not tonight but we definitely will
pls dip pls dip pls dip
Sold, need to buy in
fakest shit ive ever seen
everyone needs to fuck up
ICX is going too ten if not TOP 5 over the next 2 months, NATSOC korea isn't going to let itself down let alone us. they are also running ICOs ffs probably for good shit i'll actually buy into blockchain with real world uses. anyone who denies this is full blown retarded
is ICX worth going all in on? I'm tired of my money in shitcoins
Why arent the koreans buying this en masse like they do with XLM and others?
You have 3 minutes before I dump 3 mil ICX and put you all in the red for the next 6 months.
Long term yes, no if you're looking for short term moon, this coin already mooned, but it'll steadily go up over 2018
>tanking the price so I can buy more
Please do.
Do it faggot ill just buy 3.000.001 ICX to spite you
Feng shui.
lucky fortune for all my chink coins!
>like XLM
That coin has half ass moons m8
This coin is being drowned by whales
Do you think we'll see a pull back soon? ICX is at ATH right now but I do plan on holding long term. I'm quite the jew though so buying at ATH makes me a bit uncomfy even if when purchasing for long term
>ICX is at ATH right now
What are you talking about? It was literally at 12 dollars earlier this month.
People will probably dump on wednesday
its at ATH if you look at sats.
look at the satoshis bro, if BTC value was back when ICX was 12 bucks, ICX would be higher than 12 dollars right now. This is ICX's all time high
goofs it's at 24H high
It's been higher in sats and buterins in the past. Zoom out in the chart for fuck sake
Exactly this.
marketing strategy from shills
RFID shitcoin
lol whale just cleared the order book again, this shit is going parabolic
>has picked up a couple hundred extra as it has risen and fallen through the day
I mean, I'm glad it worked, but what the shit is wrong with me.
I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.
gambling is fun
especially when you win user
How to set up the "trailing" part?
icx be savin my ass right about now
this. here we go
Everything is priced in. Don't know why you keep wasting your time l, especially with this shitcoin. It is still below the ATH
Do you guys know when the summit starts? I am located in North America, so I assume the summit (South Korea) will be a day behind?
11pm EST 1/30 tuesday night
do you realize how many time zones the northern continent known as north America has? you're not providing enough information. also the north korean summit happens in the future, not the past; unless you fly the counterclockwise along the equator. so, what are you wearing?
Thanks buddy, I appreciate it.
I will probably take 80% out around 10pm EST to protect my profit( anticipate the day trader drop) and either rebuy or go into Ven.
Isnt ICON currently at ATH in sats?
>you're not providing enough information.
he doesn't need to dude. i gave him one time zone in north america and he can extrapolate for wherever he lives.
also, he was saying that the summit would be a day early to him because he is in north america.
you're welcome
good luck on your trades