Blockfolio rate thread

Blockfolio rate thread
>Inb4 you're too diverse
I don't have a lot of capital yet and I'm too scared to leave any of those coins.. But if I were to, which ones should I leave? I'm thinking I should either buy more FUN or DENT.

Also the LEND was gifted to me

neo, xlm, req and potentially bat are the only good coins in ur portfolio

this. sell your shitcoins and put the $ into those

Of all my coins, BAT and REQ get the most FUD. Hmm. I guess that makes sense given how wrong biz usually is.

How to take screenshot of entire blockfolio list?

My phone does rolling screenshot and screen recordings. I just have to tap it with my knuckle and draw and "S" and then it will scroll the screen down until I tap it again.

wat phone you got

good lord. consolidate this.

Should I sell my eth for OMG?


How do I get out of the mindset that by selling some I will miss out on potential gains? I'm doing very well in actual stocks (as is everyone else) but for years I have always invested in many things. I'm not used to the whole investing in one moon mission thing.

Not OP, but curious about consolidation approaches. I have money spread through 12 coins. Been considering pruning it down to 8.

I want to be diverse under a "diversify or die" approach.

Get a Huawei Mate 10.
No but really I'm sure there are apps that will allow you to do it.

it's like you hit something with a pan lol


Opinion discarded. OP don’t sell anything but from now on only put $ into RLC and ETH. You’re welcome.

By realizing that you can increase your earnings if you had more money in a coin that goes up.
You're almost in a zero sum game being that diverse.
Rank your coins, pick your 3-4 strongest and load em up.

hold power and home button to screenshot. a button on screen will pop up at the bottom that says capture more. hold that button til it gets to where you want to stop. Alternatively, hold until it reaches the bottom of the screen and it will close out on its own

Well I'm definitely keeping TEL and EXRN just because I invested so little into them and the reward would pay off too well on the chance they make it.

I'll likely keep XLM FUN DENT NEO

I know that's still pretty diversified but it would out $800+ into my other coins.

Makes sense. I have been slowly shifting my money into coins that have been more profitable and it's paying off.

>zero sum game


No disrespect to his advice, but he said that to be an intellect. It doesn't even really make sense in that context or justify what he was trying to say. But you know what he means.

But he’s wrong. Kek.

Diversification is always good mate

I agree but I appreciate his reply lol. I will diversify until I reach good capital. Though I do need more funds in my XLM..

y is everything going down today, lads? also pls r8, im new to this shit

Hey you're right, I didn't see the button for it, I'm retarded. Thanks

Rate my shitfolio

Holy shit man. I'm OP and while I'm all for diversifying, you have almost no capital. You should consider putting more money into a few coins until you reach about 3k. Just my opinion though. Obviously I'm no pro. That's what I did at least until I reached around 6k and then I started looking into more coins. I went from 2k to 6k in 3 weeks using that method BTW.

jesus, consolidate man, you'll make much more that way. Especially with that many

Will I make it?

Do you want to make it? If so you gotta go all in or at the very least 50/50. Diversifying like that will at best get you to $20k at the end of the year.


Very nice, I would dip into WTC and up my Links to 100,000 for the long hold to get those insane gains.

Yea I just did the math before making this post. 20k seems about right with what i have atm. Though I plan on putting at least another 3k in the market which should help a bit. I'll likely back out of ADA and REQ

FUCK! You are Veeky Forumsmemeholder

(Omisego is ok imo)

But if I take from Walton I'll lose GMN status...

Shit, shit, don't listen to biz shills, always dyor and don't touch useless tokens.
1. Usability of token
2. Can you trust dev team and why

I dont know what I should consolidate into right now in this bull market


My unprofessional, unlicensed advice would be to drop 50/50 on XLM and FUN. Both have some pretty big announcements coming in the next 2 weeks.

I don't see any reason this would be true
it's not like there's a minimum balance fee

Disagree with Announcments doesn't work that much anymore.
I'd choose from: rlc, xrb, omg, monero

zilliqa (not now, it's kind of overpriced yet. We're waiting for 5-6 cents)

Also neo and eos

And xem!

LOL I disagree somewhat with what I said as well. Made post of pic related tonight with no replies. However, I don't think the FUN announcement itself will raise the price, but they are expected to release their product as well. It's use will definitely raise the price.

Roast me?

I just dumped my VIA, and VTC

Even xrb is already used in gambling so I completely don't understand why would anybody adopt fun as a special coin for gambling.

Because the FUN devs are already vested in the gambling industry and have connections. Also their entire image is surrounded by it. XRB isn't a purely gambling token. Tbh this is the first I'm hearing about this, but that's probably because it's not so situated in the market.

im not reading through this faggot thread but there is a 90% chance someone posted a 10 million+ """"""""""""""portfolio"""""""""""""""""""""

Just imagine:
You're changing your money to funcoins to gamble with while you can start gamble using your doge/btc/xrb/whatever without changing.
It's stupid.

Close, but not yet...

We’ll get a LARPer soon.

I'm sure the final product will be normie friendly. How do you expect them to implement their product in electronic machines if it wasn't? Why couldn't they reach a point where you buy FUN from a credit card?

>overpriced at $500m mcap


>zilliqa's whitepaper and testnet

Why would someone use their memecoin? Then you have to cash out or change for another crypto... It's just unnesessary when there are cash and there are more adopted crypto's.
It's like creating special coin for buying bread

ADA is at $15B marketcap, TRON $4B
If anything, Zilliqa will be ready and operational before those.

What will this be worth in 2 months

Will i make it guys?

Your NEO alone will bring you to at least 225k EOY

And it is overpriced.
Saying "overpriced" I mean it's just smth abnormal and it doesn't mean that it will be like this with every project.

Fuck, user, just let ico guys take their x10 and we're buying.

>will I
No, Veeky Forums shills dropped their bags on you

>implying LINK doesnt get the right kind of shilling

Be gentle

You'll make it with your XLM alone. Just hodl for 4 years.

swap that WTC for AXP and you're a millionaire in no time.

Forgot to add... initial was $600.

Would've been me but my dumbass fucked up.. See

God damnit. I shoulda sold btc for neo bacj around Christmas like my nigger brother in law said. But I'll never tell the monkey he was right

Flippening is real

who here getting JUST'd right now?

(about 120k worth)

Sell Vechain and Link for OMG, Neo, NeoGas or Eos.


oh forgot to rate

dat all in. why are you so confident in nebl?


thought about putting some of that lumens into eth?

probably not


pretty safe user, you might need a little bit of risk


this is pretty solid

did you buy into the walton ico or something?

you need to go all on a shitcoin and then you can diversify after it moons

nah dont do that

dump those exrn and tel bags

Too diverse and Wtf nigga why are you holding pnd coins after the pump? (3/10)

Memefolio (4/10)

Jesus Christ (1/10)

Good chance of making it (8/10)

A bit too diverse for my taste but pretty good (7/10)

Not adventurous enough, but you'll make a lot of money (7/10)

Probably 3x (7/10)

No (1/10)

A man of good taste (9/10)

Godspeed user (6/10)



I think I’ll pick up some Zencash. Trade in some Litecoin

I know I should take a risk on some chink / Korean coins... but don’t know what to pick

Way too diversified

you picked the two biggest overpriced shitcoins out there.

not diversified enough. buy 20 more coins or sta poor.

>if you have no money just gamble it all away!
>if you have more money you should be smart and diversify!
excellent logic

Got in at the wrong time, I know. Just hoping to break even at this point.

>rated the entire thread
>no one rated mine


Couldn’t you do with some safe mainstream coins, user?

like 1/4 of it is ether

Read the whitepaper and the dev updates

NEBL has better tech than any other platform, so much so that I think will have the highest ROI of any coin this year


And I say HAS not WILL HAVE

Almost everything for NEBL is already done