Half the threads are shilling

>half the threads are shilling
>quarter of the threads are shitposting
>90% of the other quarter are bait threads with hot girls
>9% is fud
>1% are real gems

Veeky Forums is finally dead...

it's like that time i found a human turd on my kitchen floor and kept it

Except that it has been like this for 3-4 weeks now

>he didn't migrate to infinite Veeky Forums after leddit invasion

Nothin' personnel, kid.

I only post in off-topic threads out of sheer spite for the current state of Veeky Forums

yeah i find myself checking in her less and less lately. Its absolute garbage now, anyone coming in at this point has 0 chance of making it with whats posted here

just wait for $400 bitcoin and then biz will be good again

I heard it was dead.

It’s been like this for the last 8 months

>migrating to a pedophile thief's website that is 50% nazi larpers and 50% child fetishists

just need to block all the popular proxies and the IP ranges in Asia

Maybe but at least it's already flagged

It's back since Veeky Forums's Veeky Forums is in the current state. oldfag migration.

t. leddit

Alright I'm in

I finally understand why 2chan blocks all non-Japanese IPs

>t. leddit
t. former gmod

sorry, "gvolunteer"

>hot girls
surely you mean girls(male)?

Bro is that Quinn Michaels?

B-but user, link is still moon right?