Reality check

If you started crypto in 2018, you are never going to make it. You might be able to X5 your money IF YOU'RE LUCKY but that's it. The market is saturated & we're never going to see the new money coming in that we saw before.

You're 2 years late to the party. Sorry.

Other urls found in this thread:

oh look, this yearly thread..again.


lol retard it's only starting

>only starting
people bought btc at 19k and it will never recover just lol

I started in August and am only up 16x. I only need another year to be able to live off of interest. 6 months at least, just give me another 6 months.

I didn't start in 2018 but I've already over 5x'd my money since January 1st. (7500 to 42000) You're saying the market will now be flat forever? I'm not buying it.

why do you feel necessary to larp, youre so full of shit.

absolute faggit
i'm making dividends all day. get in or get fuct

If I were larping I would have said 160k not a measly 42.

probably not a larp

i started 5 weeks ago and turned 1500 into 13k


Lost 400 on TRX but made back my losses on POWH. Just gotta pay attention to it lol

So basically you rode that massive pump until about the 10th(?) and then somehow got out just in time before the big Korea FUD and then the massive correction that followed straight after? Teach us your ways

I'm x20 my original investment from the start of this year. Kys OP

Bitcoin is fucking shit you idiot. Normies bought at 19k, smart money left and went into appropiate alts.

nah i was all in ven during the correction. it barely dropped.

here's a better pic. From the 5th to the 15th I was day trading steadily making from 5-10 percent a day then three days ago, I got in on RKC and made $7000. Day before yesterday I caught RKC again when it dumped to 1000 sats and made $16,000. It's been a good month.

Forgot pic

Literally anyone can post a bitfolio story screenshot

You guys that WERE here 2 years ago should be rich ass mofos. What happened?
Why are you still you?

>crypto market cap - 700 billion

>S&P500 market cap- 23.9 TRILLION

wew lad

what coins do you own

Wrong my friend. Shitcoin Ragnarok will happen, killing dozens of helpless shitcoins and beginning the value migration to strong coins. Also, lots of new money is still coming in.

There will always be losers

We moved into ETH NEO EOS DRGN

nah senpai, nobody has truly adopted blockchain technology yet, and literally barely any normies care or know about crypto shit in europe.

Casual reminder that ETH is the S&P500 of crypto

You cant.fake a 3m graph

He might not be larping.

Very true. Does this help?

What's your strategy? (for what it's worth, I believe you)

lots of normies talking about bitcoin. But the prevailing sentiment is still that "this is a giant ponzi, hurr durr its digital tulips". Also, your average normie is literally too dumb to sign up on coinbase aka jewbase. They think its all too complicated.

Once this sentiment changes we'll head to fucking mars.

>come to biz September 2017
> Ask biz if I am too late
> everybody says no it's only beginning, 2018 is going to be the year
>hear this for the next few month
> 2018 January hits
>now it's oh you are too late to the game, 2018 is a bear market year.

Make up your fucking minds, biz knowns nothing unironically

>what coins
It changes all the time. I trade charts not coins if that makes sense.
Unironically low ball the fuck out of the dip and sell the bounce. See

What is in your god tier portfolio user?

This, if you have been trading shitcoin since 2014 and still haven't made it, I ain't listening to you

My strategy is to hold ETH as my base currency and buy oversold alts. Then sell the rebound within 1-3 days.

Nice try, i'm buying tomorow for the first time

You literally had Nov/Dec/Jan to get rich. Such a boom has never happened before and never will again. We don't need to make up your mind. It was either this winter season or you won't make it. September wasn't too late, now it is. Sorry.

5x is good for me I am just hoping to make enough to eventually by thicc sex doll

Not really. The chances of random coins 10xing or more is lower because not many new ones are coming out and many have already been established. There's still money in swing trading the established coins. I can make over $100 a day swing trading 5-10k of Bitcoin easily since it dips and rises 5-10% regularly. It's like you don't know shit. Don't gamble on shitcoins, especially after all the scams. Put your money in the proven methods of making money.

It's not too late, crypto isn't even a trillion dollar market cap yet. The dot com bubble was ~7trillion. I think crypto provides more use and will surpass 10 trillion. Cryptocurrency in some form will be around for the rest of our lives, too many people here are treating it like a one year investment

You and me both. If I 5x this year and that's it then I'll cash out my 200k and consider the whole thing a massive success. More than that is just gravy. If this is the last train to Kyoto boys, then don't waste it.

This. If I make enough to put away to pad my savings account and buy some nice guns then I'm happy. Obviously it would have been better to get in earlier but I'll take 5x.

Yeah because the only way to make money in crypto is hold bitcoin
2% a day on $4000 is over a million after a year

not that i disagree with you user, but there are ways to play the game if you joined now...there will be 10x coins so use the brain to make 10x 10x coins

t. joined early 2017, comfy blockfolio

>tfw already 8xd my money in 2018 alone
>tfw OP and others are dumbfucks that haven't felt the rush yet and cant imagine its possibly true
>tfw you know it is true
>tfw you know this is just the start

t.COSS and WTC

Started with 1.5k reached 45
Off holding dbc then int
Eat a dick

someone cap this so we can laugh in 2020

Holding 85k COSS myself, it's a really good high risk/reward pick. Even just getting to the previous ATH is a 3x.

na you guys dont understand. wtc is like eth in 2016

Nice. How do you know when to take profits on the alts?

People literally said the same shit in April 2013 when bitcoin originally mooned to $100

>The market is saturated
Less than 1% of world population owns crypto at the moment.

Mostly gut feeling,I sell when it seems like buyers are running out of steam




Talk about getting rekt. At least some people have the excuse that they didn't know this shit existed. How it must feel to JUST yourself this hard.

Biz is so boring these days. Literally the same ass sarcastic copy paste shit. Oh wow you're so funny causing fud. Oh wow you're so butthurt reacting to their fud. Rinse repeat then kill yourself

If you want to see some hilarious nocoiner cope, check out

Also don't buy VeChain it's a chinese scam and the lead dev is a racist,

It is essentially a Black Mirror episode in which every piece of content is a copy pasta and it replaces our language as a higher level abstraction of memes

This thread was made when BTC was $245

Imagine if that guy dollar-cost averaged his way into bitcoin with his paycheck every week.

But he probably didn't because I bet he listened to faggots like OP

one of my favourites

Do you believe the crypto marketcap can reach dotcom levels?

Anonymous Fri Dec 18 20:03:37 2015 No.1005187
Quoted by: >potentially gain $20

>If you want enormous gains and are not against gambling why not try penny stocks? One of them blows up a couple times a day. Bitcoin is too far in the game to have that type of exponential growth. It already happened a long time ago. The amount of money needed to pump into Bitcoin now to even double the marketcap is astronomical, barring market manipulation and scandal like what happened with MtGox in 2013.


>pays attention to this thread
>decides not to invest in crypto as 5x isn't worth the risk
>watches news in January 2019, analyst is talking how market prices grew like 1000x in 2018 and that anyone who invested $1000 or more is essentially a millionaire
>marketcap is now $17trillion
>pic related

The real question is which projects to invest in.

they listened to Veeky Forums

People must have been legitimately braindead to not at least invest $20 in ETH if they knew about it in 2015. They would be millionaires today. I only discovered ETH when it was $90 but I still liquidated my entire stock portfolio for it immediately.

I love this shit.

To be fair, Bitcoin hit $1,100 in November, 2013. In November of 2015 it was $300. After 2013, it didn't go above $1,000 again until 2017.

That's 4 YEAR (FOUR YEARS) of a Bear run. So when people say Crypto is for ADD kids, you have to realize that the people that "made it" were the ones that 1) believed in the project enough to hold on and 2) were fucking patient.

Imagine buying BTC at $1,000 in 2013 and watching it drop to $200. Do you think your weak ass baby hands would have held?

Fuck no. You'd have sold that shit by 2015. BE PATIENT YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. INVEST IN COINS YOU BELIEVE IN.

I sure hope so user. That's how we all get rich while dumping the normies at the same time. It's literally Veeky Forums's wetdream.

There's always ETFs and index funds of crypto.

fucking kek

>the Pajeet Bazinga spam is its own language
>pajeets are communicating eachother through their bot spam
>the bots are evolving

>Paypal is faster.
Yeah okay. How about when somebody reverses the charges 30 days later? Try that with bitcoin and see how well it works out for you.

pretty sure you can't reverse bitcoin transactions, bud.

Yeah, um, that's my point. The meme is bitcoin is slow to settle but if you can reverse a transaction on Paypal or a credit card a month later, is it really faster? Get it now?

Jokes on you, I started in 2017

not sure what you're point is.

Wow man, I responded to a post with an image of an ancient Veeky Forums thread. In said thread no-coiner makes point about Paypal being faster so I was just pointing out that depending on how you look at it, this isn't necessarily the case.

Bear markets are where the real money is made

This is what I keep telling myself but crypto is a crazy world where anything can happen, plus there's tether which is threatening the entire world of crypto.

It sucks that I let bitcoin pass me by, I knew about mining bitcoin in 2011, even knew about litecoin in 2013 and I downloaded the miner but never mined it. I really didn't appreciate how easy it was back then, all you had to do was just mine or buy coins and hold, no research required. Today you have to pick alts hoping you don't pick a scamcoin or shitcoin, simply holding BTC or ETH isn't enough. Maybe I'll be like one of the suckers in these screen caps and be proven wrong 4-5 years from now.

Still I refuse to believe it's too late, the total market cap is still relatively low so I'm going to buy eth and a few top 20 coins and hold for years, I suck at trading so I won't even waste my time and money on it. My biggest fear is that I'll sell too soon or sell too late, you just know there were a bunch of neets who mined BTC and sold as soon as it hit $500 or $1000, I don't want to be that guy but I don't want to be the guy that holds and then the market crashes and fucks me up either.

i think it's your accent that's throwing me off.

I went all into folding coin back then

Reading this thread feels so bizarre, I wish I could see what these guys have to say today

>bitcoin gained world wide notice

Both BTC and ETH were considered scamcoins when they were cheap, nothing has changed, you still need to hodl a scam and hope it wasn't for those kinds of returns

EXRN, aka cheap link

Life is full of second chances.

Hell, we're getting one now. At least I think we are. I didn't get into Bitcoin in 2014 because I was a college kid. Did I know about it? Yes. Did I read about it online? Of course. Did I believe everyone who made fun of it and told me that it's worthless, and always would be worthless? Better believe I did.

End of 2017 was a bull run of epic proportions, but relative to other markets, it seems we might get another chance. When I read the FUD on this board and everywhere else, then see the exact same FUD, word for word, from 2014 threads, it fills me with hope that this is a second chance staring us straight in the face, and I'm not going to miss out on that again.

Buy the highs, sell the lows, r-right?

I was here 2 years ago but disregarded it and bought drugs with it instead. Now I started investing in November kek. But I'm at 25k already so a 5x would be fine for me

If I x5 from today I can pay off my house and live rent and mortgage free. I could literally not work and just live off the money from the guy renting a room from me. Its no lambo on the moon but I'll take it.

I'm going to tell you something, coming from someone who knows very little about this whole game and has 0 success yet... My strategy is to hold until my goal, or hold forever. That seems like the biggest takeaway from everything I've absorbed. Find the ones you want, keep a loose eye on things, but if you're negative on a solid coin, fuck it, just hold the fucking thing, you shouldn't be doing this if you can't support yourself without the money you have invested anyway. Any money you sink into this, consider it gone the minute you do.
Selling "too soon" is a matter of perspective. You should have a financial goal in mind and shoot for that. I want to buy a house outright, no mortgage, it's a silly dream but I'll do it one way or another. Try to get your goal without cashing out fully, but if you see the opportunity to get what you want, take it.

I could have bought Bitcoin when it was 7$. Even when I first heard about it, I knew it was going to be huge. But I have a REALLY high scam filter, to where the fear of losing ANYTHING shuts me down, especially with money. I could have just thrown $100 dollars at it for shits, which was nothing to me at the time... But the thought of being scammed, the thought of being a sucker, kept me out. When Mt. Gox happened, inwardly I was smug about it, because on some level I'd been proven right. But even then I was still regretting not having hopped on. When it was a couple hundred dollars I just felt like it was too late.
I hopped on Biz (a board I literally helped pioneer, back in the stock exchange general days on /pol/ - a lot of these bizfags forget that's where this board was born) a while into the crypto thing and saw ETH getting shilled for CENTS. But I got overwhelmed with all the shilling and coins left and right. Now, here I am.