Let's get ratchet
RockSteady AMA
when will this coin be 1k sat
Any upcoming exchanges or partnership talk
What are the short term 1 month goals for the coin?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
Rock here. I'll answer any questions you give me.
Will you add Bulletproof tech from Monero?
What kind of beers do you enjoy?
When moon. Gibs 100k plox
Seems interested but im late to mining? mind helping me out guys?
How's the Mobius implementation going? Any contact with their devs/etc?
what are chances for being listed on tradesatoshi in next week
What separates turtle from aeon? Other then being a turtle, of course
After I answer my 20th question, I'm going to drop a private key for 100k. If I get banned, the key goes in the subreddit /r/TRTL
First to cash it in gets it
How does it feel to be in the center of this maelstrom?
TurtleCoin is forking at block 187,000. This fork is a difficulty adjustment algorithm designed to "kill" botnets as far as I understand. Did you pick block 187,000 because 187 is slang/penal code for murder?
Can you dispel the rumors of the one month premine that happened in December?
That isn't currently on the roadmap.
I prefer Bud Light.
How buy pizza with Trtl?
I know it's very, very early on in the project, but do you see this having a use case besides being community driven? Not that it's a bad thing to be, I paid my friend in turtles for a game item in FFXI. More specifically, will there be any steering of it's adoption uses?
We have a different algorithm and no pruning, also, Aeon is based on monero, whereas monero and turtle are based on bytecoin
Forgot wallet
On a serious note, what happened with the fork and how did it get resolved?
Already bought pizza with trtl
What the fuck? Get out of here, LARPER.
Forgot Address
I spent 9k of my own money to get us on tradesatoshi. we're still under review. i didnt ask for money from you guys because it would be like taking your allowances away.
Are the rumors of a new exchange soon true?
What is your favorite beer? Favorite kind of alcohol?
wait ppl actually bought into the next discord shill group coin? what are you guys thinking?
>Wordpress payment plugin
>tradesat application in
>gui wallets
>nice people
seconded. what can trtl offer that monero can't, besides muh digits?
Thank you for the real AMA. You lazy bastard ;).
What is the mobius?
What kind of beer where you drinking when you decided this adventure?
Rock ive heard the technical questions answered 100 time from you, what i want to know is:
1.) whats your favorite dessert
2.) favorite food
3.) 5 of your favorite rap artists(doesnt have to be top 5, just 5 favorites)
4.) What is your idea of a perfect day if you had unlimited funds and there were no limits(except obvious shit like u cant jump 20 feet in the air, or beat battletoads with 1 life)
do you think if this coin becomes popular, we can use the turtle emoji the way we use the dollar sign? like "I own 50k"
damn the emoji didn't show up. nevermind then.
I have zero Turtle coins and have no idea what I am doing, cant even get the fucking wallet working. Are there guides existing for mac?
We are in talks with getting this currency accepted on deep web drug and weapon sites. More information soon on the specific sites
What's your favorite turtle? Mine's gotta be the red-eared slider. Common, but loads of character.
pic related: my turtles
realistically, where do YOU see trtl eoy?
what bout 100₮
Just how steady do you rock ?
Ah, that works.
I still like the idea of using the emoji, but I guess not on Veeky Forums.
GUI wallet just came out, probably some naps and a few stout swishers
stop peeing into the bonfire
shout out to swanson
I'm open to it
free beers first, anything that doesnt end in -weiser next.
xmr-stak, nicehash arbitrage
mobius is a multi tired objective to cut the chain down to the bare minimum and pick up where aeon and boolberry left off with regards to pruning.. one has a network wide pruning and one is daemon based. The latter seems more feasible for stage 1. Also, stage 2 we'd like to divide up the daemon into several purpose-specific applications so that those who want to transact right away can do that through a network of purpose made public daemon infrastructure, and those who want to sync the whole historical chain can do that and be incentivized to do so. desu mobius shouldnt even be a milestone, it feels like calling the steak sauce a sideitem, it's just the logical things to try to add to a ring signature blockchain with fast blocks. nobody wants to carry all that data without being compensated.
I'm not sure, they don't talk much.
It's a great responsibility and an honor to be a custodian of a project that has attracted so many great minds.
What are your plans on listing on larger exchanges like kucoin or binance?
What color Lambo should I get when Turtle moons?
What's Shredder like ?
what is Karai ?
Am I going to hear you on a certain podcast tomorrow morning?
Why wasn't that fork yesterday a big deal?
Let's exchange my 100 Stanley Nickels and 200 Schrute Bucks for TRTL pls?
The community will shape it's uses. We just finished a woo-turtle plugin (shouts out to fexra) which allows anybody with a wordpress to sell their stuff for TRTL.
There is no fork, there's a lot of misinformed people who see an orphaned block and get a hard on to be able to use the word fork. Early in the network, radicaldelta, one of our pools, would fork regularly for thousand blocks at a time, and as soon as hash rate balanced it, order would be restored. When you dump nicehash into a small hashrate network, there's a possibility of squueezing out blocks ahead of emission schedule because the network hashrate has outpaced difficulty. our new update removes profitability from those fast blocks with a penalty for premature emission. This makes it harder to profit from pulsing us, either big miners have to stay in or stay out or they'll lose some money.
yes yes, suspect everyone. if it is not posted from my account on discord with a picture of my handwriting, consider it bullshit and terminate on site with extreme meme prejudice.
ketel one, club soda, two limes..
smart goys
I dont eat sweets
Steak, rare, every meal if possible.
lil pump, deltron3030, action bronson, big L (rest in peace), tekashi 69, famous dex, Atmosphere, Mos Def, Biggie, pac, Em, and I'm probably forgetting a few rappers.
All funds no limits? Fear and loathing x10, then probably back to dev_general
We cannot outpace our growth. Where does this liquidity come from? Does it just manifest itself out of good will and hopes?
He's pretty cool actually. We used to drive around in a beat up civic freestyling to burned instrumentals out of a 1 speaker discman. He can grind any rail, any time, without dropping his juul
smart contracts on a half shell
I sure fucking hope so, those cucks stood me up in the discord for the call in.
Who's ready for some private keys?
please, daddy
Not dick riding here, but I'm not a redd!t faggot and I think your project is cool as shit. Good for you man and thanks for giving the community something cool to do.
Question though. Are traps gay? In all seriousness keep up the good work. Plus, I could really use 100k turtles. I promise I won't sell them till at least 100 sats. And I also promise that I will spend the proceeds for some clothes for my kids, tires for my car and the rest I will stash away so I can fuck hookers behind my soon to be ex-wifes back when I travel out of town.
pleaseeeee dadddyyyy
any word on tradesatoshi yet?
Fuck I forgot address
love you all, thank you for your time
hahaha damn you're evil posting that in an image
Pls turtle god, I only have 35k of these things
honestly i'm too lazy to even write the whole key even if you told me there was $10k in there. really need qr codes if you want people to take your money.
what podcast - i listened to the kevin rose one - was good ;)
FUD hrder you idiots!
Should have posted a webm of you scrolling through a text file, ppl will just OCR this
The Dick Show. I sent Dick a bunch of TRTL way back in the way back when a million was 5 bucks, and he was super grateful and gave us some help with some SEO stuff we needed for getting ranked over this other turtlecoin thing that was ranking #1
next time im going to hand write it phonetically in cyrillic characters and put 1MM in it.
Got work to do, thanks Veeky Forums
time to put my user hat back on and fade back into the cracks of your couch
Much better
Shit man, someone was faster than me.
Still got to take the remaining 0.7 TRTL like the poorfag that I am.
Actually had enough time to take 99.9 but didn't know that you had to exclude the transaction fee. Feels bad.
fuck. I'm never gonna make it
I actually typed it in like a pleb.
Winner typed manually too
How do you know, though? Was is it you?
for the love of turtles and killing fud
how about not being an ugly shitcoin with a shit name with a supply owned by reddit. do you prefer to value a coin owned by biz or by le narwhals. your opinion matters, but imo it's a fucking no brainer
guy on discord.
What's the difference between this and bazingacoin? Team's a bunch of 14 year olds who autistically collect turtles. One dude even has 1/4 (that's 1 billion) of total fucking supply waiting to destroy market. And the lead dev constantly talks about his drinking problem.
Thanks man!
I know its not much but hodl it. :)