I just placed a 6 BTC 100x long on Bitcoin

I just placed a 6 BTC 100x long on Bitcoin.

What do you think about that?

pics or it didn't happen

I think you'd be A FOOL not to


Saw this exact thread like a day ago saying you're shorting

Fuck off



>100x leverage on the most volatile shit known to man
You’ll be dead in 5 minutes.
Bitcoin loses 1% = you lose 100%.

Yeah I made my gains and now I'm long

No retard, I increased the liq

When will this bull run continue until user??


no you didnt you fucking faggot kys

this this
i was on late last night, he said his liq is at 13.1k

he said BTC was going to 4k


It is but not yet

Dude we already know you have no fucking idea what leverage is

Nah its you who doesnt

I think you're going to lose all your money and not understand why.

I really dont get how pretending to be a retard can be this fun to you

i'm a newfag what does 100x long mean and how is his position totally liquidated if it goes down 1%. i infer that this nigger is betting on the coin going up but what do you apply the 100x to

any place that gives you 100x is a scam broker that wants you to blow up fyi

nah youre retarded
im gonna win big
nigger these retards dont understand you can increase liq so its not 1% at all

anyway, 100x means 100x leverage. so i'm betting more than what i have on leverage

i doubt it
its good if you know what you're doing
dont slide to 100x right away, wait until its good to go


there is no reason to ever use 100x

i'm not telling you what to do, but I would highly advise against it gl

newfag question. When people do shit like 10x margin trading, what happens if you lose big time and dont have enough money in your account? Does it automatically close when your account hits 0 or something?

Yeah thats what liquidation is they close when you have just enough to pay them back

It will try to close before you reach zero. If for some reason it doesn’t you owe them the difference.

Of course there is.
For example, you set a short at 5x, it goes your way... you increase to 100x when you're well into profit

Op what site does this and do they not margin call? I dont understand what happens if u liqidate?