PoWHCoin uncharted

Code ninja fag here, plotted the contract balance over time.

PoWHCoin is pure brilliance, kudos to the creators.
Never had so much fun with a meme coin since this one, and tbqh, it delivers way more usable product than most shitcoins that are valued 1000 times higher than this, which is kinda funny.


Where did you get the data from?

it's better without charting. mystery lets big orders come in high
hide that delet

thanks for the graph, makes me wanna buy in now. I thought this was near the top but it looks like it could break ath.

An Ethereum full node and querying the contracts' balance for each block. Took a while...

I was thinking about that, yeah. On the other hand I wanted my fellow biz/raelis to see it as well. But I'll consider to not post any updates on this.

Me too.

Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.

you buy, you shill. that's the contract you enter with bizraelis united. this is our pyramid and our hands are strong

ive never seen anything like this before. ourguys are putting up fake sells with 0.3 gwei so the transaction never goes through, making weak hands panic sell resulting in more dividends for holders. THIS CONTRACT KEEPS GETTING SMARTER.

can you make a twitter bot or host a graph? i would donate to this as would the community. it would be easier to shill when we have real proof from graphs showing how its making money

I feel that we are nurturing a genius even if we are autists. We don't deserve Powhcoin

yes i noticed that also. that fake input of 0x without any withdraw function, and small fee. just ot make it look like cash outs. so ppl panic and sell. its amazingly evolving a conscious! this is next world wealth distribution at its finest. this is spreading money from whales to all the poor fishes. so everyone grows in a more equalized matter. how amazing does it impact the society? everyone that buys in is eventually gaining profit as long as they never sell

I literally sold the top. Best sell i've made in a while.

i agree. but i also think this is the one chance that Veeky Forums gives every once in a while to climb the financial ladder and take away from the greedy give to the needy and the patient and emotionally disciplined!

I agree, powhcoin needs Veeky Forums as much as Veeky Forums needs Powhcoin. It's really a beautiful revenge against weak hands also

I’m starting to think the meme potential of this is going to outmatch a certain Stinky coin

Ok this coin is great but can we fud it way more so it crashes and I can get better dividends

The fake sell orders are doing pretty good at FUDing, but people are catching on and just holding. its nice because it gives us strong support, but the volatility is what brings us those divs.

someone needs to host the graph on a site,

dividends are giving me money

shits crazy, its stayed at the same price since I bought but i keep getting money from people buy/selling. cant stop watching the order book lol, its beautiful.

how much have ytou made on dividends?

alright this is actually pretty genius and since it's semi self deprecating and kinda taking advantage of the meme status wee can market it a lot of ways.

Post on crypto subreddits, STEEM, crypto twitter with a funny description so they don't know if you are actually promoting it or just astonished that something like this exists. LE FUNNY ponzi meme can get a pretty high social media reach if done well, and it will always attract attention from people who will get in

Contact all crypto youtubers that promoted bitconnect like crypto nick, trevon and all those retards, PM them on all their social networks so they can look into this, promise amazing daily returns with no affiliates even, so no more issues like bitconnect. If they make a video on any of those youtube channels all those gullible fucks will get in and we ARE rich!

slightly outdated


bump, we passed 800k again!!!

pump it