huh, so this is what it feels like to be on the groundfloor of something revolutionary.
Huh, so this is what it feels like to be on the groundfloor of something revolutionary
Other urls found in this thread:
History in the making!
Yes user. Imagine when major youtubers and facebook normie groups hop on this. I'm vigorously rubbing my cock imagining the future dividends.
>yfw the largest transfer of wealth in crypto history was started yesterday by autists on Veeky Forums who discovered a genius loophole in smart contracts to make a self-perpetuating ponzi, which actively advertises itself as a scam and shills itself in an endless cycle of FUD and FOMO and you've already 2x'd your investment since morning
Shill a fellow Veeky Forumsraeli how to hop on the gravy train please
powhcoin . com/index2.html
make sure you have metamask, load eth into metamask, and click the buy button. You get dividends based on people who buy into the ponzi. Its designed to steeply drop and pump from FUD and FOMO, just don't be a weakhanded faggot and sell or you'll get fucked. Dividends are ticket to gravy train.
So if i chuck $50 of eth in, is that enough to see results?
i put in 40 bucks worth its now 45, like 8 hours ago
If you're looking for a low risk approach $50 should be plenty. Just throw the money in, check it occasionally, and the dividends should at least recoup your investment. I've made a LOT of dividends already but I got in somewhat early (around 400eth in the contract). Remember not to fall for the FUD because selling low is the only way you can lose at this shit.
Imagine when Bloomberg and CNBC get on this. THAT is when we go parabolic bois
This is a great way to learn how to use MetaMask. POWH might be the best thing for Crypto right now. Bear market w/low volatility = boring. Smart Contract pyramid scheme = fun as fuck plus you'll get the newfags to learn how to use Metamask
>Bloomberg jews try to FUD crypto, make main story on "PoWH Pyramid Scheme"
>"THIS pyramid scheme claims to be FOOLPROOF, but is it?"
1 billion in the smart contract, like that.
We gotta keep the shill campaign going Veeky Forumsnessmen
this pics reminds me that I haven't eaten all day because I've been watching this contract like an autistic hawk. cigs and coffee.
literally woke up this morning to read about this thing, went to their website to check it out, chucked $600 worth of eth for lulz, in a span of like few hours i earned $12 worth of ETH (not fiat) in dividends for doing fuckall. The real significant here I think though is that in the process of me trying to join in on this meme, I learned what metamask is and how ethereum contract works. It was my first real introduction to what real world use of crypto currency feels like. I have a feeling that this is how mass adoption could happen
tossed 8 more eth in, fuck it. this is netting me too much not to reinvest.
Don't sit there and let your dividends accumulate like a dumb bitch, use them to buy more PoWH whenever it hits a lull.
I threw 200$ in and woke up with 7-10% profits in dividends over night. I have no idea what this will do long term but it seems to have gained some traction.
buy low and wait for divs
or fomo in and collect dividends
what was the original price at the beginning
fuck yeah dude. we're all just sitting here staring at an autonomous piece of code running on the ethereum network throw money around and i'm having a blast
or this. you literally can't lose unless you sell low.