Someone shill me on ark

Someone shill me on ark

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Buy ark, it's really really good.

ARK is bullish

Comfy af, making money from DPoS
Price pretty stable while everything else bleeds. Once ArkVM is released, this is gonna moon. Very undervalued now because the dev team sucks at marketing

Ark aims to offer template fork blockchains with connections to any chain. The wordpress of blockchains

Sandbox VM smart contracts, Dapps. Available on all fork chains. Leaving the main chain bloat free to deal with currency swaps

18+ programming languages to build on the VM

Push button blockchain. Allows anyone to create a chain, with a ridiculous amount of options

Multiple choice of PoW, PoS, DPoS, RDPoS


ACES - automatic contract execution between independent chains. BTC - ETH cryptokitties etc.

Delegate marketplace. Passive income

9% compounding interest pa. on your holdings

mobile & desktop wallet with lite clients, no need to download the full chain. Download, Buy, transfer into wallet & stake in under 10 mins

buy in wallet function coming late 2018

Ability to send 14,000tps, more with testing.

feeless transactions - yes really

wordpress of blockchains

coin supply on coinmarket doesnt include forged coins. 30m. Would place ark in top 30

SCIC - first legal crypto buisness entity in world, & first coop society in France

France think tank endorsement.

3 forked chains already. At least 2 more community ones planned. Team have a ton more with partnerships everywhere behind the scenes

Arks value comes from acting as a sort of Gas for the ecosystem. Transaction fees, ICO funding etc.

Best summary yet. Thank you.

It’s awesome. Also, rate?

Tempted to sell my odn and neo for more ARK desu but neo will be £500+ eoy and odn IS a better stratis so I think it’s worth the risk. It’s run by Germans too lol

The rest are going to be the four corner stones of cryptos utility into real world use.

Advertising, contracts, audits and payments.
ARK creates a platform or interface for them.

NEO is overvalued atm in my opinion

I could go on shilling every single thing Ark has going for it like did.
But you only need to know 1 thing that should make you go all in on Ark.
It's the 10% annual return from staking. This alone makes Ark worth more than Lisk. The only thing Lisk excels at is that their marketing is great.

Maybe. I see it as part of the established group of crypto in the future. I think I’ll concider selling it at £250. I bought mine st £30. I used to have 45 but felt like keeping 10.

Does the maximum supply remain the same tho? Genuinely curious. I’ve only half assed read the white paper. If so, what happens once we reach max supply?

Also, still no idea what the token does. The platform is awesome but does it need a coin to work is the question? Answer that and ARK has no reason to fail.

Link needs it for node operating, likewise req. qsp needs it for audits, bat for advertising and donations. Neo needs it for... allocating space on the blockchain? Is ARK like this maybe?

So ARKs value is as a space holder for a one click utility type google play type store but on the blockchain and it works with all programming languages. Why can’t Apple store just add them? Without a token.

There is no max supply, only the inflation decreases over time. So you will be getting less payouts from staking each year. This post basically covers everything.

Ok, thanks. Not sure no max supply is a good idea but whatever. I’m far to drunk to read their vision btw. I just wanted it in layman’s. I can see they are professional unlike many teams hence I’m invested.

Ark is less inflationary than Eth and Lisk though.

Any news coming up for ARK? I know the team don't hype anything but is there anything to make the price a bit less stagnant?