This board has been getting bad for months but in the last week has become complete trash. Off topic /pol/ threads and porn aren't even pruned any more. What can be done about this apart from leaving? I'm pissed I paid for a pass on a dying site.
This board has been getting bad for months but in the last week has become complete trash...
Back to plebbit new fag
Shift + Left Click
You don't have to see anything that annoys you.
not a lot to be done user, it started to go to shit at around December time, now it's just complete shit, I've started using reddit groups for news updates but I don't talk to those cucks, but still a good source. Other then that I had enough of biz its pajeet central now.
You have to remember that this has been a shitty month. If the market is just going sideways there is not much excitement to be had.
Veeky Forums is better in bear markets because there's less shilling.
I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.
>I'm pissed I paid for a pass on a dying site.
Lol what a cuck
Go ask for a refund
>it's not muh sekrit club anymore :^)
this is what happens you fucking idiots, this is why we had rule 1 & 2
>he mentioned /pol/ as being a problem
False flag spotted
The only problem is Indians being typical subhuman garbage, scamming and posting traps/porn
regardless, you should have cashed out by now. why are you even still here?
We need mods that aren't useless faggots
Great comeback, did you google "great comebacks to make people accept me on Veeky Forums"?
I just come here for the wojak shitposting and memes. Veeky Forums is basically /ylyl/ for me, nothing more.
Yes actually.
This place is really awful now, not even 1 or 2 posts with value. I imagine this what those pajeet pump and dump discord are like. Fucking pajeets everywhere.
>paid for a pass
ever considered you might be part of the problem
Aside from pruning some of the porn not much can be done. It's part of biz why would you want to change it?
The off-topic/pol/ threads are always driven by angry leftists.
Any alternative crypto club with rule 1 and 2 still in place... ? Should I drop a discord or telegram id?
That's exactly what I did
Biz is exactly as bad as it’s always been
Really sick of all those fuckers who want me to pay them to download their fucking keylogger marketed as a INSANE trading bot.
Kys you useless pieces of shit.
make a Veeky Forums general on /vip/. Only pass holders can post there.
>Off topic /pol/ threads
>He thinks its /pol/
you do realise your talking out of your ass.
Illiterate and degenerate