Deep Brain Gang's Final Rally

Well boys, the conference is going to start today until the 31st. DBC is one of the last to present, so I'm sure everyone's hoping that they follow the schema "save the best for last."

If this shit doesn't go up, I think we are doomed. This 52k DBC bag is heavy as fuck. Well anyway, if you're bagholding DBC post in this thread, your predictions, if you'll hold after the conference, etc etc.

I hope noone is unironically expecting DBC to miraculously recover because of the conference lol

I've given up on checking DBC... Just gonna wait a month or so and see if it is still dead

I think a recovery to like 30-40 cents is reasonable

holding here. I wanna have faith but it doesn't look good.

what even is this shitcoin
even the logo looks like pic related
sell sell sell

After the conference? Topkek

This, it's currently only on shit exchanges and they don't have a working product (yet) so there isn't much demand.


lol conference...just as bad as expecting T-shirt .5sec cameo on superbowl will moon a coin.

Weak-handed people interprets every negative aspect as FUD.

>they didn't get the memo to ditch their bags at .60~.

babbys first failed investment?

Oh you

Yeah, but not due to the conference. It will hit 1$ EOY. Patience boys

lol 1 dollar EOY is not worth the missed moon mission, i'll dump my bags as soon as it hits 40

>the logo is red
makes me think

well fistnigger said we should wait for the conference

And that way you'll have missed moon missions but at least you haven't even made any money either.

Impeccable logic you have there m8

Why would you take his words for granted? It's only on shit exchanges and they aren't heavily marketing yet so the devcon won't have a big impact on DBC's current price. Wait for okex (Feb) and binance, AI marketplace in Feb and mining system in Q3.

>mining system in Q3
That's when this shit will explode. Can't wait for it


This marketplace lets GPU cluster owners sell their unused throughput. Spoiler alert boys no one will ever let anonimized people execute code on the their computers. This shit is a hype idea and nothing more, the only thing you can do securely right now is storage and Sia/Storj got that shit. So ripe for abuse and you fucktards bought into it.

Because it's when the market will open up for miners and potential users. Clearly there will be a lot of speculation as well, but there will be added value as well.

>What is F@H

You're a literal syndrome patient.

DYOR newfag , I said execute code. Folding does not let random people write arbitrary routines the sphere is locked down to a particular logic.