Can't believe I fell for this fucking axpire scam
Motherfucker son of a bitch I hope he fucking dies of cancer
Can't believe I fell for this fucking axpire scam
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what did you expect?
you bought an ICO during unsure periods.
you bought an ICO where pre salers got 30% extra.
this tanking after ICO was pretty obvious.
I bought the dips at 9k, 8k, 7k, it keeps tanking I can not believe it
None of the ICOs released this month tanked THIS FUCKING HARD
This is so fucking retarded hodl,my balls you literally can not make money on this Ponzi pajeet scam called crypto unless some group of whales tells you what to do say by day
So fucking retarded
It’s not too late buddy, you can still buy in. The uptrend is just starting.
Dude, check fucking etherdelta, there's no buy orders. 2 orders for 7200 then everything in mid 6000s. This coin is fucking dead fuck fuck why did I buy this crap..
Normies don’t use ed wait for binance
>shit website
>made by indians
>stupid employees
>no automatic system
>fake partnerships
>fake clients
these clues were obvious and yet you fell for it.
you deserve it.
They won't list this shit anywhere why would they? Team can't do anything right, it took like what? 8 days to distribute some erc20 shittoken, sorry but there's no binance, nothing, this will remain on etherdelta forever. Roger Ver just took the money, didn't even meet with the team, NOTHING. Just another cash grab from this con artist.
Go ask the team if they got a picture with him, they will throw some shity excuse no one believes.
I'm selling st a loss, sorry, never listening to this fucking board again, i tho we were here to help each other not to scam and cryptotroll each other.
Telling me to buy the shit is no different than telling the normies to buy dgb at 2k sats back in June. FUCK YOUU
GTFO of Veeky Forums, corecucks, no one likes your paid farting in here.
Most normal people are leaving the board because of people like you. Already now, there are probably more paid shillers/FUDders and organized discord group members here than others.
just accept you fucked up and shilled an obvious scam, this is going NOWHERE
im down like 50% because i bought on idex yesterday
this project is kinda cool in how fucking AMBITIOUS it is. I feel like banking needs some serious damage done to it before axpire can even breathe. So maybe it's a good idea to get rich on but fuck talk about high risk.
i got shilled into shit by Veeky Forums before, it happens man, just learn from your mistakes
Because apparently a lot of you guys believe that Roger Ver deserves your money more than you do.
Keep feeding the beast and (((its))) lackeys, (((it)))) appreciates every cent.
Buy high sell low right?
Dude, this place is trash. Full of racist scumbags. What do you expect? Much worse than Reddit.
These coins axpired! Get it????
Out normies. OUT
hmm..just read over the project, I wouldn't have bought it...its the very reason why they hire and fire people to do those mundane tasks as well as bringing in fresh intern meat to squeeze after hours imho.
>Roger Ver
This shit got fudded so hard especially because of this guy. Yet you bought in and blame it on biz. You deserve to lose everything.
what price do i need to sell for to break even? .83?
>I feel like banking needs some serious damage done to it
never happening.
Yep that's right sell at a loss to chase the next moon mission. You idiots will never make it
I could post about it for hours, but to sum it up, the LN ironically does NOT SCALE and in addition there are dozens of other problems with it. The LN in itself IS NOT EVIL, but it's used as an EXCUSE TO KILL BTC. It's just too technical for the average hodler to debate, which is what makes the plan so brilliant. They intentionally chose a scaling roadmap knowing will end in a big failure as a decentralized solution and then be solved using a banks, with the 2nd layer allowing for the same old fractional reserve system. The LN examples you see posted aren't fake, they are channels between two peers but they just don't solve anything in the real world (paying to someone you didn't know ahead you'll want to pay, and getting a high success rate without locking a substantial amount of BTC to fund many nodes). The BTC community has been misled for years. There will be NO SCALING SOLUTION for BTC in the next years, and to make sure there will be no solution by another team replacing them as an emergency rescue operation, they implemented segwit, a patch which will make everyone dependent on them and will prevent simply increasing the block.
You could always deposit your coins at a service that will allow you to transact using LN, which is most likely how it will work, due to having to a. add liquidity to a channel and b. Paying fees to open and close a channel.
Granted, we would be right back at having banks again, and trusting who you are depositing your coins with, in which I have zero interest.
>The Bilderberg Group funded Blockstream. On February 3rd, 2016, AXA invested $55 million in Blockstream. At the time of that investment, Henri de Castries was the head of both AXA and Bilderberg Group.
>MasterCard funded Digital Currency Group, which funded Blockstream. Note: Glenn Hutchins serves as a board director for both the Digital Currency Group and the Federal Reserve Bank.
>Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC, to push people towards the Lightning Network:
>The Truth About Lightning Network:
>Larry Summers, the man who started the "war on cash" also serves as "special adviser" to the DCG board.
Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC with high fees, so that people will have to use the Lightning Network (a Blockstream project) for everyday transactions.
Result: The Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve central bank, MasterCard, and traditional banking sector have taken over Bitcoin BTC, crippled it, to turn it into a currency system that they control & profit from.
Analysis: Bitcoin BTC has been compromised. Time to switch to another cryptocurrency.
People were down hard on REQ for over a month after ICO.
If you bought something worthwhile it will find its feet eventually
REQ is on binance, this shit is on etherdelta....
Holding 100,000 axpire.. comfy dudes :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
it hasnt been released yet, its just on idex whats your problem. You need to wait exchanges
>it hasn't been released yet
>it's on ed and idex
Pretty sure you don't know the meaning of the word "released"
lost 1 eth on this garbage
nobody uses that piece of shit site
once this gets on binance it will go to at least 50 cents, just you wait, dont fall for the fud
>implying youre not a kike whale trying to fud
they are not exchanges
Hahaha retard, how the fuck are you losing money on crypto
How the fuck am I a whale??
See I posted screenshot check the thread again I'm a poorfag
It's NOT going to binance
whiter than you muhammad
>ps checked
We coming onto 2 weeks now for these guys to distribute tokens MANUALLY. Also dont believe their lies about using a script, you can clearly see its done manually.
There is no way these guys are able to get this listed on an exchange, this was the easiest part of the ICO yet they fucked it up.
Yeah fuck this coin. Fucking idiot team. Oh well I only put $250 in. Hope (((they))) enjoy their free money from bolting blockchain onto their shitty product.
I put fucking 10k into this shit - All I can do is laugh.
He scammed you with Bcash and even after that you fall for another of his scams? To be honest no one feels sorry for you. You have to be dumb as shit to fall for the same shit over and over.
Fuck off nog/poojeet
I hope you also didn't fall for the 'ol fingerbox^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hchainlink meme...
this is total trash and I'm still angry at myself I didn't sell it when it was hovering for a short period around 12-13 cents, sold last night at slight loss and bought blockarray instead.
Well, guess you‘re not in the discord group, user. Am I right? Kek.
discord gg/PpD28R4
lol no offense but prepare for another loss on that.
I'm actually selling mine at a loss and putting it in ArcBlock - 50K+ people in their Telegram and 100K whitelisted, easy gains to be made.
>touching anything with his name on it
Dude, you were supposed to wait. It's not our fault you bought out of the fucking gate. That said, I'm strapped in now at what looks like the bottom. Don't blame the project for your stupidity.
So buying at ICO is stupidity?
Because ICO buyers are now bagholding for days.
>sold last night at slight loss
lmao thanks
No, this guy is complaining about buying the pump and on the way down.
Why not let the normies use BTC LN and everyone else use normal bitcoin for other transactions?
This place is toxic, no community, just pajeets trying to scam each others schekels. Fuck you all.
Welcome to a board for a Zero Sum Game.
so now u faggots using bitconnect nigger faggot kid as crypto react meme
well this is getting more kekin
think im gonna die today
fokin lost it
>The LN in itself IS NOT EVIL
I love how cashcuck shills keep changing the narrative as the LN gets rolled out. First it was "not going to happen", then it was "going to destroy Bitcoin", now it's "yeah it's not evil but Core is doing it so it's evil by default". FUCKING LMAOING @ UR LIFE PAJEET