Will bitcoin ever hit 20k again?

Will bitcoin ever hit 20k again?

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Nah, all old school miners cashed out at 20k
Only normies and some brainlet biztards are still trying to make money on this deadass market


do your own research

Literally not something you can figure out by doing research you absolute brainlet

>he hasn't learned to read the market already

I mean eventually there going to stop pushing out "new" bitcoins so that'll raise the price, the question is how long are you willing to wait.

Maybe. The big money doesn't care how high bitcoin goes. They control the market with hordes of bots, and operate on small but consistent daily margins. Earning 5% a day for a year is orders of magnitude more money than a 10x or even a 100x.

Dont worry brainlet, ive read the market a whole lot throughout the past year and really fucking glad i sold it all before it tumbled

This guy is correct

even if you could make 5% a day, your gains would vaporize the moment btc drops to say 4k

I really like her stomach

already soyboys, some of you are alright.
here's the deal, BTC is never going back to 20k.
It's literally less liquid than gold at this point.
There I saved you some effort.


also, i think no. if you use Google Trends and look at Bitcoin you can see a rapid decline. People just dont care.

>>even if you could make 5% a day, your gains would vaporize the moment btc drops to say 4k
what is stop loss?????

No, but Ethereum will hit 5k

Probably not. Even normies are aware now that it's a shitcoin.
The flippening will probably happen before Q1 ends and btc will be dethroned by eth.

I know it's a shitcoin, but I'm just keeping $100 in for sentimal reasons, it helped triple my money at one stage before I offloaded my bags into ETH

fuck pls tell her name

>wanting to fuck a jew

Then what happens?

Will it become a market split between the coins which cater to certain industries? Meaning not just one daddy coin, but daddy coins for each industry with similar market caps?

Of course. It goes up and down silly.

shouldnt we all be expecting bitcoin to rise astronomically once it starts being traded on more markets?

Face it.

You have weak hands.

bitcoin was the era of cryptogold (and a shitty awful slow expensive currency)

this is the era of the cryptostock

what made more gains in the last 50 years, stocks or gold?

Yeah i'll never sell my last 1.00 BTC (well, 1.25 so i can deal with TX fees XDD)

But fuck the rest of the ones i had. Those are better spent traded into ETH, XLM, EOS, NEO, WTC and a handful of others.

It'll be over 20k within the next 30 days

dunno but id love to ''hit'' that boootyyyy

as always stupid fuckers on Veeky Forums....

I sure hope so, I just put my life savings into it.

Whats your opinion then, biz daddy

Why do you desperate ass fucking NEETs keep posting these lower-class druggie whores? Get some fucking taste.

Questions like this are better to be asked in the discord group.
discord gg/PpD28R4

Also: would do.

>taking profit=weak hands

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

How does that picture relate to that question?

I actually don't know the answer to this question.

I am a moron

hint : it's stocks

What a plain androgynous body.

trying out bikinis - this is so unhygienic.


only after Lighting Network is launched

He means that their value will drop in fiat, which is all that matters in the end.