Advices you would give to 19 years old you:

Advices you would give to 19 years old you:

get fit and crypto you fat fuck

i think buy bitcoin will be 60% of people answer

the other 40% will be people going into the future

Dump the bitch

find better friends and get a fuckign girlfriend u fucking loser

I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?

stop playing WoW and get into crypto you dumb motherfucker with 4k in the bank doing nothing

this, but I'm not that fat. BTC -> ETH ->NEO you dumb beta cuck.

why not xrp during beginning of 2017 for the real moon mission

Don't regret any of your shit choices. They'll make your finest memories one day.


I am 19 years old and have nothing and stuck in second pointless education (bailed on first real one). Help me out

I'm a skinnyfat soyboy, and year older. Once i cashout i'm going to travel alot, hope it will be beneficial for me

Let there be no guilt - let there be no vacillation.

When I was 19, year was 2009. Buy that 6c bitcoin you stupid fuck, also don't listen to those cunts who say it's not worth mining, mine the shit out of it you stupid fuck.....

Convert your doge into ETH and hold it in a wallet buddy, also rape that bitch and dont let her push off your weiner because it hurts

Tell Mom the stove is still on releasing gas.

Easy, buy DGB and SC.

get your man boobs amputated before you start college. This will give you more confidence than selling drugs will.

learn programming
get off your ass and learn programming
stop thinking about learning to program and stop giving up after the first few hours, yes the tools are all crap, yes programmers are retarded, but everything you will ever want to do requires you to learn programming
also keep an eye out for something called bitcoin in late 2008

kill yourself before 20, it only gets worse

Either get out of uni, or try harder at it, don't treat it like a joke. Save your money, don't eat out every fucking day. Find a better job, i know its hard, but that job is literally poisoning you, and sucking you dry. Look after your car, it'll happen slowly, you won't notice but it'll eventually become a piece of shit, because you didn't. Trust your instincts, feed your creative side. Don't be afraid of people, they're just like you. Ok, not really, but they're just as confused, and thats what matters.

Leave uni, never touch synthwtic weed, get a trade and save.

Tell the neckbeards about your money not brainlet azn girls

Fucking Grind, anything besides wage-slave you will break out. Luck and opportunity, make yourself a big target. Dont fucking give up.

I was 19 a few months ago
I would tell myself to get over D and focus on myself and not boys

>just put $100 in bitcoin

i mean, buy bitcoin is the obvious answer, so we could just exclude that

it doesn't get any better, just worse


fuck university, learn programming shit on the internet

(+ obvious buy bitcoin and sell it then and then)