Redpill me on ADA. Is this meme going to make me any gains or should I chase other shitcoins?
Redpill me on ADA. Is this meme going to make me any gains or should I chase other shitcoins?
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I mean let's face it... Do you really have the patience that this requires? This something you buy, put in cold storage and forget about.
There's a good chance that ADA will most likely end up being THE blockchain but certainly they are in no rush. That being said they have to do big volume for you to make the sort of money you are hoping for. Until dapps start coming to the platform...
It's a pure shitcoin. Not even a cryptocurrency. Maybe in 2025 when they're done rewriting their whitepaper for the millionth time and submitting it to "peer-review" (read: showed it to a friend) they'll actually make a cryptocurrency. Maybe it'll even have smart contracts. Maybe it'll do dapps. Maybe privacy. Who knows? All we know is that they promised to maybe do something, one day in the future. Dumbest investment you could possibly make.
Yeah i was concerned with the voting thing. I think the process of science is great but crypto you need to have concrete goals to attempt to achieve or you're going to get left in the dust. Maybe someone hasn't shilled this enough to me though
ADA and EOS. One of those will be the future of cryptocurrency
>not even a cryptocurrency
What did he mean by this?
>ADA and EOS. One of those will be the future of cryptocurrency
I agree. These two are my main ETH hedges.
With a marketcap like that there is no space for appreciation
RSI is below 30 this is literally the best time to buy ADA
It's THE coin. Everything else I hold is to sell at some point for more ADA
> With a marketcap like tat there is no aspace for appreciation
- user, talking about Ether, January 2017
Neither ADA or EOS have working products. ADA literally just has a fucking white paper and a famous founder. EOS sacrificed security for speed.
Both trash projects.
If ETH gets its POS/Sharding solution online soon, there will be blood in the streets. If ZIL beats ETH (to sharding), it will take ADA's place.
ADA was valued at $0.03 when it launched. Overvalued as fuck right now.
It might be a "good time to buy" ADA if you want a short term flip. Maybe. Maybe not. But if you're mid-term or long term, don't even consider this fucking trash.
If you're like all the other brainlets on this board wanting a lambo, ADA is not going to be your answer. So overvalued. Go to CMC and find a 50mil or below coin with a decent team and a working project.
>If ETH gets its POS/Sharding solution online soon
ADA will implement POS before ETH and it will actually work.
screencap this.
That's true. Because they actually TEST shit before they release it.
This is THE coin for long term. And when I say long term I mean 5 MINIMUM, I honestly plan on holding my coins for life.
ADA is so fucking far away from completing anything its hilarious. Not to mention ETH's gigantic first mover advantage.
By the time ADA gets off the ground, it will be like trying to compete with the Google Apps store today. Fucking screencap this you bagholding brainlet. I hope your bags aren't too heavy.
It will takover eth by this time next year, screencap this fucker and fomo in then
All these brainlets not realizing ARK is doing the same thing with real progress to show. See you guys crying in a few months.
$13bil market cap. To go to $1 it would need $13 billion dollars. That’s just to 2x.
>guys who couldn't write a secure DAO contract in a language they invented running on a VM they invented are going to be able to implement a much more complex PoS without any formal proofs
First mover advantage is only an advantage if you don't move off a cliff.
>Bought Cardano with 80 bucks
>Had 220
>Didnt sell
>Now "only" 120 worth
Also this
Cryptos are 60% Hype and only 20% atual product.
In most cases actually , Wabi has a working product and yet you dont see people swarming it.
The gimmick of Cardano is the scientific approach that gives people the feeling of "Sicherheit" i dont know the english word for it.
I've never quite understood the cryptos with the huge amounts of circulating coins.
There's another horse in that race, and it's a powerful one.
security, safety, surety
You can talk shit about ada, but it stills better than the vaporware king iota, glad I sold these bags at 4$
#1 on github activity, these guys are not fucking around.
The whole team is white, male, high iq autists why the fuck are there no quality memes yet?
One of the engineers looks like an actual wizard for fucks sake, someone knock up this gandalf looking engineer with a thou shalt not pass to all other shitcoins or something .
EOS is a joke.
Actually not joking about wizard, forgot pic
I love this fucking coin and roadmap from a pure visionary standpoint, but there are better and quicker gains to be made elsewhere. Don't play yourself.
>One of the engineers looks like an actual wizard for fucks sake
True, the meme potential is amazing. It will happen I assure you
They code in haskell, as a dev that shit is hard af so you pretty much need to be a wizard to use it.
There aint no red pill in this thread.
There is only FUD
Its not a whitepaper, you can download wallet and play. And PoS protocol implementation is done.
Go to daedalus to get the wallet
your img game is on point my user
Tezos will make Cardano obsolete
>memeing yourself into poverty by giving all your money away
Both have testnets retard.
Here comes the EOS redpill:
1. Will be faster than ETH will ever be (millions of tx/s)
2. Weiss ratings: EOS is *only* crypto to tie, and later SURPASS ETH.
3. $1B capital injection program for EOS projects.
5. No transaction fees.
6. Not vaporware. The testnet for devs has been out for months. Mainnet launches in June.
7. Can host Facebook on EOS.
8. EOS has partnered with big VC firms who will pick winning projects to fund.
9. Google co-founder Eric Schmidt has partnered with EOS through his VC firm TomorrowVentures. He provided a quote for an EOS press release.
11. Most VC funded EOS projects won’t do ICOs, they will airdrop to EOS token holders. Think of owning EOS as owning NASDAQ and receiving free stock in everything listed on it.
12. EOS tokens are real estate on the EOS blockchain. They give you access to EOS network bandwidth for dapps. You can rent your EOS out to devs for passive $, in addition to $ from EOS VC project token drops.
13. Real estate is better than fuel. You don’t burn it, you hold it for incredible gains.
14. Mike Novogratz (CEO of Galaxy Digital, former Goldman Sachs partner) & early investor in ETH, announced $325 million EOS fund. He sees potential in EOS over ETH.
15. Richard Jung, former CEO of Bithumb, joined to lead the Korean community.
16. EOS is the biggest thing in crypto since Bitcoin, and will probably flip Bitcoin and Ethereum.
17. Elite developers are excited about EOS. Much more so than any other platform. This includes Ethereum, Cardano, IOTA, Hashgraph, etc. EOS will crush all of them.
18. $100 - $1000 by 2018/2019
tl;dr EOS will probably brute force its way to the top 3, top 2, and eventually the number 1 spot.
*Actually* screen shot this. It’s 2018 and Veeky Forums is still skeptical of and ignorant to the next big thing.
you're a joke if you think EOS is a joke. checkmate.
reminder that whenever you post an EOS thread you have over 40+ posts in it calling people stupid. why do you care whether or not people buy your coin so much?