How much XRB will I need to make it?
Is XRB gonna pump when it hits Binance?
How much XRB will I need to make it?
Is XRB gonna pump when it hits Binance?
XRB will never be listed on Binance if dubs.
Son of a bitch.
The original picture has a black guy fucking the extremely, extremely subhuman white female. With a extremely weak white guy looking on
Just saying
Insider here, Binance is never listing XRB.
You need 1000 xrb to make it.
I honestly think raiblocks was just a massively overshilled pnd and will be at $10 in March
for the sake of bizraeli bagholders I hope I'm wrong, but idk I'm not buying any
Xrb will be listed on binance if dubs
XRB will be listed on Binance if not dubs
This shit image alone made me not buy DIONS and again, made me not buy XRB. and I really thought both projects were good.
It’s not happening lad
XRB will recover if dubs
>XRB becoming coin of the month
>Last day of the month
Hold me.
OP will not die within a year if not dubs!
Holy shit LOL
JUST SOLD my whole stack. Anybody who holds after this meme magic is brain dead
Holy shit praise kek, lord of chaos. Praise be upon him
If dubs, bull market in February and XRB is listed on Binance.
Already confirmed, but I want to have fun too
If dubs XRB will never be on Binance
>year 200,000 after the singularity
>living in a futuristic virtual reality simulator
>all while exploring the distant galaxies of the universe and meeting distant alien species
>watching supernovas and galaxies collide
>xrb is still not listed on binance
"instant" just like xrb's moon, a reflexive state like premature ejaculation which is in the process of coming down to earth now
I am getting fucked by meme magickz amirite
> 55
No fucking way
Thats it Im sellin entire stack
Counter-dubs prove XRB will go intro orbit when it hits Binance
You guys who keep rerolling to change the decision are just further angering Kek
trips and it reaches $100 by March 5th
Trips and Binance exit scams together with Tether/Bitfinex
Typical brainlets.
This is basic logic, and I mean *basic*:
XRB will be listed on Binance if not dubs DOES NOT IMPLY if dubs, XRB will not be listed on Binance, which is what you are jerking off to.
You would be correct if he said: XRB will be listed on Binance if and only if not dubs.
Veeky Forumstards strike again.
No fuckin way. Selling because of meme power
Fuck off /g/
if special combination of numbers youre all fukken gay
Stay retarded faggot.
it will be listed tomorrow
As a developer that actually spends months experimenting and building with this kind of thing to produce a worthwhile potentially revolutionary product, putting my blood sweat and tears into it, watching degenerate gamblers use an image board random number generator to figure out if the gods smile on my creation kinda puts things in perspective as to what this market is really about.
I work in academia. 3 people will read the result of your sweat and tears and years of work. 2 more will pretend they did. not one of them will give a shit. I do this for fun, it's actually quite refreshing.
Or you'll be Charlie Lee, fork the chain, change the proof of work algorithm, block time, and name and make billions. My point is basically that actually investing the necessary time and effort in genuine research and development to create something that really brings new value vs tweaking a variable on a shitty fork and throwing in some marketing to appeal to degenerate gamblers looking for a moon, the equilibrium between those two activities seems to heavily favour the latter in terms of returns.
you won't make it with XRB, you can with iExec because of the small market circulation and a working product, wait till the normies ump onto it it will moon. Easy x 10000 coin, plus huge announcements today
>Had 800 XRB 2 days ago
>Never got verified on Bitgrail to move shit despite sending in for 6 weeks ago
>Had to sell into BTC to move to kucoin to avoid the coming italian exit scam
>Now only have 500 XRB because of how long it took to transfer and buy reverse arbitrage on kucoin
Feels bad man. Hoping that XRB can get to $200 EOY so I can still hit 6 figures
Dubs will make XRB hit Binance but only to be pumped and dumped to the poor plebs
If dubs xrb dumps when it hits binance
XRB will not recover if dubs
Nano rebrand official. Launch in 3, 2,
Trips say it will be listed
He's right though. XRB never will be... NANO will...
I'll miss your green texts once it gets listed
Binance January Community Coin - RaiBlocks (XRB)