Shit's hitting kucoin in 24 minutes. Get ready you fucking arraylets. 5x guaranteed. Pick some up on ED RIGHT NOW and FOMO in for the easiest fastest gainz of your life. Or don't. I don't fucking care about you.
Other urls found in this thread:
The next canya lmao
izi Mercedes
kucoin just seems so fucking sketchy
everything is in broken english and it looks like a website hosted on in like 2005
Sites like this are where you make big money, newfag
>partnership announcements within 24 hours
>not even 2x ICO price
>tiny market cap
Holy shit this is going to go insane
You should buy some
>mfw I'm in for 7k at ICO and 3k at .00028eth
I can't seem to find a way to deposit ARY from my metamask to Kucoin? Am I missing something?
Idk my manes, I have bounty, tel, fota, canya, dbc, I'm afraid this will go with the same route
i dont think its live yet
Deposits should open in 11m, when the mercedes contest date starts
what do any of those have to do with the united states trucking logistics industry
Bought $5k worth at ICO and then after with that initial pump made me realise how fucking good this is, so yesterday bought another $10k worth. Hold for a month - 3 months and jesus christ we're gonna make some money.
>trading competition
do yourself a favor and set some aside for the real LONG hold
It's fucked how they turn trading into even more of a game
I'm going to pumpswing my entire 10k stack. Watch me dance. 120 seconds to launch.
dude its called marketing it is what it is
did it start yet?
i dont see it :S ??
Chinks are too stupid to realize that short term fee gains from a trading competition are easily over shadowed by the potential gains from a strong high volume coin on their exchange. But no, they want some quick shekels and smother the coin in the crib in the process. Whales will always suppress the price so they can buy and sell more coins in order to win the competition.
where is it on kucoin
oooh just popped up
Deposit available
holy shit it's spiking up HARD on ETHERDELTA
Its LIVE......annnnnnd whos buying..
balls deep pham
Oh my word, some retard just bought a few at £10 each!
holy shit people are buying it at 12 dollar LOL
so where shjould i plan to sell. kucoin or ED
youre going to fuck yourself out of an even bigger moon, just hodl
blingaring motherfuckers
>0 link
Not going to make it
for how longggggg aghhhhhhh i want gains but dont want them to slip away
dude its already trading at a dollar on kucoin, thats roughly 5x ico already
it's trading for a dollar bitches
i have 615k in ARY
so will it go down or up from herre....... i bought at 30 cents yesterday
not a dollar anymore. about 40 cents.
shit already back to what it is on ED
KU is where coins go to die, gg
sam is announcing a partnership much better than Qlink today, stay tuned, we asked him to tell and his response was something along the lines of "why? so ed can have all the volume?"
i hope its good
WTF since when does the trading at kucoin start immediately?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>it's trading for a dollar bitches
think that guy forgot to put an extra 0....
meh still at ED prices desu before crash
>trading volume competition for new coin
I like how kuqoin wrote the desc for ARY... a bit misleading :)
>No Daddy not up against the wall
yup. look how they killed fota.
Is there even any hope for gains
fuck those trading competitions
I sold mines at ED..just to get out with a little they were paying more at ED than at kukoin....roflfllflflflllllol
>5x guaranteed
I bought at 40 cents..should i sell at a loss? lol
Kucked once again
srsly doubt it now...since the early birds in kukoin buying the ico dump is ur competition.. except That guy (paying $1) will be back bidding as it climbs.
Freaking KuCoin is always killing my coins, I hoped that was going to be different, still holding a little bit just in case the partnership does something. But Asia thinks that winning a trading competition is more fun than making gains I guess
The crash likely just hurt the gains desu.. and dem bleeding bags, like myself just wanted to unload it...feels good man
announcement tonight is looking good
Give it a few hours theres a chance the day trading fishies in asia will come across the amazingly written ARY listing and buy when they wake up.
there's an announcement tonight?
This will continue to go sideways for another 2 months then bleed and die. And I hold this.
source to message announcement?
Lmao another Kucoin special huh? Looks like we’ll have a new generation of bag holders pretty soon here.
why do i listen to /biz retards
>People think the announcement will remove the sell wall.
Since when does Kucoin does suprise listings? I couldn't even bank on the listing hype
who bought it for 58$
Insider here. Announcement will consist of partnership with QLINK, J.B Hunt (transportation company), roadmap and 2 new exchange listings (won't be disclosed but it's oKEX and You're welcome Veeky Forums.
that would be nice
Qlink was already announced on the telegram ages ago son
which one of these piece of shit kucoins actually mooned
people are still holding bags of tel, can, younameit
>Anonymous (ID: viSfvKsj) 01/31/18(Wed)17:54:23 No.7140177
when okEX and gate?
Probably sometime in february. Not sure.
i would have assumed us express
besides that, care to shill some other picks?
enigmas i trust
Why is it still going sideways?
The market cap for ARY is so low, this one could easily do a minimum 5x and even then it's still dirt cheap.
Glad I just had the chance to buy it for that price.
sold this shit 2x.
True insider info here. I was the one who first told you all about the upcoming DataDash review that will come in february. Screencap this and thank me later. This is what I know:
>Jan: Partnering with AXEL Logistics, QLink, POANetwork. B2B - Ethereum Enterprise
>Feb: Partnering with U.S. Xpress, Tenessee state legislature. B2B - Hyperledger foundation. Datadash video.
>March: Partnering with IBM Garage Service - IBM Hyperledger support
their telegram is hyping up coming to Veeky Forums and hyping and lying about the coin. google image search the creator of the coin and find out its a shit coin.
top image. Current Linked in profile image. Bottom is past profile image from deleted profile. both crappy and unprofessional as fuck. Top profile is a straight up lie. Yahoo image search his name and find out he is a phony. lololol
what higher-up's profile looks like this? Nobodys. completely a sham. most of the people hyping this coin are on their telegram completely bullshitting on Veeky Forums and pretending its good. lolol
stop fucking scamming people on their telegram lol. If you google search block array's past Veeky Forums posts there was some of you swearing they were partnering with ups. fucking scammers. gtfo.
>thank god I sold my Etherum at a small loss in 2015, this faggot wears My little pony!
I've always said they won't be partnering with UPS and that anyone who seriously expected that at this point in time is retarded. If you don't trust me that's fine, but spare me your pink wojaks when everything I just posted turns out to be true.
fake and gay. Second partnership announcement confirmed by sam to be a large blockchain company
you mean another blockchain with less than 3 months out of ico? shitcoins unite!
FUD is strong on this one..Apparently the best they have is that Sam does't "look" legit enough and that people in telegram are saying to shill the coin.. Lol, please do better..
Announcement probably tonight 8 pm central
not fud if its true. Sam is a homeless looking guy in his apperance and demeanor, no way he's in higher up positions. just look him up and it's pretty damn obvious
I love that the best FUD you've got, is
>look at his profile picture lel
see you when you FOMO at $2
LOL bunch of telegram scammers hyping this homeless guy and his project
not even close fuckboi
What the fuck is a telegram scammer?
btw u forgot the logo FUD