Report In Marines!
Report In Marines!
Other urls found in this thread:
Reporting for paid shill duty, SIR
LINK has been in dev since 2014, SIR
We’re emptying scam bags on our fellow Veeky Forumstards, SIR
Reporting in.
>tfw Private linklet
>tfw will put most of my wagecuck slave into LINK by end of week
>tfw will still be a Private
After Sibos, the downtrend was about 2 weeks, and then a month of sideways movement.
We've now been downtrending for over three weeks.
Captain reporting
10k reportin in
At this stage I don't see the point in selling
Gotta wait the next rally patiently
Concentrate on study and work maybe
Sream about linkpool payouts
BTW, linkpool said they gonna make private nodes for those who have 100k+ LINK and no node should have more than 100k LINK. So my 10k would be enough to secure 7% of a nodes revenue
Back then the market was overall bullish and BTC was going up
Now we have panic and impedeing crash
I need the marines chart I've been buying the dip and have no idea where I stand right now
+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK
It missed the jan30 3$ deadline ahhhhh
General here. Any marines hodling the front line in need of supplies?
restocked with more ammo yesterday. Could use hot pockets
restock tomorrow with a promotion to seargent major sir
Private reporting in.
I bought some so i could meme with you guys. :^)
Should I buy more now or do you guys think link will drop more?
can hold till death against these scum mobius pajeets
Holding 20k here Sir. All in. Anything helps. Strong hands don't sell.
oh is that what he meant lol
specialist here, I'm starting to get scared with all the talk
Never Surrender and Never Sell
Isn't IPV4 going to kill this project? I hate that it uses cRipple to do the transactions and was developped in part by them but 1-2 weeks until they start doing crypto-to-crypto (REQ) then they will introduce crypto-to-cash like (LINK). However LINK is decentralized so that does make it better to some degree but testnet is in like 4 months nevermind mainnet.
testnet is already out lad
Keep up the good work.
Sergeant Major Commissr here, bag droppers will be shot on sight. Officers included
Sergeant Major reporting in sir.
How do I do join the Linkmarines S-sir!
hodling 38k, just trying to make it SIR!
Lieutenant Colonel Brown-Legs, reporting in
supplies received, thank you sir
I could use some more ammo, sir
>I could use some more ammo, sir
Sgt Maj nearing 2nd Lt. here
5k and holding the frontlines strong
Sirl, I'm low on supplies, only 1,4k linkies on an exchange. I really need some ammo
Only 1k here, sir but I'm holding steadfast till we rise
Corporal reporting in! Requesting backup ammo asap!
Staff Sergeant reporting in! Waiting to dump my XLM to become Sergeant Major!
Corporal here, waiting for ETH pump to become sergeant
Poorfag with only 750 LINKS
Thank you great General
If we stay closer to .50 I may be able to get 1k more linkies on friday. That would push me up to 13k. 15k might actually happen for my minimum wage poorfag ass
top stuff general, thanks
Lieutenant General reporting in. im in since ico, never sold any. couldve been general by selling and rebuying now, but i dont want to try my luck. im better off with holding since i fucked up trading eth last year. hold strong fellow marines
Sir I need just 300 LINK to finish Staff Sergeant School
Specialist reporting in.
Specialist since todays ICX presentation
Sergeant here. Looking for a FUN moon to rank up sir!
Lieutenant Colonel, reporting in.
>Let me see those hands marine!
Worth a shot.
First Lieutenant here!
at ease soldiers!
Sergeant major here, I want to see some goddamn action here boys. You do not hold with your hands, you hold with your balls
Man im worried about the exact same fucking thing but nobody seems to be discussing it at all
>not letting linkies die with their coins to increase the price
ther are nolinkers inside mate
General reporting in.
Captain reporting in!
I have instructed all my men hold the line and try to work them self up threw the ladders!
If you're still airdropping: 12.1k linker here one of my wallets:
You dense motherfuckers. Kys.
Specialist here. Corporal soon
>dense because i got free LINK from generous general user
I'm just a private but you will never know my address, don't encourage begging please.
The image implies you'd save people who hold chainlink.
Can I send my LINK to coinbase or do I need to make a new wallet?
Yeah, just send it to your ether address on coinbase. It works like MEW.
Thanks General user!
Thank you sir anything helps. 200 puts me at corporal.
No, you will lose them. If you think I say that as random FUD, consider if it's worth it sending them right now instead of actually looking into it yourself.
Second Lieutenant checking in
>free 64 Link.
You're pathetic.
You're a fucking god. Thank you General.
How much will we be impacted by the tether shit, should I save my buy in money till the post tether collapse?
just asking because all of my holdings are in LINK, I want to buy more but I'm pretty sure this tether shit would cost me linkies in the end
Front line soldier salutes
is someone really giving away link? I've traded everything I have to link, only got 894:
I'd take a free $64000 any day
Lousy Private here funds will not arrive until tomorrow ahhhhhh
>15,641 LINK
>40,000 REQ
$1 million when?
Convert REQ to LINK and in the next year
Riddle user here. Anyone need some more Link? Could give away what little I got on Binance, not bothering to trade anymore. Got 20k lying around.
Corporal here, I need 100 link stat
Staff Sergeant still accumulating sir!
Playing the Friday update fampai.
7k link marine late to the party i want to believe 0xf6bE95bB2460efe144E83b170Ad5A251f3443A33
Marines I have a highly classified mission you, if you choose to accept it. We need to get this down below $.50, there's not much resistance and it shouldn't take much more than a few days of organized FUDding.
This is our squads last chance to consolidate before the moon mission, so we're got to give it out all.
Pick up discounted LINK on Binance, recruit!
I'm a linklet with only 100 linkies. Could use some more. Thanks general
Love ya bro
What a fucking under age idiots in this thread, kill yourselves.
You know he actually gave LINK to the real marines right?
Brigadier General reporting in.
I would greatly appreciate some as I've traded everything I can into LINK yet I've only got 894
not sure what happened with the spacing
Specialist reporting in, sir! FUDmuppets will be shot on sight!
Sergant here, sir, reporting for duty! Need reinforcements, sir. We're running out of fiat here!