BTC is dying a slow and painful death. We need "the flippening" to become a meme so we can push through this much needed change to the crypto game.
The flippening is coming
ETH could explode of the media starts reporting on
Then morons will go on harping about smartcontracts everywhere, it would be rather brilliant.
so should i exchange all my btc for eth or what
You should have done this in December. Still would convert it though, btc is truly dying
wait for the lighning network
what is BTC backed by?
what is ETH backed by?
Pls respond
Same stuff as USD $......
Despair and repressed resentment of the (((jew)))
No, the USD is backed by deez united states. What backs BTC and ETH?
hash rate you muppet
deez US have like a trilion trade deficit per year. Your emperor has no clothes.
that's what nukes are for
dont listen to them , they want your holy buttcoins
that's what I was thinking, in that BTC is backed by the combined computational power of miners, and shitcoins are backed by BTC.
>when a brainlet with no understanding of economics and thinks deficit=always bad tries to talk to you
>probably also thinks debt=always bad
don't reply to me or my thread ever again
Once we get some media coverage we should start leading the market, instead of having to fall every time grandpa takes another step towards the grave.
That would work in 1960s when they were not mutts.
Implying eth isn't covered in shit from the recent Fud storm
>ask for bzns
>reply with memes
>reply to me
Pick one and only one
Fuck you.
magical fairy dust
Can't we all agree this will happen at the end of february?
Take that back cabron, or me and my hermanos will fuck you up. Entiendes!?
buying eth on jan 1, trading for btc in the middle of may and trading btc back to eth at the end of november would have netted you x1500 gains
why do we even bother with shitcoins
Which theoretical ratio ETH can reach with 21 million BTC
That's happening in Germany unironically tho