nigger no they didnt
>this pajeet trying to cause a bump
let it go mate.
Isn't it amazing how the only time Bitcoin price pumps is when they print an obscene amount of Tethers. Now that they turned the tap off the price is plummeting. Really gets the noggin joggin.
So people are taking their money out of cryptos, how is this good?
It's amazing that you cherry pick the events to justify your flawed logic.
Check the historical data before you follow irrational FUD.
Plenty of times tether printed and basically nothing happened to bitcoin.
the subpoena was a month old and the news has been out for a while, this dip has nothing to do with tether
Can someone explain why tether would ever get in trouble with authorities or whatever?
>"muh not backed by dollars"
So what?
No crypto is actually backed by dollars until someone buys some with dollars.
Also, fractional reserve is a mainstream thing.
Or am I retarded?
yeah you are retarded.
So there is already such a thing as tether - it's called Eurodollars.
Euro companies lending USD are essentially like tether. This is how tether, despite not having a banking relationship (ie, a connection to the US financial system) is able to accept dollars.
It's simple really. If you want to issue and use dollars, you have to play by our fucking rules. Yes, its the first cryptoexchange to essentially issue eurodollars outside of the banking system, but that doesnt mean the US can just go fucking shut them down any second.
There are about 100 treaties that say we can fucking raid tether headquarters and kill every last person there with no trial for counterfeiting.
>tfw memecoin hodling because of tether meme
BTC mooning, soon 100k, overdrive to venus user!! BUY BUY BUY!!
I have no idea what you just said.
The fuck are they doing
Oh my god. This is it. We lost.
This is exciting!
they printed and destroyed 30 mil according to this
so... I'm not sure how this changes literally anything.
It clearly has. The combination of tether FUD & bitgrail exit scam made another wave of weak hands selling. You are so deluded
For what fucking
When will people understand that they print/destroy tokens to keep up with the demand so their price stays at $1?
They have never destroyed tokens before.
For the millionth fucking time, this is not a coin than maintains parity with the dollar by floating supply. It’s designed to maintain parity by being redeemable 1:1 for dollars held in reserve.
First time for everything eh maybe the supply of their tokens outweighed their demand which would cause the price to go down as people move away from tether.
why do so many people on biz use 'deluded' instead of 'delusional'
Free lesson, faggots:
Deluded and delusional may seem like they have identical meanings, but there is a very important distinction. Deluded is a verb. Delusional is an adjective.
Deluded is when you become delusional due to something. It is synonymous with the word "tricked," or "fooled." Example: you have been deluded by other morons on this board into thinking that "deluded" and "delusional" are interchangeable.
You're welcome.
educational Veeky Forums
Whatever you say brah
>picture 4 ants
Thanks. But deluded still fits the best, because this user was / is clearly deluded.
tether is off the rails
see you guys at 3K
Exactly. They’re floating supply. That means they don’t have the dollar reserves. That means crypto is currently overvalued.
But you just said they don't float the supply XD you're dumb as fug brah. I'm out! Tether will be vindicated! You'll see! YOU'LL ALL SEE
>crypto is currently overvalued
its 30M fucktard
not anymore!
what are they even doing? lmao
A hard drop would give us plenty of time to buy in before the real bubble happens. Oh and swing trading of course.
When are we hitting 9K?
>Everyone abandons ship
>Buy memecoins
>Never raises up again
Look at the time of my post. I basically broke the street date on this one. The first few replies couldn't even verify there was a print. Last time I help you ungrateful cunts
What is the recommended strategy here for us simple anons?
>Heh..heh I'm sure it's buissness as usual anons. Confidence in the market among the investors grows by the day. Don't let the fud get to you! Godspeed.
You realize printing tether is a shelter for BTC right? Like... if you're selling tether its going into btc...
Tether crashes, btc moons
tether crashes, ppl move to fiat
>>but that doesnt mean the US can just go fucking shut them down any second.
>>There are about 100 treaties that say we can fucking raid tether headquarters and kill every last person there with no trial for counterfeiting.
You seem to be contradicting yourself user. Are you say that the US authorizes are getting ready to raid Thether, just need to get the paper work in order or whatever in the fuck to shut it down.
In other words, the only reason BTC is crashing is tether. As longs as ppl. go into tether, price will drop and they win. Hodling is suboptimal, selling late worse. Problem is that money is leaving the system and tethering becomes the cause and chief beneficiary of the crashes. Only thing that can stop this shit is a huge unexpected bull-run.
There's not going to be a serious bull run across the entire market for a while. There's no news to create a new mania in the next couple of months. Its shorting season.