Wakes up

>wakes up
>eats McDonalds Whopper
>gets shot because he kept his hands in his pockets for 2 seconds too long
>panic sells all cryptocurrency for no reason at all
>has a heart attack
>ambulance ride costs $400,000
>takes out third mortgage
>purchases a 1200 oz soda from McDonalds

Dont forget:

>keeps the entire world economy stable and growing

>has you shook and thinking about them
>doesnt think about you at all


with debt? lol

the buying power of the USD is falling every year and your stock market is a massive, disgusting, inflated fucking bubble. While you chumps dump half a trillion dollars into your useless military every year all the while insisting on staying engaged in useless conflicts just to justify the military budget increases, countries like China and India are moving towards Super Power status.

I think you meant
>threatens people in Latin America with economic collapse if they don’t sell us their fruit for pennies
The United States, Canada and France kidnapped the democratically elected president of Haiti because he dared to challenge the status quo of the first world raping the 3rd world

USD is taking against most world currencies

don't forget
>fantasizes about fucking third world dogs because its (((exotic)))

>McDonalds Whopper

>Wakes up
>Sees the yuropoors had a sell off again.
>starts buying to undo the damage done by Hans and Ahmed.

can't wait till this shithole collapses, my children already learn chinese, the next superpower

Reminder that the only reason healthcare is expensive in usa is because the government controls it.

I thought biz world realize this by now

>be Europoor
>wake up at 2pm
>make America thread
>scream at mummy to get you a kebab

Every single economic ecosystem in the world is a bubble.

You forgot >claps

That and we have 37 million blacks and 57 million hispanics we have to pay for.

a whopper is burger king you stupid fuck

>jew for prezident

of course you know this


Europoors are seething!

You are a fucking retard if you think 18.57 trillion dollars of gdp can't pay for some blacks and beaners. Your logic is fucking retarded...

lol as an American I find this very true

Ok Juan. Its also made worse by a jewish run medical system.

>gets taxed on crypto-crypto trades
>owes more in taxes than made total after shitcoin crashes
>comply or get assraped in jail
>can't move to another country unless gets permission to renounce citizenship

Yeah we could do it, doesnt mean we have to or that we should though. We could be spending that on much needed infrastructure instead of useless leeches and illegals.

If it's so fucking bad just elect a communist to fuck shit up once in a while.

>mfw I am an amerimutt

ôegit, but unionims part is BS
The slavemasters actually force 1 employee to do work for 6 people. As a results you have packed inpatient wards, procedure waiting lists and no one to care for old boomers

"muh unions" are not responsible for even 1% of the healthcare crisis

>18.57 trillion dollars of gdp can't pay for some blacks and beaners.
You need to go back paco.


>598.5 billion spent on military
>600+ billion spent on education
>668 billion spent in general welfare
Some estimates say that minorities get 10% of that. But fuck them we are run by Jews let's say this number is higher. A 20 or 30 percent could be more realistic.

Still... You fucking idiots spend more money killing shitskins than supporting them? So why the fuck are you still complaining Jhon?


I like waking up, eating my burger, and knowing that every shitty country in the world is so obsessed with me they can't stop thinking about it. Then I give the roman salute to my pet bald eagle, which I keep in a cage with a bear, and feed it a jew.

See this Trevor

sure thing

Well yeah. The world is built on debt.

>panic sells all crypto
>leaves 10% on coinbase for the tip

Every country with a McDonald's knows this. (And simultaneously no wartorn areas)


You fucking dumbass McDonalds doesn't have whoppers

why are fatass burgers so triggered when you mix up their fast food restaurants