one day I will reach 6 figs
i bought a million Coss at $0.10 for $100,000
It dipped to $0.06.
I lost half my stack.
but i held.
i held strong.
Every penny Coss goes up or down is 10 grand lost or gained for me.
Every 10 cents Coss goes up or down is 100 grand lost or gained.
Every dollar Coss goes up or down is 1 million dollars lost or gained.
It is my own personal rollerCOSSter
December and january happened and we mooned to $3.
making me a multi millionaire.
We are now back to $0.90
I am no longer a millionaire.
I am still hodling.
Iron fucking hands babbyyyy
>had 700k
woulda cashed out
that's double what I need to live the rest of my life comfortably
WOW Iron hands makes people lose money. Lesson leaned! thanks user for posting this! I will always be willing to change my position with new evidence
You almost made it.
Hello fellow link holder
>350k to live the rest of your life comfortably
are you 75?
Actually started with about $1000 back in February but I deleted blockfolio back in May because it was my first crash and I was going to kill myself.
Almost all in ETH for those wondering.
hes pajeet, he means 750k rupees, hes larping with real currency like pounds
Eyyyyy how you doing COSS dude. Still hangin in there over here.
the people who became millionaires off bitcoin are not the day traders or the pump and dumpers.... the people who became millionaires off bitcoin are the ones who forget they even had it.
Forget about your investments.
come back next year.
As long as you didn't get bitconnected, you'll be sitting nice and comfy
Never touched a single XRB despite all the FUD.
Started with a few hundred euros, now I'm here.
Lmao forgot pic
with $350k I'd put it into a safe index fund and live off the annual 9-10% interest
with $700k that's more than enough to put half of it back into the investment and increase my yearly income significantly
i'm good.
Soooo good hahaha
I've been in this game a long time and i know i'm set for life.
I dropped out of college and quit my job.
I'm already paying rent with my payouts.... and we're only at 1 million daily volume HAHAHAHAHA
waiting for that engine and fiat gateway to come in march and gg ez.
Gonna save up for a nice lake house :)
And spend the rest of my days having fun and raising a family :)
IRON HANDS is the way to break your chains of wageslavery CONFIRMED!!!
You are going to make it bigly if true
You must be a 3rf world we or just haven’t thought it through
Fair point, I’m just too much of a pussy to change my position
Kinda I would of cashed out 250-500k if I hit 1.5m and payed off house n quit job
75k reporting in
Yh just about I’ll only get scared if I go below 6 figs (which is looking kind a likely in a month
My portfolio is down over 100k from ATH, but only down like 2 BTC from ATH.
I feel nothing.
I don't have iron hands, I'm just too lazy to sell lol
>tfw went from £2700 to £1200
Fuck crypto. I give up.
Just cash out you daft cunt, I'd kill to be in your position just so I could cash out. Honestly, if you're the kind of person who'd get upset for making 300k for doing fuck all instead of 1mil you don't deserve money to begin with.
lol salty little bitch
Should i kys myself? Started with 4k
maybe he did more than 'fuck all', and maybe that's why he's a position you'd kill for, and maybe that's why he knows better whether to cash out at the moment?
Super this
im not upset about making 300k im fucking ecstatic about it tbqhwyf, but im not going to cashout just as the majority of the projects im holding havnt even started to finish development.
iv already cashed out £20k which was 4x my original investment so im comfy
if you say kms you dont have to say kys myself kek. no dont do it user, we are going to make it
your fine user i was at £30k from june till dec then the bullrun happened
"Im a fucking idiot", the thread
Iron. Fucking. Hands.
"Ha ha, I would have been able to predict the future," the post
200k COSS here i fucking respect how you play the game, what was your original investment in COSS and was it all in?