******ALERT ALERT ALERT******* Fire sale on TURTLE (TRTL), you’d be an IDIOT to sit on the sidelines and watch, there is no need for FOMO, hop on tradeogre.com and BUY BUY BUY!
I got in at 3 sat’s last week and haven’t cashed out a single shell, why you ask!?! Rumor has it Tradesatoshi is happening and the price will SKYROCKET! Screen cap this if you don’t believe me, just thank me later!!
Despite the market plummeting turtle has holding its ground and even gaining. Slow and steady wins the race until the next breakout!!!
38sat is just the beginning my friends! 100 sat is a conservative goal for the end of the week and a goal I believe we’re going to FLY past! Then we’re going on COINMARKETCAP and the big exchanges will know that turtle is here to stay and they aren’t going to want to miss out on this money!!!
TURTLE was 1sat two weeks ago, If you put in $1000 you’d have $13,000 at this exact moment, I’d you put in $2000 you’d have $26,000 and so on! Don’t be saying the same thing next week!
Christopher Hughes
stfu no need to get the Veeky Forums demographic onboard yet
Oliver Gray
Yeah turtle has been pretty good to me so far. I'm really interested to see where this will go. I took my initial investment out but I'm gonna let my profits ride on TRTL.
Isaac Gray
FOMO detected. Veeky Forums has been on board you brainlet. Quit being a kek, there's still plenty of room to get in on the ground floor. We're at 1/3 of last weeks ATH and we should blast past that this week.
Carson Russell
>inb4 that one faggot that keeps insisting we should tell Reddit first
Brandon Russell
In case anyone doesn't know, this is a pajeet shilled scam coin.
Main dev & 3 of his friends own 80% of all supply and give out "500 free TRTLs" to pajeets so they'll shill it on Veeky Forums.
They've designed it as a privacy coin so that you can't see when they sell it. Plan is to slowly ramp it up then dump over a low period of time every time it gains traction. Owners will then abandon it once millionaires.
It's a pre-mined fucking joke coin designed to suck money from Veeky Forums into the owners greedy little hands before they leave you with the bags.
Michael Morris
I've always wondered what it would be like to be one of those girls.
Liam Long
Veeky Forums knows about turtle and it’s just a matter of time before the word spreads beyond and everyone realizes that this is the next coin up! It’s Monero at a HUGE discount! Cash our your checking accounts, your life insurance policies, your kids college funds, TURTLE will take us all to the promised land! DONT and I repeat DONT be the fool that doesn’t take TURTLE seriously!
Carter Hughes
LIES LIES LIES LIES, you have NO proof of any of that, quit spreading your FUD you dirty PAJEET, there are 4billion in circulation and there was NEVER a pre-mine, go crawl back in your mother’s fat cunt you kek
James Gray
ITT: A coordinated group of shills try to convince you to buy their bags. Just like they did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that.
Ayden Taylor
Don’t be mad because the shitty coin you bet on is tanking along with the rest of the market and turtle is holding strong, im playing turtle long just like everyone else should!
Andrew Garcia
That was an impressive video...
James Anderson
Go 4 it user we believe in you
Alexander Reed
Buy turtle and you can find out what it feels like to be one of those guys! ;)
Kevin Cruz
It's just one guy, TurtleMarine. I don't know if he's just actually mentally unstable (evidenced by links to prescription medicine in one of his FUDshots) or is just playing 64dChess but if you're on TRTL just accumulate, sit on it for a while, and ignore both pro and anti TRTL shillings
Zachary Young
"one guy"
Camden Ross
he could be suffering from multiple personality disorder so it could appear to be more than one guy.
Noah Morris
"one guy"
Carter Anderson
>le screenshot is le hard evidence le meme oh it's you
Benjamin Morales
Definitely one guy
Eli Reed
>knows it's a scam >knows exactly how the market will manipulate the price of the crypto >not buying any himself >still spends all day warning others for free Hmmn... that sure is coincidental, Rabbit.
If you're so sure it's going to pump, wouldn't you want to be balls deep yourself for all that easy money? Being that you're so smart and having already figured it out, surely you'd know how to get out in time....
>giving a shit about lying internet kikes when you've already made over $2000 day trading a shitcoin you mined for free weeks ago while clueless bizniggers were spreading fake FUD about nonexistant keyloggers Literally up more money than VEN right now.
Mason Gomez
Don’t let the opinions of a few bad eggs ruin your thoughts of a coin, listen to rocksteady on the podcast and do a little research and then make your decision, I’m up 4x right now and at one point saw 13x gains in a week, I’m waiting this one out, the community is great and the dev has a clear direction for turtle
Camden Kelly
Owen Young
Cameron Lewis
That's like saying not buying into a ponzi like bitconnect is a bad idea. Stupid fucking logic.
The pump is only likely until 20-30 sats at most. Hopefully those of us calling out this shitty pajeet scam can stop it from fucking over biz people.
Charles Carter
How can you compare a blatant Ponzi scheme to turtle? There was no ico on turtle and the devs wanted to see it naturally grow, you stupid pajeet
Josiah Bell
Rocksteady, the lead dev? You mean this guy? lol
Nathaniel Clark
And if it’s a pump to 30sat then the people that get in now will three times their money you helmet wearing kek
Robert Morales
So basically you're just admitting its a pump and dump now and people should get in and just try to get out before the dump? Well that didn't take long to admit then.
Isaac Allen
Oh wow you believe everything you see and hear on the internet? That’s not him you fool
Jace Morgan
Sirs please don’t miss out on this oppurtunity. A small investment of 3000 rupees could 5x by next week. Please do not miss out my friends we are all going on the mission to the moon.
Mason Campbell
So it's some other Blue named admin on the discord called RockSteady?
Easton Collins
It’s not a pump and dumb you clown, but if what you’re saying holds true then people will 3x their money, it couldn’t be further from a pump and dump and time will show you that, it’ll be too bad if you don’t listen to me and then look back in a couple weeks and see it’s holding at 150sat, you’ll see ;)
Eli Robinson
>can stop it from fucking over biz people. >suddenly user cares about other anons >in a capitalist zero-sum business board
Eli Peterson
Figure that out for yourself, at some point mommy and daddy won’t be able to show you how to go through life and be an adult
Camden Perez
Agreed. everyone should get in because this is going to the m0000n!
easy 10x so buy buy buy
Daniel Peterson
If fucking over people is going from 3sat to 13sat in a week then I wanna fuck everyone on biz over!!!!!