I have come to the bitter realization that it is over. No new money is coming in.
I have come to the bitter realization that it is over. No new money is coming in
You will be attacked for this opinion.
You just realised this now?
just now? lol.. anyone with money who wanted in has gotten in. this shit is toast
You fucking newfags. I watched bitcoin stagnate for YEARS after the 2013/2014 crash. Fuck off.
I think a lot of anons can't even imagine the level of justing we will get.
No new money? Uhh..
- Line Corp (200mm userbase) is opening an exchange
- Robinhood Crypto has a 900,000+ waiting list
- WeMakePrice, a major online shopping mall in Korea, will soon begin accepting crypto
yeah because only a few people had heard of it
This is not like before , there's no more hype to be had. All the normies i know know about crypto already some of them bought some but they don;t know what to do with it. You have to realize we need a return to normal and that is bitcoin at 5k or less.
no shit...
Wishful thinking, faggot. This didn't even have a catalyst as big as mt gox going down like in the example you mention. This is the end, my grandma wanted to buy bitcoin. It's over my friend, the sooner you stop being deluded the sooner you ca save your capital. There's no room for ego in the markets, cut your losses.
i’m sorry your emoji brain doesn’t have the capacity to play it cool for a few months. this is when all the bullshit grandpa money get shaken out. the next phase (eventually) will be blockchain’s incorporation into normie systems. the only way you’d have such a boring and reactive opinion is if you invested without having the faintest belief in the tech. gl with your emotions user.
It’s already normie adopted. Look at all these threads - it’s not the weirdos and outcasts like it used to be. You, for example - you’re a normie.
No new money, ever. Better sell all your bags user, get out while you can.
Yes, good goy. Sell goy, sell.
Just wait for the flippening and watch the normies FOMO back in
You just have to wait 2-3 years for another hype. You think Bitcoin wasn't shilled by the MSM in 2013 as it went from a few bucks to $1000 in less than a year? The media was all over it. Then mt.gox went down, btc value collapsed and the hype died down. 3 years later it continued on even larger scale.
People will forget about the previous hype in 203 years and there will be new investors, people who are in their early teens now and don't have any money yet.
>in 203 years
meant to be 2-3 years, lol
>better correct that typo fast or mr. Shekelberg won’t pay me for shilling crypto today
>No new money comes in for a month
>Which means new money is coming in ever again
I can't tell if this is just FUD or if Veeky Forums is collectively this retarded?
Have you been in crypto longer than 3 months? Holy fuck. I've been in this since 2013. People think this quarterly.
widespread adoption doesn’t look like people crawling from tumblr/reddit/steemit to biz. it looks like people with many millions of dollars in assets incorporating blockchain into their companies. or it looks like people having the option to use crypto for the majority of their transactions. but maybe you’re right and the peak of crypto is seeing new posters on Veeky Forums.
I FOMO'd in last week and I don't plan to leave any time soon
part of me hope crypto goes quiet for a few years before it explodes like it did last december
I have known about BTC since 2011, I have only recently in the past month or so invested in it and cypto mining, this is far from over, honestly, forget the FUD and look at crypto vs fiat as a concept and what both do for the average joe, crypto wins out.
It will be fine just HODL
Must have missed the 99% of the human population who weren't in cryptos yesterday suddenly arriving today.