If you were in Bounty0X (50x - low cap), Verify (20x - low cap), Payfair (100x - low cap), Modum ( 30x - supply chain) and Wabi (20x - supply chain), you must chase CargoX ($7m mcap - low cap & supply chain) is only $14m mcap on IDEX...
Small cap 7M.. good team... PUMP!
Christopher Hill
Excellent project To the moooon
Tyler Martin
Lets gooo
Wyatt Lopez
Brandon Rogers
I smell curry
Jose Butler
Excellent project To the moooon
Noah Smith
Where can I buy it? Very interesting!
Ian Diaz
Kek this coordinated pajeet shills.
Leo Green
Lets gooo
Noah Powell
Thanks for sharing!! I love Veeky Forums!!!!
Robert Baker
God damn, look at this Pajeet-tier shilling
Connor Edwards
I’m in. Great project
Jackson Rodriguez
Henry Morales
Very interesting! i was in on bounty0x, found it here and made ~15x, not missing this rocket. Thanks!
Ayden Wright
Very good project! Mooning soon!
Evan Ortiz
Wow, nice whitepaper. Very good project!
Jason Cook
omg dont shill this, it doesnt need shilling
and also shhhh im accumulating
Thomas Wright
i bought at 2x... :P
Josiah Price
This seems interesting, thanks for the info. Will check this better but seems to have great potential! Kind regards
Eli Reyes
fuck this thread i own this coin and now want to sell out
Juan Stewart
I'd believe this thread if fifteen of the same ones didn't just pop up in the last hour.
Maybe your pnd group should limit shills to one an hour idk
Camden Roberts
Modum never did x30. Presale was 0.50 right and ico around 0.90 so do your math. Anyway yeah hold cargo till eoy and u will have x100.
Nathaniel Evans
Oh wow very good nice project. Much hard work done by clever team. I want to be invested, deep inside project.