>You NEED a job. What the fuck would you do with all your time if you didn't have a job?
Things normies say
>You don't need a job. I trade crypto and made millions.
>Hey user, want to join us at the bar after work?
>why not set realistic goals?
>checkout this motivational video on YouTube
>You'll only be successful in life if you work hard at it. Look at me - after years of blood and sweat I'm finally the branch manager at my local McDonald's.
>just get a loan brah
>LoL user why are you looking that car it is 15 years old. Why don't you just buy a new car.
>What are we doing for "the game" tonight?
>Honestly,rick and morty is the greatest show on television. only intellectuals under stand it.
>Wtf i wanna go vacation in cuba, the beaches are beautiful I hear
>I should get a haircut soon.
>If you don't have fullfilment in your job then get another fucking job.
>Only retards make threads like this
Why would I need a job. I have residual income already. I don''t want for much, and I own my car outright.
Recently divorced, semi-retired, can afford health and dental. My bills are lower than my expenditures, and I am set up to start traveling the country in a few months.
Why would I get a job?
> invest in sure big enterprise and wall street advice, stocks bonds, nobody lost money where the big fish swim
> get kids, put them in daycare so you basically never have to socialize with them, so you can work and make a career
>Are you married
>Why arent you married?
>When are you getting married?
woah calm down user
normies don't ask that, your mom asks that
>I live for the weekend
>My life revolves around working my ass off for 5 days to save enough spare money to drink beer for a few hours.
>Its the little things in life that make you happy
>poo in the loo
Of course normies ask it, Ive been asked it plenty of times.
My normie cousin got married just because its what people do and Id bet thats what almost every other normie does.
Go to college > get a good job > meet a girl > buy a house > have a kid > get married > slowly start the downward spiral falling deeper into depression because the once per year holidays and financed BMW 1 series doesnt bring the happiness you thought it would
>Fuck Trump!
Holy fuck. This. It drives me crazy that so many people are willing to purchase an asset that depreciates 30% in value within a year
>dave ramsey said just invest in index funds user
> The way I see it there's two groups of people, "us" and "them", that can be clearly distinguished by arbitrary criteria deriving from my own limited knowledge of the complexity of other people, which is both the result of and the reason for my inability to interact with other people.
This, I dont think id ever buy a brand new car.
Have to wait ages for it to get delivered plus the depreciation you mention.
Even if I was a multi millionaire Id buy 2nd hand just for the sake of actually owning the car that day
You know they have "car dealerships" right? Or do they not have them in india?
The cars in a show room are just examples of what you can order you absolute faglord, you dont buy the actual car you sit in.
Imagine being that poor you dont even know the process,.
Hey what's so bad about index funds?
beacuse you sound like a fat american retard who got cucked by tyrone and now your getting justed by imaginary internet money
>"car dealerships"
My friend, I do not believe your Western lies and propaganda rofl "car dealerships" ur crazy, my friend
> Work hard and walk extra mile for your boss and you will make it
play squash with Sunny Lu
Dude don't be mean to the neets
>you dont even know the process
Where the fuck do you live? Frog Hollar, Arkansas? I just bought a new car. I went to the dealer, gave them a list of accessories/ options I needed, they searched the inventory, I test drove it, then took the vehicle home that day.
>I like to travel
Wanna buy some LINK user?
imagine being so poor that the car dealer forces you to wait for your car and not just letting you pick one you want, pay cash and gtfo
the problem is with nice cars it's tough to get them used with the color/options you want.
Why are you always making things so complicated, with your offshore companies...
Can't you just pay your taxes?
>implying normies give me anything that isn't spiteful stares or outright mocking me
>Go to college get a good job meet a girl buy a house have a kid get married
>slowly start the downward spiral falling deeper into depression...
Woah slow down tiger, that’s quite a leap you made there
You realize in countries that aren't poor as fuck like yours, that the dealerships actually have a lot full of new cars, not just the showroom.
>you don't need to save brah, YOLO
I live in the UK
We must just do it different.
For example you want a new BMW x5 you go to BMW showroom have a look round one of the x5s inside, test drive it, discuss with the sales man the color and options you want and how your paying.
He fills out a form on the computer with all the info on, you pay deposit, he sends off the details. I guess it goes to a warehouse full of BMWs and they see if they have one, if not your order goes direct to BMW and they build it.
You leave and return to dealership when its ready, pay and drive away.
>I live in the UK
India is not the UK. Err wait, nevermind. I guess it kind of is now...
>Learn a real skill user
>I'll win the lottery one day
>A real man works in a factory
>I catch you trying to get rich
Fug me sadly my dad is some boomer doomer normie
Lol bongs have no faith in their salesmen. In real countries like America they just order five of each color/package and then they sell them. They just say "Oh that car? You probably couldn't afford that one. Have a look over here" and then we buy it just to show the salesman we have big balls
kee shit posting while your mum and sister are queuing up to get in my bedroom.
Your dads pretty good though so tell them I'll be a while.
Leasing and company cars are more popular here than actually buying brand new, thats probably the reason dealerships dont hold much stock.
>Leasing and company cars are more popular here than actually buying brand new, thats probably the reason dealerships dont hold much stock.
or it's because you're poor and can't afford it
After becoming a Veeky Forumsraeli I totally understand.
Who /neverbored/ here? I literally have no problem entertaining myself all day, it feels like the days are too short most of the time.
>Get a job so you can wage slave your days away.
>Cash out now.
>I can't believe you would spend over $1000 on a computer!
>[Buys $800 cell phone]
Why would you buy your own car when you literally get a free one off your employer?
Is your IQ really that low?
>money isn't everything. it wont buy you happiness
i feel this way all the time
there are plenty of cars that decline steadily proportional to mileage. quit parroting financial advice from normies.
Me too
Hahaha gayfag is gay. Typical streetshitter.
every fucking retard buys the same few index funds = the stocks in the index are overvalued relative to the rest of the market
Spend each month in another different amazing country, instead of sitting on fucking Veeky Forums
Sure, it’s an oversimplification, an ideal type, but people still fall differently on the spectrum of normieness. Now what is it to be a normie exactly? I guess it has something to do with doing what is expected from you by the majority of society. Making decisions based on what the other people will think of it.
This is pretty realistic.
>you work with computers, right user? Can you help fix mine?
>are you seeing anyone, user?
Even normies get those, get over yourself.
so you tell her, I'll only fix it if you let me take you to dinner. Works well.
Job helps with structuring life, without daily routine many people just drift. It is bad to be stuck in a job that you hate, but many can be rewarding. When I started my current career after a low point in my life, I joked sometimes that it is "occupational therapy" but it honestly was.
>>Its the little things in life that make you happy
lowkey it is.
>Job helps with structuring life, without daily routine many people just drift.
That's because many people are stupid retards who can't fucking think for themselves.
I hate the routine of a normal everyday life and no less than three times a week do I think of blowing my fucking brains out because of it. Routine makes time go by too quickly and I'd rrather be doing things I enjoy more despite enjooying the work I do (I'd rather be programming stuff other than what i do now but whatever) so if I didnt have a fucking daily routine i'd likely enjoy my hobbies more, play games, workout more than two-three times a week, travel more, cheat on my wiife more, jesus fucking christ fuck this routine shit
>Your dads pretty good though so tell them I'll be a while.
Therapy can help buddy.
>Have you met my wife/gf? I met her through a work friend. The sex is great, but it doesn't compare to having somebody who shares and equal level of love and trust with you. In time we'll start a family and be valued members in our community. When we grow old it'll, be nice to have somebody sharing all those precious memories that aren't just sitting at a computer desk staring at a brightly lit screen.
Only bored when I have to wageslave
>user, what do you do all day?
What do you answer?
I feel good in my 2004 Lexus gs430. Smooth luxury ride, enough power to feel like it has balls, only cost me 6k
I can't fugging breathe
>the best things in life are free
yeah maybe pre-industrial civilization...
They are right tho
yo way too real please leave
pre-cultural Marxism.
Not how index funds work retard
Enjoy your volatility and always making sub-optimal gains in the long run
Things normies say:
>normies haven’t adopted crypto yet
>I’m going to make a lot of money in crypto!
>crypto is the future
That's right. I haven't worked for the last 2 years and every day is just a haze. No structure or anything. I feel like shit. On the other hand working again terrifies me due to anxiety and insecurity. Still im going to start again next week.
"I'm gonna be [insert romanticized ivory tower career here] after I get my degree"
>t.high school senior
>talking to coworker
>me: "that would be nice if we got 5 weeks vacation like they do in Europe"
>him: "no, that's way too much time off"
I've worked in a UK car dealership, famous footballers have to wait like everyone else. In the cultured part of the Western world we have a thing called delayed gratification, not that you fat fucks would know.
>this happens every january, just look at these charts that don't include 2014
mom thinks im a loser
>graduated 5 months ago
>only wage cuck 15 hours a week
>mum thinks im a loser
>cryptofolio 40k
fuck you don't do this to me
Jokes on you my wife is inside the computer
Delayed gratification is for fucking pansy cucks.
>Why do you like such old cars
gets my salty everytime
I'm actually triggered. I hear shit like this everytime. Wtf is wrong with normalfags, why do they love to be fucked in the ass everyday at work
>sells the phone for 200, buys a even more expensive phone in a year and a half